The Birth of the Bizarre Ninja

In Jounkai orphanage,

there were 24 orphans including me.

That place was the only place where I was raised and where I was trained to be a ninja. all orphans should pay sweat and blood every single day for training. In here, even the youngest can make impossible that will make ordinary people feel like they're dreaming to see.

That structure was built by work of ninjas. the orphanage was located at the northern mountain of the eastern country, Kazakikuro.

Every person had their own place to stay and had a perfect meal everyday as a benefit for training and to make everyone live comfortably.

My name is Takigawa Akiho, a ninja, no, a stupid ninja, aged 13. An introverted person who was good at distancing and sleeping. I am person who doesn't know about my parents and I didn't even know who named me. too bad for me.

I'm living my boring life with a boring daily life cycle as a ninja. All I do is training, eat, sleep and doing stupid things. When I'm not in the mood to do things in my daily life cycle, it felt like my mind flew away thinking what to do next or kept telling myself to die rather than do nothing in this world.

I often staying at my room and had no intentions of going outside or discovering things I don't even know in this mountain. How nostalgic isn't it.

I only had few friends and also had no intentions of spending my time with them. I was also thinking if I already considered them as my friend. To be clear, I'm not actually an introvert with any other mental health issues.

I was just thinking about myself and letting them do what they want as I don't care. I don't even know what's a proper way to greet and to talk.

Being the gloomiest person in the orphanage was so hard than I expected. Well, I'm used to it so it's fine.

Everyone here loves drinking any kind of tea while I was the only one who drinks ordinary water and didn't drink a tea even once. I'm different, totally different.


While I was inside of my place, I set my foot outside and I saw 14 young ninjas spent their time on their training. As I imagined, they are meant to hold such a dangerous weapon at a young age. They're experienced, there's no need for me to worry about it.

I looked down and said something to myself

[why am I worried for people who are not close to me]

Then after is said that I raised my chin and looking at them then walked away.

while walking. I made my face turned down and sighed then said [another day of doing some stupid things]. a little tear appeared in my eyes when I yawned and feels like I wanted to go back and go to sleep.

There's nothing I can do this day and had no choice to watch them.

That guy swinging a katana in front of me, Yamamoto Kinoe, a friend who kept relying on me when he's on trouble.

He's always depending on me when he was dealing something he can't handle. I'll only help him out if it's something I can buy time and the rest is for him to handle.

I'm a bad boy.

I'm a little bit envious of his dark brown hair with a height below 150 cm isn't bad for an age of 12 years old. While me, 13, 151cm. never mind, height doesn't matter so that's one of the things I shouldn't be bothered for.

He is a bit clumsy, noisy and stupid. It was kind of something didn't like. Looking at him any time makes me remember his annoying voice when I'm not in the mood. But he seems close to everyone.

I can consider him my friend but I still don't trust him a little.

While Kinoe was swinging a katana, he suddenly glanced at my direction and saw me. he went closer to me and asked how's the training. I didn't reply because he already knew and that's how brainless he is.

"Gosh, you're always so cold, Akiho."

He's such a clumsy so, I ignored him and move into another place to be alone. Well, not saying a word may be a little bit rude for an extrovert like him.

"I should take a rest out there and taking some fresh air, later"

I'm brainless, this is a rural area so this area had a fresh air. Hehe never mind, I made an excuse to go somewhere where I can be alone.

"ahh later"

As his friend, I don't know him perfectly but I know him that much. He is a kind of friend that will listen to my words and he is also good at keeping secrets. While I was walking onto outside he suddenly told out of the blue

"Akiho, you know, I dreamt to be a general in this country"

Now I found out that he dreamt of becoming a general in this country.

as expected of an extrovert like him. well, why did he told me about that and it was nothing to do with me. but at least I knew already. About my friend's dream.

The history remains and they told the unwitnessed truth through generations to another generations.

After the conflict between Blood Bath Ninjas and the imperial army of this country. when that conflict finished and many years had passed, they regret having that kind of emperor at that time by betraying the grandmaster, The Phantom Blade, a person who desired peace and planned to make this country great.

I won't go further to explain what happen that's because it came from a single sentence, "I don't care".

Many years has passed, today, people respect ninjas but they all now relying on technologies and inventions. So, there won't be a problem for Kinoe to become a general even if he's a ninja.

All of us are free to go everywhere, we're free to live a normal life in the city. but I don't know where is the city located though. I just heard that about sensei went there sometimes to buy something special.

All of us family decided to stay here because of many benefits. Having free meal, had our own room, happy family and a fresh air, what do you expect.

I almost forgot about what Kinoe said earlier. i have a low memory though, in my opinion, Kinoe cannot achieve his dream due to his clumsiness but he's strong and smart enough to make it true. Well, it would be better to support him than thinking about his failure.

Kinoe suddenly asked me about my dream or goals in my life. I stopped then glanced into him while making such an airheaded face. I started walking again until I went into a quiet place. I saw a large tree and jumped then sat at its branch.

It had its nice view in front of me when I sat at the highest branch of the tree. The words that Kinoe asked me earlier immediately comes into my mind.

I don't have any goals, ambitions or dreams. I'm a strangest person among us. I stared at the sky and said something with a relaxing face. Felt the breeze passing by.

"Dreams, Goals in life. kuh… I just wanted to live a normal, as long as I'm alive and feeling well, that's all that matters"

After I said those things I feel like I want to quit or leave this place. but it's a little fun to live with them even though I'm not good at socializing.

As the wind blows,I felt the breeze and the freshness of the air. I can see everything from above. Then the sun began to set and looks like I should return home later.

While I was looking at the sun that was going to set, I was thinking that I'm a hated person. I feel like I don't have any emotions and I'm always bored. Sometimes my hands feel like I can cast a magic ever since I woke up at that day and wandering why my vision is not normal only in my left eye and my hand suddenly burned my futon. I've been feeling like this since I was born and yet it's still not proven yet. It only occurs maybe thrice or twice a month.

I had a bad feeling that my left eye can see through anything, having an ability to see someone's next move and there are things I don't know about it and decided to discover it sooner or later.

It was getting dark so decided to cast a magic away from the orphanage.

I hopped down of the tree and went out to an open area. When I got into an open area, I tried to cast magic, forcing to make it happen. After trying so hard in the end, I did it. My vision is weird, like a red and dark color visual images.

I thought there's something like a firebolt coming out to my stretched arm forward and what it happened was only the strange vision happened into my left eye. In an hour later, I suddenly heard a footstep and I leaned on the back.

When I look at the back, it was Akiro-sensei, he told that he was observing me silently and he knew that I just recently cast a magic spell. But he told me that it was not a magic, it was my own natural skill. He explained to me that he sensed that I had no mana but it was still strange for him when he saw me doing it.

My vision suddenly became foggy and I'm tired. I asked Akiro-sensei that I should go to my room and take a rest.

I went inside my room and after that, I lied to my bed and fell asleep.

On the next day…

I woke up in the morning with a bed head covering my left eye thinking that something's wrong will happen like yesterday. wandering what did I do yesterday, I only remembered that Kinoe's stupidity last time. My left eye hurts and body is burning like I want to return back to sleep.

Kinoe is waiting for me to take breakfast together. He asked me what am I doing yesterday after the sun began to set.

"whoa Akiho! Is that your new hairstyle? "

"nope, idiot I just woke up and it's obvious, it was a bed head, never mind."

"by the way, what are you doing yesterday after the sunset?"

While saying that, he was making such a face that suspecting me. it sounds like he will say that I'm suspicious. Thinking that makes me anxious immediately.

"I don't remember anything after you caught up with me yesterday but I think I remembered that my vision turned red then became foggy and my left eye hurts"

Kinoe's face is too close to me, i fixed my bed head then his eyes were open wide and he was surprised that my left eye is strange. He suddenly said something about me.

When Kinoe said that, I didn't believe a little and I thought that it was his imagination. I looked at the mirror, my reaction was just like nothing happened. Despite from what it looks, it was red blood color eye and was a like vampire. I knew about a vampire from what sensei said back then.

Sensei cannot confirm that it was neither real or just a legend. From his eyes, his was thinking something related to a vampire.

I'm wondering why do I see everyone's next move. It's strange that it's only my left eye and asking myself why is it possible? I forget about what happened and do what i wanted to do.

I've decided to know and discover anything that I don't know about myself. After focusing about it, both of us forgot to take our breakfast. Akiro-sensei cooked a curry for us. when I ate a curry and it feels like today is a special day.

After I ate the curry, I asked Akiro-sensei for more information about myself. He t stood up and told me that we will have a talk when he had a free time to discuss. He told me to go to his room in the afternoon if possible.

I went out of the orphanage to take some fresh air and went further away from the orphanage. I don't know this place yet but I can manage to return home by myself. By walking a hundred meters away back home.

Walked away in another direction and lately, I saw a nice tree near the river. I sit and relaxing under tree, inhaling a fresh air and a nice sound of flowing water in the river.


I fell asleep in 3 hours then I woke up. then I forgot something without making faces. maybe I should apologize for not going to his place.

it was a late time for taking my lunch. I went to the river and tried to catch fishes with my bare hands. At first, it was so hard to catch due to slippery. It was difficult to catch a fish but lately, I caught 4 fishes, I pierced each of them, gathered some sticks, making a fire, cook it then after that, I ate three of it.

Our master, Kurogane Haruki suddenly appeared and startled me. I didn't sense any presence about him earlier, I didn't hear any footsteps or any sounds and I didn't notice it.

"looks like you're having fun being alone huh"

I gave him if he wanted the last fish and he took it humbly then ate the food I gave.

I don't know where to start to talk with him but I can't say anything but eat.

He asked me if I know about the dragon's cave located beyond the river. I replied to him that I don't know about it. there are more things that I should discover. Master also asked me if I want to come along with him to go there. I may be curious about it so I agreed

He decided to go to dragon's cave with me.

"If you arrive there, to the dragon's cave. You will find something interesting."

I went along with master Haruki on our way to the dragon's cave. I'm a little bit curious when I heard of it. by walking, I actually sensed a tremendous aura in just a moment.

which made my eyes open wide? In a few minutes later, we arrived at the front of the cave, I thought that the cave was too far away from the orphanage but it was actually near for me [to be true, it was about 1km away] walking down the mountains ang go further on northern direction. Well, I was thinking about the dragon's cave and didn't mind about the distance after all. Then I saw the cave and how it looks like.

"here we are, the dragon's cave."

When I look at it, it was an underground cave. I sensed I high presence of power inside of it. We entered the rocky cave with full of bedrocks. Master Haruki guided me to go further deep inside of the cave.

I noticed about something's wrong in here and asked him suddenly why are there no creature living in this cave. He answered that they can't handle the power of the mythical katana. I was expecting that there were weird creatures living inside her but I was wrong.

"by the way, we should go further deep inside."

We went further inside the cave then I saw a katana pierced the hard rock. It was a red, shiny and sharp katana while its grip has a golden dragon scale design. i can't even tell by it's looks whether it's a katana or not. I was dragged by its looks so, went closer and I wanted to take it by myself.

Master Haruki stopped me from obtaining it. He dragged my left arm told me that weapon so strong for me to hold and it is not yet owned many years ago. he said many people in this country trying to obtain it but they failed, they lost their lives, coma for a long time and it's possible that it devours a soul.

There's something I noticed also. from what master said earlier, there are some people attempted to take this. Then why is it only us arrived here. maybe they are no scared and had no guts to come here.

Well there's no doubt, that there was a dragon inside that blade and also known as "DRAGON BLADE" I heard of it when sensei mentioned it.

Master Haruki told me that we should return home even though we just got here. He even told me that he was just wanted me to get here just to let me know about what's inside and the weapon. Master will tell me the story or anything about that weapon later. At least I discovered this place then I had no choice but to return home.

We returned home and Kinoe asked me where am I after I took my breakfast. I replied with such a retarded reason.

"I went out and took some fresh air"

"huh, I saw you on your way back here with master."

"huh, what do you mean already late"

Something's suspicious for me, I just went out too take some fresh air is still morning then master guided me to the dragon's cave. What's bothering me is the time, I remembered that It was just too early. well it's like an illusion or something.

"no, just forget what I said earlier"

I went to my room to take a rest from traveling to the cave and I fell asleep.

On the next day, I woke up early then went out of my room immediately and I saw my fellow ninjas making their own weapon. I also wanted to make my own weapon but I desperately wanted to take the dragon blade as my everyday weapon. Even though it's dangerous, I realized that I'm still here doing nothing so I decided to go and take it as soon as possible. I was also hesitating and scared about the dragon blade but I will do if I want to.

I saw Kinoe making a kunai made of titanium metal. I asked him where did he get that titanium metal.

"ohh you mean this, I fell into a giant hole when I went away then I saw an iron ore or something,"

I was wondering why did he got out of that giant hole then lately, I asked him about what I am thinking and he explained how he fell and how he got out.

I almost forgot from what happened at that night when I fell asleep early and had a dream. I was at the cave and heard a dragon voice. the voice in my dreams said something, [go and take that weapon then form an eternal contract. That sword will follow you even if you die], [you can turn impossible to possible and you will become the most powerful in this world that ever exist]. Those were the words I heard in my dreams and the rest are… I can't remember after all.

I went closer to the cave and hesitated to take after the dragon told me if I took it. I took the weapon and drew the weapon. After that, my soul was already devoured by the mythical weapon.

On the next day, early this morning. I woke up panting.

I returned to my senses because Kinoe waved his hand in front of me spacing out. After returning to my senses, I've decided to go and take that dragon blade even I had a bad feeling about it but master Kurogane knew that I wanted to go, he asked me if I had some time to spare to have a talk then after that, he told me to take a breakfast first before to accept the challenge, no, it wasn't a challenge but forming a contract. I was wondering why did he allowed me to go there with many high risks. He even gave me an advice for my succession.

Master is suspicious, he gave me advice but shouldn't he try to take it. well, aside from his looks, he's getting older now so it's also a valid reason. He also has no intention or goal but to live his life normally just like me.

When the time has passed, it was time for me to face it and my life is at stake at this rate.

He prayed for my luck to success. As Akiro-sensei and Master Haruki's student. It depends on luck, if not, I will be gone, forever.

I finished the breakfast then had on my way to the dragon's cave, the weather is clear, the town is peaceful and a perfect day.

The river is good as when I went there, I went further beyond the river then I saw the dragon's cave and went in.

When I went inside the cave, I sensed a powerful presence and heard a voice felt like it said to me. it had the same voice as in my dreams. I wonder if that wasn't a dream but real.

"move forward"


"You, you take it, take this blade and you will become the strongest"

I was staring at the blade and started to worry what will happen next. I went closer to it and its aura is getting more powerful than before. My vision is colored orange after getting closer to the mythical weapon.

I heard the strange voice and it told me to hurry up and let the sword decide your fate.

Began grabbing the sword and my hands are getting numb, losing strength. My eyes felt like it's sinking and it's too strong for me to endure it. my heart is beating fast and I'm getting nervous from the beginning.

I gobbled up my strength and strengthen my will then lately, I was knocked back. After that happened, the tremendous power scattered around the world, everyone sensed this strong presence and then had a red-blood color blade with a menacing aura.

Master Haruki was staring at the sky and said.

"So, you've done it this time, Akiho. I believe that you drive this world to peace, in this broken world this will be fixed by you and you alone, Akiho."

I don't know what he really meant when he said that at the atmosphere.

While I was wiping my knees, I found out that there's a dragon mark in the right side of my neck with the dragon blade being gripped in my right hand. I slowly stood up then went outside of the cave and on my way to get home, my body was shaking, foggy vision and I'm weakened.

I also sensed a dark presence, far different from the dragon blade. After noticing that, I lost my consciousness.

The dragon showed up in my illusions, it was so terrifying and scary. It just seems like the dragon wanted a talk to me in just a little time.

"Hey Kid, you were chosen as my master and you are worthy to hold this weapon, forever."

My eyes in my illusions opened wide when I heard "forever".

I asked him what his name then the dragon told me to call him anything. giving a name is too hard and I was thinking what name would fit to the dragon. I put my thumb on my chin and thinking about his name, then I gave him name "Chinohamaru".

I formed a contract with the dragon and I am looking forward to hold this such power. Thinking about the thing that's happened, it seems that this doesn't looks like a contract. But being chosen to hold, is they what they call fate or something like that.

I was exhausted and became unconscious under the tree near the river. I opened my eyes slowly and heard sensei's voice then found out that I was in the orphanage. Master Haruki and Akiro-sensei were looking for me while I was asleep. The sword was already covered and tied into my left hip.

Aside from taking me here, I was thinking about how did the dragon blade got tied around my hips. I took a deep breath said [Never mind, all that matters are I got taken back safely] to myself.

"Akiho, that sword immediately glued on you by its own when you sleep, which means its inseparable to you."

I was too focused about it but I had a feeling that having this may made me have obstacles. I don't know about how to handle this sword properly yet and to know this very much. I decided to know every single thing about this and to know myself more.

The left eye hurts again and my vision is getting red but got returned to normal in a few minutes. I went out slowly to see outside view and found out that Kinoe was waiting for me outside. Sometimes, he's annoying when I'm not in the mood.

"Akiho, are you really okay? You were unconscious earlier while you're on your way to get back home"

"I'm fine, see, there's no need to worry about"

I was staring at him with a gloomy face while he was suspecting me like its atmosphere is suspicious. I scratched my hair like I was thinking.

"by the way I sensed a strong source earlier and it's like from the cave"

"ahh that's because I took the dragon blade then many things happened but I can't remember a little"

"you better get some proper rest and for you as a ninja"

I sat on the floor and watching them training, performing techniques and the others are hunting for meat. What's in my eyes was their techniques(ninjutsu). I was amazed that they managed to teleport. They had different styles with different techniques. The first one was string techniques, she can control them where to go with her fingers. a log of a tree was displayed as her target. She cracked her index finger then the target was made into pieces. I was amazed that she made it with her strings. The strings were too hard to cut as I observed. Some are good at martial arts (taijutsu) and the rest are the techniques I didn't know.

On the next day, it was a boring day just like the old days and I was thinking about what the dragon told me after I obtained it.

I began to practice swinging this sword, I drew it and it getting heavier than yesterday but I managed to carry and control a little bit.

Started to swing the blade then the ground was split in just a few meters. Other fellow ninjas, Kinoe, Akiro-sensei and Master Haruki were watching me after that happened.

I apologized to Master Haruki for splitting the ground and destroying something in his territory. Master Haruki suddenly forgave me and he easily understands the situation. He informed me that sensei will train me at the mountain top every morning until I can fully control the dragon blade.

Kinoe requested that he want to go also to the mountain top then he rejected kineo's request for sake of his safety. master will teach the others while Sensei teaches me.

On the next day, I woke up and went out. I saw Sensei waiting for me and I'm looking forward for the training.

"Yoshi, let's go"

We climbed to the top and we arrived in a few minutes later. I forgot to bring a water gourd if I'm thirsty.

"it's challenging if u don't drink water in the training"

"so, you want me to die sensei "

"it's fine, I know you will survive the training and you were the wisest among them, I know you can do it"

Sensei trained without taking a break, we crossed swords, every single day. he was using a black katana he had his own forbidden technique [ shadow stroke] that was the hardest thing I need to handle. When I swing my sword, I am the one who will receive the damage which made this difficult.

After the training, I was beaten up and tired. We went home and I drank water, filled my stomach then fell asleep. My life as a bizarre ninja has begun….