Chapter 4: Prom


I'm here in front Kairus office knocking on he's door.

"Come in." I enter his office.

"I have here CCTV footage that night from Jane. Look at the exact time 7:14:23 their is a man who went out of Sofia room. And in exactly 7:30 that night. No one out of the bar where the man is in. In the other side of the CCTV fotage. We can see a man figure out of the back door of the bar. Same height with the first man and same body but different outfit. So I think we should look after Sofia and we should know some information about this guy went in the bar."

Kairus just look at the laptop where the video still playing.

"Don't tell to Konan what we know about it. We know Konan when it comes to Sofia he is different. Just look after her tell Leonale about it. Make sure this will be confidential to all of us. And let Tame be more friendly with her. So she will not suspecious on us." He unplug the device in to the laptop. And gave it to me.

"Well that's not be the pproblem. If she with us here in school how about after class."

"I will assign it to Jane don't worry we can trust her we already know her that much. So that's the only thing we need to do now." He's playing the pen in his hand.

"Okay I should go now. I will just update you time to time Kairus. Bye see you later."

"Bye Teejay."

When I get outside of he's office I walk through the Cafeteria looking for Tame. Knowing him he likes to rest here. When I saw him I walk to where he is.

"Tame" He look at me he's with James.

"What's bring you here?" Tame said while I'm sitting in front of him.

"Well I just need your help later. Can you come with me?" I said

"Why not right now? Why not here is that to important?"

"Well yes so Tame help me okay."

"Okay just text me or even let's just talk about it later in the house."

"Okay see you." I stand up while I'm walking I think about Sofia and the man.


Announcement to all the students of Silvenia Academy. It's me your Empress I just want you all be informed. That our prom night will be this Friday February 14, 2022 at the Auditorium. The prom start will be exactly at 7 in the evening the Bloody Hour will be suspended for that day. Again this is your Empress. Have a great day!

While on my way going to my classroom. Someone caught my attntion. Sofia? Walking in different way to her classroom. I walk after her.

"Hey Teejay, where are you going?" Shit not now please Charissa.

"In the AZ Building why?"

"You might missour quiz today in Ms. Smith. Remember this quiz is important if we will get pass through the whole semester."Shit I forgot

"I will attend the class I just need to do something in the AZ building. Can you excuse me for a while?"

"Sure I will tell it to Ms. Smith bye." When I turn around and search for Sofia. Shit! Where she is?

I just turn around and go to my classroom. I will caught you again Sofia.


I got up from my bed when I get my phone and check the Announcement in group chat. Prom?

I should invite Kairus to be my partner in that night.

I moved and fix my self.

I get my bag and walk out of my house.

While walking on my way to Kairus office I saw him with Kassy??

I go near on them..

"In the day of the prom? Are you going?"Kairus said

"Well I think I would come. I don't need to worry right the bloody hour is suspended so nothing to worry about." Kairus get her hand

"Let's go your class will start in few minutes." He get Kassy bag.

"Thank you for accompany me but I think you should go in your class too. So can I have my bag Mr. Emperor?" Kairus brought his face near to Kassy.

"Okay I will go to my class but before that let me accompany you in your classroom okay." Kairus smile

Why I never saw you in that way? Why you treat her as your princess? Why? Your just only mine. MINE!

I get my phone and text Sofia.


Get Kassy the day of the prom!


No one can get Kairus away from me. I will make sure you will end your relationship with him.

I walked again and go to the cafe.

"Good morning Queen Espresso or Macha frappe?" Shiella said one of the crew here in Cafe Maulicca

"One macha frappe and one blueberry cheese cake."

"Okay queen I will give it to you in your table once it's ready." I gave her a smile and go to my usual spot outside near on the flowers. The weather today is fine for my skin. Not too hot and not too cold just in between.

I get my phone and look our photo. It's me and Kairus when we are 15.


Today is the prom night. Nothing new here in the SIlvenia Academy they just decorate it. This Academy look like a new city. Everything is in here. But you are not with your family. If they had a new gifts they can send it first in Empress. Before Empress approved if she will allowed those gifts.

So tonight I'm wearing a black and red gown by Ralph Lauren. With lots of ruby and sapphire. And a slits in my left legs.

When I enter the Prom room or the Arena everyone's attentions on me.

"Oh everyone let's welcome our lovely queen Alexa. Who's entering our Arena." The host said.

They give me around of applause.

"Look who's next to our Queen. Our most respective and most handsome Emperor." And all the people bow on him except me

"You look lovely tonight."Kairus said and get my hand. "Let's enjoy the night."

My heartbeat beating so fast.

When we reach our table. He pull the chair for me then I sit.

"Your always look lovely in every outfit you wear." Leonale said.

"I know that what ever I wear it's suits me Leonale. You make my cheek red." Then we all laugh

I flip my hair and look at to the stage.

"Before we start I would like to introduce to all of you. The man that we really respect. The most handsome and brave man we know here in the Silvenia Academy. Let's give around of applause to our Emperor Mr. Kairus Silvereas"

Kairus stand up and go to the stage.

"Good Evening everyone, thank you for coming to this event. We know that everyday someone get kick in the Academy because they die in our bloody hour. We know that some of them are our friends even love one. We don't even know who wants to kill us. But then even what ever happen we should take a break atleast a day. That's why from now on. I would like to announce that we will put some activities in the Academy. We will try to be more fun. First activity that we will implement is our sports festival. By different section and year level who will play. But before that event let's enjoy the night. I now open the prom night for all of you. Have a nice and enjoy the night." Everyone is clapping while he down stair. He went back on our table.

"Kairus let's take a photo."

"Sure no problem." Then he tap my head. And I pout my lips

"Sometimes Alexa act likeme." Tame said then he laugh

"You are so mean on me Tame. I really wonder if you are adopted because of your attitude with me." I said

"Chill I will just take a photo of the two of you." Leonale said

"Leonale take a photo of me and Kairus." Then I gave my phone to Leonale.

"Okay 1 2 3 cheese." Then flash


That night I really fall with him and no one can get him.


I will make you suffer Kassy.


"Hey did you already invite the girl you like." Light said

"Not yet but I will do it tonight." I said and look at my phone. The most beautiful girl I know.

"I'm still wondering we all like the same girl but we don't have any courage to tell our feelings on her. And we change when we heard the news that he left us. But now look we can see Kairus side that few years we can't see because of the day she left us."

"She really make us be our own version of our self that everyone can think about that."

"What if we all invite her then only one can get her yes to join her in the prom. Then why should we try. Game" Light said

"No I don't want to play a game when it comes to her." Then Light tap my shoulder.

"You really change I'm so proud of you" Light said and he walk away.

I got my phone and take a look in her last message.


January 21,2015

I love you and I miss you see you later love.

How I wish I'm still your guy that you really love. How I wish I can see your smile.

How I wish I'm your guy now.

I just staring in the hallway when I saw you with him.

My brother lucky with you.

"Hey Rylex!" then I look around I saw Kate running going on my way.


"Are you going with me in prom?" Kate said

"I'm not yet decided if I will come." And give her a smile

"Well if you already decided tell me." She tap my shoulder and stand before leaving she gave me a look.


After my last class end. I went to rooftop and start decorating. I do first the tent and put some fairy lights. I put in the center a thick blanket and pillows under the table. Rose petals in the floor. Look it's almost perfect. I even fix the speaker for the music. After that get my phone and text her.


Kassy can you go here in the rooftop I just want to tell you something.


I sit in the corner while looking in the sky.

"Please come my lady." It's already 6:30 no Kassy at all.

I fall asleep until I feel someone tap my shoulder.

When I look up I saw the guard of the Academy.

"Master Rylex why are you still here?" he said

"I'm still waiting for Kassy."

"Ms. Kassy she already in her dorm with Emperor."

Then I feel the pain again. Yes you said you love me before. But still you always choose him.

I stand and look around. How I wish you can remember me.

I walk down the stairs.

"Ry" When I look back it's you.

I run and hug you tight

"You came."

"Don't cry I'm here Ry."

"Let's go upstair I have suprise with you."

"About that I'm sorry I went here to say. I already had partner in prom. Kate told me you are waiting here. Because you want to ask if I can join you in prom." My knee down and my head.

"Please Kassy leave me alone now."

She knee down too.

"Sorry Ry sorry" She hug me.

"Please leave me alone please Kassy." She hug me more tightly

"Sorry Ry."

I push her and I stand turn around.

"Please go."

I hear her foot step away until I can't hear it.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why she always choose you over me. Why tell me what did you do?" I shout while punching the wall.

"Ryle stop" I saw someone hand and I know who is it.

When I turn around I hug her so tight.

"Thank you Kate you came."

I pull her then look at her face.

"How I wish I can love you?"

She kiss me.....


After that night between me and Rylex. He changed sorry Ry I need to do this.

Today is the Prom night everyone is excited.

"Kassy did you prepare already for the event." It's Jane since the day I enter she's with me.

"Not yet it's too early to prepare."

"Well yes but it's already 1 on the afternoon. If I were you I will fix my self."

"Fine I will fix my self okay Jane" Then I laugh Jane get out of my room.

I'm starting fixing my self.


I'm entering the Arena when everyone is looking at me.

"Is that Kassy Nicklaus?" one of the students said.

"Woah she really look a goddess" Someone say.

"Jane if you want to go inside sure you may." I said

"I will come with you that's the order of the highest." Since that day we've been close Jane is always on my side.

"Okay fine let's enter." When we enter the spotlight is on us.

"Woah is that Kassy Nicklaus?" The host said.

When we reach our table next to Kairus and his brother's. I saw him looking at me. He stand up and get close on me.

"H-hi goddess I mean Kassy wanna join on us?" Kairus said then he gave lay his hand on me.

I hold his hand and go to their table.

The seat arrangement:

Kairus - Me - Alexa - Leonale - Light - Konan - Kai - Janna

We are in the right side of the table.

Rylex- Kate - Kaeous - Teejay - Tame - Jane - Sofia - Hestia

Are in the left side of the table.

"Okay before we start. Let's hear the message of our Empress tonight."

Then a video recorder is in the screen. But it's all black.

"Good Evening to everyone. I would like to tell all of you. To enjoy the rest of the night. I hope all the students even the teachers and faculty teams enjoy this night. I know all of you waiting for this day in each year. That's why I won't wait you any longer. The prom night is now open. Have a great night everyone."

Then all the people here in Arena are screaming.

The music start...

Kairus stand up and get my hand.

"Can I dance with you?" He said and I node and hold his hand.

"Love Story"

We were both young when I first saw you.

I close my eyes and the flashback starts:

I'm standing there

On a balcony in summer air.

"You look so gorgeous tonight" He said.

"Thank you." My cheeks turn in red.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns,

See you make your way through the crowd,And say, "Hello."

Little did I know...

"Did you hear the music?" Kairus said

"Yes why?"

"That's one of youe favorite song." He said and look at my eyes.

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles

And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."

And I was crying on the staircase

Begging you, "Please don't go."

And I said,

"I know you don't remember anything now Kassy. But I want you to know that when I hear what happen to you. I try to look for you."

"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.

I'll be waiting. All there's left to do is run.

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.

It's a love story. Baby, just say 'Yes'."

He just hug me so tight. When the spotlights stop on us.

So, I sneak out to the garden to see you.

We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.

So, close your eyes,

Escape this town for a little while.

Oh, oh.

Everyone looking on us. I saw our picture in the monitor when we are a kids.

'Cause you were Romeo. I was a scarlet letter.

And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."

But you were everything to me.

I was begging you, "Please don't go!"

And I said,

He hold my hand. I can't stop watch the video. But a new video play.

A video where Rylex and Kairus talking.

"Let's make a bet Kairus. Who win Kassy heart will be the Emperor." Rylex said. I look at him

"Deal I will make sure I will won." Kairus said and I look at him

Then the video stop

"My dearest Kassy did you like my suprise?" Alexa said holding a mic in the stage.

"Alexa stop we already forget that deal." Rylex said

"So it's true the deal?!" I shout in Rylex.

"Yes." I slap Kairus and Rylex.

"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.

I'll be waiting. All there's left to do is run.

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.

It's a love story. Baby, just say 'Yes'.

"I don't want to see the two of you again!" I run leaving the Arena.

Romeo, save me. They're trying to tell me how to feel.

This love is difficult but it's real.

Don't be afraid. We'll make it out of this mess.

It's a love story. Baby, just say 'Yes'."

I'm almost near in my dorm. When someone whip my nape.