New Friends

In the morning

Dam, it bright outside what time is it? but that no problem I need-'(Albert Manning)

Albert come back here you dirty cheater! (Seth Manger)

What do you mean cheater, the game totally about luck(Albert Manning)

Yea you still rig it... I'll keep my eyes on you(Seth Manger)

Yea yea...I'm wondering how do we get across the lake(Albert Manning)

There two way to make the bridge the first one is you need support so they don't fall or get tree wand which makes wood float making easier to build(Seth Manger)

Yea but where can I find one it can't be that simple(Albert Manning)

Well just travel till you see one(Seth Manger)

Yea but wait-oof what are you doing(Albert Manning)


DID YOU JUST LOCK ME IN! (Albert Manning)

Yea because your cheater(Seth Manger)

How am I cheater(Albert Manning)

Because I said so but you should probably go(Seth Manger)

But where giant tree...sigh it too late go back but now where do I find one maybe if I head straight east(Albert Manning)

6 minutes later

If it so huge why can't I find one-oh it right there but it seems someone lives here...Knock knock looks are anyone here! (Albert Manning)


Oh hello, sir by any chance do you have a tree wand by any chance(Albert Manning)

Hello sorry I currently don't have one I can make one just come inside(???)

Thank you sir I really need one by the way what your name? (Albert Manning)

My name is Blaze Ray as know as a blacksmith(Blaze Ray)

Sorry for bothering you(Albert Manning)

It fine I need practice on my work I been lacking a little bit just give me a couple of minutes (Blaze Ray)

it seems like a nice house do you live alone? (Albert Manning)

No I have friends but there sleeping so I'm leaving them alone for now(Blaze Ray)

By the way, how do use a wand(Albert Manning)

It simply makes your mind blank and think of the spot you want and place it just don't use too much

mana(Blaze Ray)

What mana(Albert Manning)

You don't know what mana is? I'm certainly surprised for a short term spiritual life force energy or healing power, oh it seems to be like I'm finished(Blaze Ray)

Thank you, Blaze Ray(Albert Manning)

Just call me Blaze for short, you should probably go home the sun going down(Blaze Ray)

Thank you, Ray(Albert Manning)

Oh before you go take this potion it teleports you back home(Blaze Ray)

Thank you very much I appreciate it wish you fair well(Albert Manning)

Bye Albert come visit any time(Blaze Ray)

Bye Ray(Albert Manning)

After drinking potion

I'm back home Seth-(Albert Manning)

BOO(Seth Manger)

Ahhh!!!(Albert Manning)

I got you, you should've looked at your face it was priceless(Seth Manger)

Haha real funny Seth, I'll get my revenge(Albert Manning)

Like if you can(Seth Manger)

Before I forget how do I bring up my mana? (Albert Manning)

The only way is to get one star and one energy star by crushing it and mix it and it should start forming a

little star shape and be able to eat it(Seth Manger)

Thank Seth I should work on the bridge (Albert Manning)

Why do you want to cross over anyway? (Seth Manger)

Isn't obvious it because of the snow(Albert Manning)

What are you going to do with snow anyway? (Seth Manger)

You'll find out soon(Albert Manning)

Wait why do you need-(Albert Manning)

20 minutes later

Dam building bridge so tiring I think I deserve nap(Albert Manning)

7 minutes later

Huh, why am I all slimy? (Albert Manning)

Jiggle, Jiggle(???)

Huh, what is that? oh it blue slime but why is it staring at me it kinda creepy it seems friendly I should

probably ignore it for now and tell Seth I'm done(Albert Manning)

Knock knock


Oh are you done with the bridge...oh my god look how cute the small slime look(Seth Manger)

What slime...oh I don't know why it following me, do you know why it following me? It kinda creeps me out(Albert Manning)

No this pretty new seem strange, oh I got an idea(Seth Manger)

What is that(Albert Manning)

Name the slime obviously(Seth Manger)

Really that your first idea name it slime(Albert Manning)

Aren't you going to consider why it following me(Albert Manning)

There no point if it cute(Seth Manger)

Just think it following isn't that little weird-(Albert Manning)

Then everything went pitch black

12 hours later

What happens? why am I all slimy again(Albert Manning)

Well you actually fell and asleep and slime was crawling all over you(Seth Manger)

Why did I fell asleep, why did you let slime crawl all over me! (Albert Manning )

You really don't pay attention from the last ch- I mean last night regular human can stay up for one or two days with sleep(Seth Manger)

Dam it, I forgot about energy star...wait what time is it(Albert Manning)

I don't know but look like it morning(Seth Manger)

NOOO! it too late gets stars(Albert Manning)

Pfft what idiot(Seth Manger)

What did say! (Albert Manning)

End of chapter 2 hope you enjoy(narrator)