
Sorry if there grammar errors I'm new author(Narrator)

Where am I?,What is this place?Am i in middle of the forest?It doesn't matter the only thing that matter is

how do I get out.Huh something pop in front of me, why does it say welcome back?I never been here before

so why does it say doesn't matter I just need calm down and know why I'm her-(Albert Manning)

Hey your finally awake!(???)

Who are you?(Albert Manning)

I'm Seth Manger and you?(Seth Manger)

I'm Albert Manning but If you don't mind asking why am I here?(Albert Manning)

Do you not remember? But to be fair it has been long time the reason why you are here is because...I really

don't know you should know(Seth Manger)

do you mean I'm supposed to know,I barely know anything (Albert Manning)

Well my bad why do you think I know(Seth Manger)

Well we are in middle of forest with me so I suspect you-

Jiggle, Jiggle(???)

What that(Albert Manning)

Maybe if you turn around you'll know what it is(Seth Manger)

Like I never thought of that... what is that slimy thing?(Albert Manning)

If you pay attention it green slime so they are one the most simplest slime so just pull out the sword(Seth Manger)

You should pay attention first you should clear your mind and think about object you want jeez you don't know anything(Seth Manger)

I keep telling you I don't know anything(Albert Manning)

It look like slime getting away(Seth Manger)

Ok so I hit slime with my sword and it well do damage,right?(Albert Manning)

Yea it that simple(Seth Manger)

Ok swing slash, slash, it that simple but what do we do next?(Albert Manning)

Ok the next thing I recommend is to build a house but you need chop down some wood so do the same thing

as sword but with axe(Seth Manger)

Seem simple(Albert Manning)

3 hours later

I'm starting to get tired but I think that enough wood, hey Seth what do I do now(Albert Manning)

It very simple let me teach you we might be able to finish before sundown I hope(Seth Manger)

13 hour later

Dam, building house is tiring why don't I feel hungry or thirsty(Albert Manning)

Oh, I know(Seth Manger)

Ahh!oh it you Seth,sorry you scared me(Albert Manning)

The reason human don't need food neither do I you use energy star which makes you stay up longer or get

bed (Seth Manger)

Wait how do we get bed or energy star?(Albert Manning)

Star usually fall down here in the night and if it stay too long on sun it turn into energy star but if it stay out for to long or it will (Seth Manger)

So we should be collecting star(Albert Manning)

That not a very good idea tell we get good amour and better weapon because there zombies,floating eyes and

other strange creatureWe are find because you can last one or two days with out sleep(Seth Manger)

Still,we should get star just in case(Albert Manning)

Fine let do this that people were using generation(Seth Manger)

What is that?(Albert Manning)

Rock, paper, scissors(Seth Manger)

Fine three round that simple as that in three,two,one,rock(Albert Manning)

Scissors(Seth Manger)

Second round in three,two,one,paper(Albert Manning)

Scissors(Seth Manger)

Last round in three,two,one,rock(Albert Manning)

Scissors wait how did I lost!(Seth Manger)

I don't know maybe you kept picking scissors(Albert Manning)

You rig it one more round then we can go(Seth Manger)

Found in three,two,one rock

Scissors wait how did I lost to you!?this is rigged I want another rematch(Seth Manger)

Till morning

You know what I'm leaving-wait it morning did we really argue all night

To be continued

Hope you enjoy it(Narrator)