stepping out of the bathroom I began to think about the events of the games and began remembering all of the stuff about the first and second witch caused me to note down a few things in my mind.
1. mono or nano has not came into contact with a tv most likely due to me who carried them through the city and breaking through doors they originally could not enter.
2. before I died [Little nightmares] had 3 dlc with [little nightmares 2] having chance of getting 4 dlc based around 4 kids(talk to system about this)
3. how am I going to get to the maw as it was never truly put the not detail how 6 got there in the game(ask system)
4. should I let mono and nano free the thin man, because from most of the theory videos I watched the kids are stuck in a loop with mono becoming thin man and 6 becoming the lady at the maw, with both wanting to stop it bye either killing there past selfs or stopping them from doing something. (need to be discussed with system)
5. how am I going to train the kids when, no if I take them back to the Minecraft world as even if there got super over powered powers, the number twins need to get powers first and bag twins can't use his ability for extended period of time meaning he would need to be physically stronger to increase survival chance.
will thought as he sat in the cafeteria with mono, nano, 6 and 7 as he contemplated these questions witch were soon broken as he heard the system voice.
My body moved on its own as I activated [electric augmentation] as I jumped fowards with a pissed off expression as I narrowly doged a heavy attack from something behind me, but I soon turned around and began to speak.
"what the fuck no-"
I stopped mid sentence as I looked at the monster before me witch seem to be made of the shattered piece of the puppets that lay on the floor of the school witch looked very disturbing as all the limbs of the puppets on the floor were spun together to for the complex body of the 5 meter gaint before me witch looked like a flesh golem with the way arms protruded out of its back.
'system what the hell is this thing'
[host I have bad new, due to prolonged time in this world and the killing of the hunter the tower took notice of you as it used a part of its body and the ability of the teacher to form this monster witch system will register as ringleader]
'so how do I kill it'
[well it's simple host all you have to do is destroy the flesh it's using to hold it's self together, also would you like to know it's ability]
'tell me quick!'
I shouted mentally as noticed the monster before me slowly raise it's hands
[it's ability is acceleration]
'i must Dodge'
I thought as I activated [electric augmentation] again as I grabbed mono and 6 who were sitting close to me as I ran towards there nano and 7 who were playing catch with a ball.
'wait how did they not see this thing'
I thought as I looked back to see the originally snail like monstrosity right behind me, witch without hesitation I threw mono and 6 towards there twin as I turned around with 2 diamond axes in my hand.
"let's do this you flesh fuck"
I shouted as I doged right out of the way of the golem who brought his hands down on my original position at twice the speed it was using to chase me.
'system give me details on its ability'
[acceleration- passively increase user speed by 2x and when activated increases user speed 10x]
'system can you give me a estimation on the ringleaders agility'
[host I can't as just telling you the ability of your opponent is pushing my authority]
I said as I felt a strong wind hitting my side witch caused me to jump upwards as I spun around to look at the face of the ringleader witch witch was filled with contempt witch slightly pissed me off as I used [electric augmentation] to increase my strength as I used [dream engery] on my two axes as they glow blue.
'smile after this you bastard'
this was the last thought I had as I threw the two axes at the ringleader who face change to that of fear after seeing my axes fly him as the slowly turn into disc of white light cutting threw both it's arms.
A deep roar escaped from inside it's body as blood dripped from the place of the two missing arms, witch caused me to smile, witch soon disappeared after the next scene.
the sound of something cracking rang out from the bodie of the ring leader, followed by five more as the ringleader seemed like a bird breaking free from his shell.
"oh hell nah"
I said this ad I began to take out all my tools and throwing them with at the ring leader witch informed it as blood slowly escape from the cracks all over it's body.
"fuck tough bastard!"
I yelled as I took out the present I received from Jen, witch was 3 piece's of tnt blocks witch I threw in a triangle formation around the ringleader witch seem to understand what I was doing but couldn't stop what happens next as I took out a flint and Steel as I created a fire on the table witch I used to light my arrows as I shot 3 arrows and the three tnt.
A explosion rings out as I'm thrown back crashing threw several table as I slid against the floor of the cafeteria.
I heard 4 voices yell inside my head as I saw the kids run to me and gave me a hug witch surprised me as we didn't even know each other for half a day and count the very short conversation we had we pretty much stranger's, but I'm still happy they care.
"ahh that hurts"
I yelled as the kids who strength were on the level of a normal adult squeezed bruises and broken bones causing me to scream and scaring the kids who backed away and asked if I was okay witch I replied yes as I asked the kids a important question.
'is the monster dead'
this question caused 7 face to pale as saw she was looking in the direction of the monster originally was witch prompted me to looked at where she was looking, witch caused my face to become ugly as I looked at what I saw.
footprints ... there were 2 large footprints coming from the puddle of blood and broken puppet witch most likely meant that what ever was hatching from that monster escaped.
I shouted as I lay on the floor in anger and worries as the thing was on my level in speed and that's not counting it's strength and endurance witch I estimated to be at least 100.