
I don't want to get up(Albert Manning)

You have to get off there only one bed(Seth Manger)

Yea but it too comfy for me to leave the bed(Albert Manning)

Fine. I'll punish you(Seth Manger)

What is that? (Albert Manning)

Of course, I'll use slime(Albert Manning)

Jiggle(Blue slime)

Fine do it(Albert Manning)

Jiggle(blue slime)

I see you're not grossed out(Albert Manning)

'No, I'm still grossed out' no I got over it(Albert Manning)

Fine I'll use my trump card(Seth Manger)

And what is that? (Albert Manning)

I'll just push you off(Seth Manger)

Wait you can't! (Albert Manning)

I'm sorry that only way(Seth Manger)

No! Oof (Albert Manning)

This bed belong to me now(Seth Manger)

Please let me go back just for a couple of minutes(Albert Manning)

No, you said the same thing a couple of minutes ago(Seth Manger)

Yea but I promise this time(Albert Manning)

No, you'll lie again just go train or something(Seth Manger)

What can I do? (Albert Manning)

Do you know how to use a bow? (Albert Manning)

No(Seth Manger)

Then learn how to use one (Seth Manger)

How there no one teaching me(Albert Manning)

Fine I'll just teach you the basic then you can leave me alone(Seth Manger)

Thank I guess (Albert Manning)

Ok let find the target first... maybe that bird(Seth Manger)

Ok seem a little difficult(Albert Manning)

First, you an arrow and knock it till you here click(Seth Manger)

Ok what next(Albert Manning)

Extend your bow with your front hand and find your anchor I recommend under ear, jaw, or nose(Seth Manger)

Ok(Albert Manning)

Then you have a peephole so it will line up with sight and need peephole around the sight. Once you got it to have a light grip you might torque it and bend bow back one-fourth wobbling making your shot less accurate(Seth Manger)

Ok what else(Albert Manning)

Making sure your wrist is resting with your index finger and not grabbing it, resting with your palm, and then release(Seth Manger)

Ok let me just stay still(Albert Manning)


Dam it, I missed and the bird got away(Albert Manning)

It ok just practice and you'll get it(Seth Manger)

Yea you're right(Albert Manning)

20 minutes later

I think I'm starting to get hang of this(Albert Manning)

Yea looks like it, now you know how to use a bow but I recommend get armor if you're going to fight outside at night try to find at least copper(Seth Manger)

Yea your right but where do we find the cave(Albert Manning)

I don't know just travel near home so you don't have to walk so far(Seth Manger)

Yea your right I should start packing the necessary items(Albert Manning)

You should have a pickaxe but if you want to see your item just think of your backpack and it'll show you all item you have(Seth Manger)

Thank Seth(Albert Manning)

Your welcome(Seth Manger)

Bye I'll be right back(Albert Manning)

Try to bring me something(Seth Manger)

Bye I'll try to bring you something(Albert Manning)

4 minutes later

It looks like I found one seems as it goes deep I should probably be careful... is that chest? what even inside it?it looks like it ... stick and iron sword? that strange why would stick be here? I should probably keep it for now in my backpack... oh look like I found copper seem like it everywhere(Albert Manning)

3 hour later

That should be enough copper I should probably leave for now(Albert Manning)

4 minutes later

I'm back Seth-(Albert Manning)

BOO! (Seth Manger)

AHH! oof why do you keep scaring me(Albert Manning)

Hahaha you should've seen your face you even tripped(Seth Manger)

Haha real funny Seth I'll get my revenge(Albert Manning)

Oh, yea you said you'll bring me something so what is it? (Seth Manger)

Yea I found an iron sword and this stick inside a random chest(Albert Manning)

Can I see stick(Seth Manger)

Yea I see why not(Albert Manning)

Ah, I see it fire staff made for a long-range weapon if you don't mind me asking is it ok if I use it for my bow? (Seth Manger)

Sure I have no use for it(Albert Manning)

Cool now I can use fire arrows(Seth Manger)

How would you use the fire arrow? (Albert Manning)

Well first you have to think the arrow you want but fire arrow uses mana(Seth Manger)

Oh that right I was going to ask you something would it be fine if I can use your bow to fight the monster(Albert Manning)

Yea I don't see why not(Seth Manger)

I should start leaving I need to meet with someone(Albert Manning)

Who are you going to meet? (Seth Manger)

Who is that? (Seth Manger)

I'm meeting someone named Blaze Ray he a blacksmith(Albert Manning)

Oh(Seth Manger)

Sorry I have to go now(Albert Manning)

Well bye(Seth Manger)

6 minutes later

Knock, knock


Oh hey, Albert what bring you here? (Blaze Ray)

By any chance can you make amour out of copper-oh who are they? (Albert Manning)

These are my friends Sara Smyth and Jean moon(Blaze Ray)

Oh nice to meet you Sara Smyth and Jean Moon I'm Albert Manning (Albert Manning)

Very nice to meet you Albert Manning I'm Sara Smyth known as a zoologist (Sara Smyth)

Nice to meet you Albert Manning I'm Jean Moon known as a traveling merchant(Jean Moon)

Very nice to meet you both but why do you have animals' ears? (Albert Manning)

They are known as Demi human(Blaze Ray)

Oh Demi human I'm guessing Sara Smyth is a cat and Jean Moon a wolf(Albert Manning)

Before I forget can you make armor out of copper?

Sure no problem(Blaze Ray)

Thank you, Ray(Albert Manning)

Your welcome(Blaze Ray)

I'll start boiling water to make tea(Sara Smyth)

Ok, I'll just as a question, why are you here? (Jean Moon)

3 minutes later

Ah, I see you don't remember anything(Jean Moon)

Yea I really don't remember anything I just woke up(Albert Manning)

That seems strange(Jean Moon)


Seem like it done by any chance do you want one? (Sara Smyth)

Sure I'll like one(Albert Manning)

Here(Sara Smyth)

Thank you, Sara Smyth(Albert Manning)

Your welcome(Sara Smyth)

Ok, look like it finished what do you think Albert? (Blaze Ray)

Wow, it looks pretty neat how did make it look like that? (Albert Manning)

I have my way, but here your armor(Blaze Ray)

Thank Ray I should start heading home to meet you tomorrow(Albert Manning)

Bye Albert(Blaze Ray)

See you next time(Sara Smyth)

See you when the day comes(Jean Moon)

6 minutes later


'Oh Seth asleep'(Albert Manning)

Jiggle, Jiggle(Blue Slime)

Oh, seem like your awake I should give a proper name if you going live here, maybe Ellie May? (Albert Manning)

Happy jiggle(Ellie May)

I should probably head outside it starting to get dark ok I need to get the bow and sword, ok I think I have everything bye both of you two, seem like the sun going down I should probably start getting ready(Albert Manning)

3-minute later

Huh, is that zombies! seem like they are slow but they stink I should start using the bow for practicing I just have to remember what Seth said(Albert Manning)


Dam, I missed I need to move to the left just a little and I think that will work(Albert Manning)


Bullseye seems like I got to head, but I think there more starting show up ok I should probably use my sword than my bow for now right now it is not necessary(Albert Manning)

30-minute later

puff, I'm starting to get I think that enough practice for now-what is that, is that an eye with wings! I need my bow now(Albert Manning)

Pew, pew, pew

'Dam it, it's blocking the eye with its wings, how would I damage it? Oh that right maybe if I use a fire arrow I could burn the wing down(Albert Manning)

Pew, pew

Yes, I burn down both wings... I think it heading straight down this my chance I can strike it with my sword(Albert Manning)


it worked it finely done the dam thing down but I concern about my mana I need to upgrade my Mana If I'm right Seth said one star and one energy star Oh look there one right now I should star collecting-(Albert Manning)

You are now able to use the upgrade chart on your top left corner(system)

Huh, upgrade chart? Wow there so many things to level up but I think I want to learn how to use double arrows, it seems like it not just for bow it also for other weapons but I can get distracted now I can just use the double arrow tomorrow but I need stars(Albert Manning)

10-minutes later

Ok That should be enough, for now, feel light for some reason but I should sleep tomorrow, so I don't black out again(Albert Manning)