Arriving at the first village on the map witch if I remember correctly was a village all about crafting and enchanting witch I'm definitely stopping at that place to get the 5 sets of diamond armor I made enchanted so we all can be cool as hell with functional armor, because diamond armor looks cool as hell.
anyways back to the village we entered it catching a few villager attention who soon ignored us after confirming we are not killers, griefers or worst a sky raider.
after Wondering around the village witch was 5x larger than the village Jen and pat were at witch housed 50 villagers meaning this village had 250 or more sinse the villagers did lose quite a few villagers before so my estimation there should be 400 or 500 villagers.
I soon approved a nearby villager who I asked where I can find the Craftsmen area witch one of them happy pointed out to me that there area is about 50 blocks outside the village as enchanting has a small chance of failure witch results in a destructive explosion that even tho it doesn't hurt creates a 4 to 5 block explosion witch even though they tried to remedy this by building a obsidian box it didn't work out as the door was usually destroyed and due to the explosion being concentrated in one area the explosion rips through everything in that one path witch is not good as it causes the ground to be hideous and ugly witch and with the surprisingly high number of people dieing by falling in the holes it's no wonder they put it far from the village.
when I arrived at the area of the crafter I was immeaditly met by a explosion as something goes flying past me as we walked witch I soon stuck out my hands to catch them using my high agility stat as I immeaditly used to stop the object or should I say person as when I looked at the person I caught.
it was a older looking man with strands of white and gray hair along with a well built body making him look like a gaint as he stood a whole head taller then me with much wider shoulder wearing a large black robe witch if you weren't holding him like I was you wouldn't be able to noticed the muscles hidden underneath.
'shit system bi forgot to ask how many hidden master are there'
[approximately 252 hidden master who ranged between peak of mid rank and peak of high rank and with 5 of those hidden masters have surpassed high rank ]
before I could curse I was suddenly hit on the back heavily by the hidden master who gave a big hearty laugh as he speaks.
"Thank young man I almost went flying all the way back to the village"
he spoke laughing at the end as he held my shoulder witch caused me to freeze as another word from the system caused my already frozen body to almost literally turn to ice.
[host I must warn you this man is stronger than the two current top 3 and is approaching the the rank above high rank- also please stand by as system adjust ranks to include a rank above high ranks]
'you know what, fuck you sys-'
I was once again interrupted by the old man who began to speak.
"what brings you here young"
he asked as I answered him quickly with a slightly high pitched voice.
"I came to have our equipment enchanted"
'wait fuck I forgot I wanted for him to enchant my netherite pickaxe witch will probably get stolen, I'm a dumbass if diamonds are already rare let's not speak about the big brother netherite'
I thought as the old man waited for me to show him the items witch after showing him the five sets of diamond armor all he did was raise a eyebrow!
[host this man used to have a legion of 100 mid class chosen all armored in daimomds and used to wage a large war against thousands of piglins and there machine of war]
'system please just stop'
"hmm what enchantments would you like on each piece"
his words caused me to begin to nerd out as gave him detailed description of which enchantments I want on which piece.
= = = =
= = = =
[chest plates]
projectile protection
= = = =
projectile protection
= = = =
Frost Walker
depths strider
feather falling
soul strider
= = = =
[2 daimomds Axes]
Fire Aspect
Sweeping Edge
= = = =
[netherite pickaxe]
= = = =
when I told about what I wanted the old man just stroked his beard, but when I got to the netherite pickaxe I saw the man hand stop for a second but he soon continued as he received the items and sent us away to a guest in the village where we will be staying.