
After several days of training had passed. I managed to control Chinohamaru partially. Climbing mountain, push ups, sword swinging and sensei trained to jump higher.

He was surprised when he found out that I had a limitless stamina and I became moving so fast in just a half of a month.

At the top of the mountain sensei wanted a little chat with me

Sensei told me that he had nothing else to train me after I learned so fast but then, he taught me a lesson to do things or not with Chinohamaru. He told me not to use it to fight in a public place or neither things can easily be handled such as having a fight who are weaker than me.

And his lesson was to love myself, not to blame myself, keep clinging to life when the storms come in my way, make friends and lastly, I shouldn't ask why questions.

"ohh I forgot, to tell you this Akiho, you need to learn to live by yourself when the time comes Master Haruki and I are getting older and also this orphanage will be gone too."

I asked "why" and sensei told not to ask that and he said that will happen. I told Akiro sensei that I will build an organization and I will become a master.

Akiro-sensei refused and he didn't want to have another people to suffer again even if the ninja era will be finished. Akiro-sensei that Master Haruki and him planned to set us free but they changed their mind.

He went back to the orphanage and I stayed here for silent and peaceful place. I was thinking about what sensei said earlier about making friends. I followed his lessons except making friends.

On the next day, I woke up at the mountain top and I forgot to return home. I feel asleep when I was lying down staring at the sky. I took my sword and went back home to eat.

I began to live with a boring life again. I covered my weapon with a fabric went down the mountain then went to the town with no money. i don't know things about this town yet such as transportation and their inventions. I sat at the bench observing every people in this town then my vision of left eye happened again.

What I saw is not like the last. I saw a woman with a blood under her womb (she had a period). I approached her and I told her and accidentally told it loudly that she had a blood on her vagina then I pointed it out

Everyone were staring at me and I heard their vulgar words towards me

"This guy had guts to say it" "haha, he doesn't know what is period?" "what an idiot"

"if I were that guy I will kill myself for embarrassment"

I apologized to her for being ignorant and ran away. I went back to the orphanage by doing my best to find away and after I arrived, Kinoe asked me where do I came from.

"uhm I just went out having fun"

"I see, you should eat now. Looks like you're hungry"

On the next day, I stayed at the orphanage and wont ever return back to the town. Woke up with a weird dream that I saw the orphanage being burnt, all of my fellow ninjas are dead then I saw an unknown person was the one behind this.

I returned to my senses and went outside to take some fresh air. I blamed my left eye for the embarrassment then went looking for sensei to ask some questions.

I saw Akiro-sensei sharpening his kunai inside his room. I asked him who are my parents and what are they.

sensei told me that my father was a vampire and my mother was a wise ninja and he said I reminds him of her.

I was wondering why he reminds me as my mother.

"sensei did my mom and you knew each other, then if it is, what is your relationship with her."

"your mom and I were siblings. Her name was Akari Takahashi"

I was surprised when I found out that sensei and my mother were siblings. Now, I'm getting curios.

"so, my last name was actually Takahashi and I'm your nephew then why is it Takigawa?"

Sensei told me again not to ask why question again. He smirks and said that I should look for myself why and it's not his place to say it.

I went to master to get some details about my parents and more about myself. He told me about my father, he was a vampire and the most wanted villain in both empires/kingdoms.

While my mother is a Master's senpai when he told me about it.

"if you want to know about yourself more, you should look for yourself"

I went to the mountain top to train by my own until midnight. After that, I smelled a burn and heard a scream from the orphanage. Rushed back and saw the orphanage burnt and destroyed. Wondering what actually happened here then I found an unknown person in a robe holding a mysterious staff.

there's one ninja ran onto me and said.

"Anjou, help them! They are dying and that strange person with a weird staff is killing them one by one. He asked where is the dragon blade, I'm surely he's after you."

"I see, so he's after me. I'll lure him away and your take those people who were still alive and stay away as far as possible."

"don't die "

I lured him and made the mysterious person to buy time while he killed master Haruki then attacked me. my anger is raising, the atmosphere is getting hotter, I can feel the chill and chinohamaru is glowing. He casted a dark magic at me, I don't know what to do with it but I tried to cut through the magic.

When I attempted to cut the magic spell, the blade is getting stronger when it collides to any magic.

The unknown person looks surprised, I dashed and slashed him but he blocked it with his staff. I wondered why it can be block, this blade is supposed to be strong and I thought I can cut it. I stepped back and looking for kinoe and sensei then I haven't seen a single clue for them.

When I look at the mysterious person, his staff was broken and he threw it. Looks like he retreated then he vanished. I'm sure he will come at me someday.

The sun began to rise, I scattered the devastated orphanage, finding some ninja who were still alive and I saw sensei in bad condition. Looks like he was busy at his room then got surprise attack. I carried him a spacious place, he held my hand and said something to me.

I was shocked when I heard that and he died. i went looking for kinoe but there's no traces or any signs of him.

Dug for their proper burial and I hid the staff under the tree in the riverside where I stay and relax. While I was on my way I saw the ninja, who approached me earlier died, I analyzed his body then I found out it was a curse. Lastly, I gave him a proper burial.

I was still thinking about what sensei told me before he died which is the one I can't believe. Kinoe's dream is to become a general in this country. so, I decided to pursue his dream.

Cleaned up the mess and I saw a small box that its didn't had a single scratch, it's looks like this belongs to sensei. I opened it, it was a black scroll. I had a feeling that this will be helpful someday so I decided to keep it.

I rebuilt my place and lived there in just a few months then I will live in the town or join the army.

On the next day, I was practicing how to handle chinohamaru, control this such tremendous power and I learned new skills. I'm really curios about the black scroll, I went inside my room and opened it, everything turned black and I can't see anything. It returned back to normal like nothing happened.

I had a feeling that something's wrong in my body after I opened the black scroll. I picked up a broken glass and hurt my arm. Nothing happened I thought it healed or something. I went and sat under the tree and I noticed that my cut was healed, feeling refreshed and I became more energetic.

Recovers everything, gives improvement when I'm in the shadows and it feels like I'm invisible or concealed. Dragon blade, ninja, shadow skills and I'm a half vampire. I am weird as I am.

3 months later, my life is getting more boring than before. I decided to go and live at the town, remembering the stupid thing I did last time.

I'm on my way to the town without eating anything and I don't have any money. having a journey with a roaring stomach.

I was lost the way to the town and I saw a weird fruit that I haven't seen before. I took it then ate it without hesitation. Then my vision getting foggy, I'm drowsy then lied down. there's a dryad talking in front of me and I think she's talking to me.

My vision returned to normal and I saw the dryad's image clearly. She puts her hand on my face, she knew that I regret myself after that genocide.

And she saw through my pain I hid in my heart. She said her name is crestoria and she will lend her power onto me, the light shines and my tear drops, she said a chant or something feels like she did something onto me.

The dryad told me that the fruit I ate was a blessing or a way to see her. Warned me to control my rage when the time comes to lose my human side of me.

She told me that I was given a blessing I can now manipulate time, teleportation, making things through imagination (mind shift) and she gave me a kiss. After the dryad kissed me the light shines bright and I can't see anything then it returned to normal for a while.

I stood up wondering why am I here, what did I do before and can't remember anything. I don't have time for remembering it, so I got to go to town and live there in a while then join the army.

Teleported and arrived at the town then sitting on the bench. Watching kids playing tags and people lived their normal way of living.

I saw a person bought a takoyaki, it looks good and I wanted to try it too. That person paid it I saw the money. I saved it into my mind and make it through imagining. I made it too much and don't know the value of it.

Went to buy takoyaki and paid it with money I made too much. The seller was surprised when I gave all the money.

"Hey, this is too much for a takoyaki maybe you can buy more of it"

I ignored the seller and ate it while thinking what to do to live here. I will rent a room later to stay then. After eating, I bought clothes, utensils and bought a normal katana.

My mind is stupid, I bought things that I can create but it will be nice to buy than to create for me. After having new amazing ability, I am getting weirder and weirder.

I lied on the bed thinking what to do for tomorrow. Lying on the bed, thinking what to do, even I became more powerful I'm still bored.

"Maybe I should commit crime just to remove my boredom"

"No, no something will happen if I join the army after committing crime"

Had no choice but to go outside to taste some foods I didn't try. While I was walking, I saw a weird type of transportation that uses a strange way called rail.

I sat at the bench eating what I bought and I tried to drink what men drink they called wine or something

The wine is strong and delicious after drinking two bottles of it, I feel dizzy and went back to my rented room and fell asleep

After spending my first day in town, I smelled the food what they cook, many people even in the day. I created some money for a bath tonight.

I went out and saw a group of men in uniform looking for someone. There's no doubt it was an army of this country, the way they look is formal and a bit arrogant. Some girls admire them and almost everyone praises them.

Looks like they're recruiting a new member. I wanted to join them but I'm not ready, I don't know very much about it. So, I decided to join later.

Then at that night, I went to the bath house, it was a mixed bath. I put my clothes and chinohamaru into the basket.

I was wondering why they don't notice the dragon blade I held, I had a feeling that they forgot this by its looks and even power.

There no one in the bath and it feels good than I expected with staring up at a starry night. A minute later, a girl entered. I noticed her and I've had a feeling that I've seen her before. She was the girl that I said something stupid things to her.

"finally, free"


"huh, I've seen you before. You were the airhead before who doesn't know about women."

I apologized to her for making such embarrassing things to her. I showed her my left eye as reason for it then she gave me her forgiveness.

It's just an eye color and I wonder why she looked like she knew something about this. Suspicious.

"you were a kind of rare person, having such a red eye"

"No, it just feels like I had this since I was born."

"I see, anyways you wore something strange since we met last time"

She asked me where do I live. I was hesitating if I will tell her the truth or not. She looks trustworthy so I said her that I lived at the Jounkai orphanage and I was a ninja at that time.

Her reaction was unexpected, she thought that ninjas exist only at the history. She told me that she heard about the orphanage a month ago that it was destroyed and people in there were killed.

"so that means you're the only survivor of it right?"

I ignored her after I remembered that. I went out of the bath and return home to sleep

"sorry, I should go back home. I'm sleep then see you"

She asked me what is my name before I go and I pretended that I didn't hear what she said.

[that guy, he looks fine even his past is broken. He may be stupid and ignorant but he had many reasons to say it. When I first saw him, he is so handsome and weird]

[i met him in an unexpected way and a coincidence, is this what they call the red strings of fate]

I was on my way to return home, I bought a ramen for my dinner and I sat at the bench. Remembering what sensei and master Kenji said.

It's been three days since I met her, I forgot ask her name and had a feeling that she was from the other country.

My life in this town is getting more boring. I decided to move into another place or a city. I just went out of my place and saw a guy robbed the takoyaki shop. The shop owner was terrified and shaking. It's annoying that I saw this early in the morning. I appeared into the robber's back and grabbed his right arm with my left hand then choked his nape with my right hand.

Maybe there was a reason for the robber to do it. I gave him my money without hesitating and told him not do it again. I threatened him that if he'll do it again he'll regret it.

He apologized to the shop owner and ran away. I was thinking if I was doing stupid thing just like last time.

I bought takoyaki and ate it as my breakfast.

It's spicy and I loved it even more for a breakfast.

The weather is not clear, darky clouds and it's breezy. People kept out of the to avoid cold.

Are they that weak, they catch if they got wet by the rain?

There are many things I don't know about people here, in the end I'm actually clueless and airhead.

A few hours later, I packed my belongings and I created a new cover for chinohamaru. On my way to train station and to ride a train. I didn't use teleportation technique because I haven't tried a train yet.

When I went inside a train my first impression was it has large space that almost 50 people can fit here. It took an hour or two to arrive at the main city of this country.

After I arrived, I rushed and puked at the public restroom when i got sick of the motion. I regret myself that I should teleport from the start.

The air in this city is not fresh, it was more polluted and more people than to the town. Saw a child who was separated from his parents, there are many beautiful ladies and I saw another weird vehicle that it had a pedal and it can be done by a single.

I realized that this place is far more advanced than the town. If I do stupid thing they will see that I lived in a mountain.

I'm also wondering why am here standing with a katana beside my waist. I can see the sign that no deadly weapon allowed in this public area.

Ran away to the alleys and teleported to the nearest rental house to rent.

At night, I left my weapon at my room and went out to buy something for dinner. When I went out, there were many lights, some stores had glass panes for attraction. A smell in the restaurant dragged me to eat there.

It was crowded here and there are many couples eating here. Some girls are drunk and carried to a private place. While I was waiting for my order I was think something wrong about those.

I removed that way of thinking of my mind and besides I don't care about those. It was just my curiosity who dragged me about it. The food was served onto the table.
