chapter 11

breaking threw the front door we slowly entered the school as we slowly wandered the halls with the floor boards occasionally creaking under my footsteps as we wandered the halls of the schools with me occasionally setting off a trap of the bullies but with them only being designed to handle a kid or there fellow bullies I was easily able to block them or move them out of the way.

The only danger true danger I encountered was from the locker witch for some reason fell threw the roof as I stepped on a board of the floor how they did only god knows.

[actually host -]

'only god knows!'

I shouted mentally as I felt a tug on my side witch after turning my head it showed to be 7 who was pointing ahead of us witch after looking in that direction I saw a group of 5 bull staring at us from there hiding place in holes in the walls but I didn't underestimate those five as there were several dozen other holes down the hallway I see the five of them hiding, witch means that there could be hundreds of them waiting to jump out and attack us.

so with this thought in mind I took a bow from inventory as I knocked a arrow and began to shoot at them, sadly only killing two while two others made arun for it down another corridor.

[host I suggest you chase them as when they escape they will most likely alert the teacher to your presence witch after finding out she will most likely gather every student in the school which if estimates are correct numbers in thousands as I have scanned the outside of school and calculating its size]


I thought mentally as I activated [electricity augmentation] as I chased after them immediately closing the distance as I chased after the 3 escaped bullies witch I noticed were planning on jumping into one of the holes in the walls witch I couldn't allow, so I took out two wooden axes witch I soon threw at two of the three escaping immeaditly taking them down as there body was turned into a pile of broken pieces witch I stepped on as I chased after the other witch was able to escape into the wall.


I thought as I looked into the hole witch probably led downwards under the wooden boards but I knew I would not be able to catch them so I quickly ran back to the four kids with my normal speed but when I reached there I found nano and 6 all looking around with mono and 7 missing witch after connecting to nano and 6 I found out that a small group of bully attacked the after I left to chase after the group of bully's.

'where did they go'

I asked witch 7 answered by pointing down the hallway where I came from but instead of the right I took they seemed to run left, so standing back I placed the two kids on my back as I used nano and mono connection to follow the kids.