moving quickly through the school I begin to search for where they took mono and 7 witch after several minutes I came to a large double door witch after looking through the windows on it I saw something that absolutely terrified me.
There were hundreds of bullies in this one room witch even if I'm confident in beating them i won't be able to protect nano and 6 as there could be more bullied I I would have to go searching all over the place to find them witch by then I wouldn't know if they were dead or not.
'wait I'm being a idiot, system summon the 5 shadows'
I said as I watched 5 black mannequin like people with blue highlights all over witch made the look similar to the anbu from Naruto.
"protect them with your life"
I said as I watched different weapons made of blue light appear in their hands now showing a fully armed group of five mannequin.
"well that's cool"
I said as I kicked open the door of the lunch room armed with my axe and another shield I made right before entering.
"let's due this you undisciplined pieces of s***!"
I yelled out full of excitement as a long black haired ninja from a anime came to mind as I spoke.
"come at me at the same time"
I said as my words seem cause a ripple effect through all the bullies who began to charge at me, witch I countered with my own charge as I raised my shield and began use the skill [electric augmentation] as I run threw all of the bullies killing dozens of them.
I spent a few minutes doing this but I suddenly felt danger as I dodged left narrowly dodging the large amount of pencils witch were as long as my arm and as thin as a normal pencil.
"holy crap these little shit got ballista!"
I yelled as I looked over at a group of 10 bullies working together to reload there makeshift rubber band ballista.
'oh hell no'
I said as I took out my bow from my inventory and began to shoot arrows at them causing them to retreat but not before shooting one more volley of pencils witch I was forced to Dodge again but sadly for me the cunning bullies learned my movement and took this chance to approach me and through handfuls of white powder witch I assume to be grounded up chalk but I didn't have much time to think about as I was blinded for a second.
I suddenly felt a great pain on my back as a bang sound kept going off as pain covered my entire body as I did my best to Dodge the heavy objects that pelted my body witch slowly began to make me mad and annoyed as I yelled out as I unconsciously channeled dream engery into my [electric augmentation] witch caused a explosion of light to go off around me as all of the nearest bullies seemed to fall around me.
'system what the hell was that'
I asked shocked as I looked around at the ocean of bullies bodies that surrounded me.
[due to host heightened rage and you unconsciously channeled dream engery into electric augmentation witch due to the electric augmentation and dream energy incompatibility the dream energy was redirected around the user into a spiritual attack witch erased the engery that allow puppets move around]
'well that's cool'
[yes it is]
when I finished talking to the system I began to look around at the bullies witch were further away that were shaking as I smirk and speak.
they all seem to scream as they desperately ran away, I also noticed nano and 6 approaching me surrounded by my shadows witch slowly fell apart as they approached me and I heard nano voice in my head.
'my brothers in that direction'
he said pointing at the door opposite of where we entered witch we soon headed as I had to carry them due to the large amount of sharp porcelain and lack of shoes.
when we got close to the door we could hear the scurrying of feet and the occasional struggle witch prompted me to kick open the door as heard something behind a break witch was most likely a puppet right next to it as I looked to see seven being used as a ball as she tossed back and forth between four kids while mono is over hanged upside down over the toilet as two kids slowly lowered him.
I moved quickly throwing a axe at both the ropes holding them up while I used my hands to smash the heads in as I catched 7 and mono and placed them on the floor as I walked out of the bathroom with them following close behind.