chapter 14

I spent 2 hour's laying on the cafeteria table as thanks to my Minecraft world adjusted body I was able to heal after eating some apples and steak witch I shared with the kids.

"it stings but I should be fine to walk around"

I said as I stood up from the table as I began to stretch after my long rest on that uncomfortable, groaning every time as I wished I was closer to the dorm area of the school as at least there were cushions.

'hey guys let's move'

I said as the four gathered around me as we moved through on of the cafeteria door witch the moment we opened were met by a group of hundreds of bullies who all stared at us but soon look away as the stepped out of our paths, witch we soon walked through with the kids holding onto my clothes.

'hey system why do I feel fear from these puppets'

[simple host, no matter how simple the consciousness put into making these puppets' there will always be the instinctual fear for those who can truly kill it]

'wait what do you mean by truly kill it, didn't I kill them by smashing there heads in '

I asked confused as I thought back to the bullies who head I absolutely destroyed.

[host these things are made with nightmare engery and as you know dream engery is the best counter for it, but if this dream engery is not used the nightmare can return with even more ferocity, or if you do use the engery nightmare engery out of fear for being dispate so they usually combine to form a monster stronger than they originally was example is the little more than 1000 bullie who nightmare engery all fusee to form the higher tier nightmare called a ring leader witch is a higher tier than a nightmare witch is the current rank of all mini bosses in little nightmare world]

'holy shit!'

I thought as we escaped the hallways filled with bullies as we came to the exit to this building witch after opening we were greeted by the poring rain witch walking straight threw it and me covering up 6 and 7 from the cold rain we reached a building witch had a large sigh on the side witch read [Music building].

'everyone keep a eye out'

I told the kids as I kicked open the barricaded door causing a loud ruckus as me and the kids stepped into the small building as we began searching for the back entrance witch we soon found but weirdly enough not sighting of the teacher.

'system where the hell is the teacher'

[host the higher ranking nightmare has devoured the weaker nightmare]

'i hope it ain't one of those monster that steal powers'

[ \-/ = \-/ ]

'wait what is that supposed to mean'

I kept trying to speak with my system for the next twenty minutes as we continued our walk to the next fight location, THE HOSPITAL