we spent the 2 days relaxing in the villages, but i made sure to take the kids a few hundreds block away from the village and help them train by fighting me in my second release witch if I didn't use I would probably get beaten as 6 and 7 using there life manipulation could temporarily stop my legs from moving while mono and nano kept using reality warping to warp the earth in my path in hopes of when 6 and 7 stun my legs that I will run into a wall, but sadly for them that didn't happen as instead I used the wall to stop my momentum and used it to change direction quickly and attack 6 with a quick slap to the forehead witch signal her death.
'dang it'
she whispered in our mental connection as I doged a attack nano who warped the stone into snake like pillar witch he sent to attack me causing me to enter a passive state as I doged the snake like pillar as mono tried to cut off my escape path with this time he's carful as to not replicate what happened to 6.
"dang it"
I said as I bumped into a wall earth as I was about to be slammed into by the snake like pillar witch made me freak out as I took out a iron pickaxe and quickly mined through the stone behind me while placing blocks of cobble stone behind me.
my actions shocked nano who didn't have enough time change the direction of the snake like pillar witch after hitting the wall exploded both the wall and the pillar as I came out the back in scathed as I used this chance to attack nano who losses his main attack as I covered the distance of 20 blocks in less than 4 seconds as I smacked him on the forehead as quickly moved to attack 7 as she the most dangerous of the current situation witch was good decision as I felt my legs begin to lose control but this didn't matter as I was able to smack her on the forehead as I barely doged her after losing control of my legs as I was temporarily incapacitated for the next 5 seconds.
mono tried to capitalize on this chance raising several pillars in the ground in hope of hitting me but that soon failed as I used my arms to through me side ways until I finally gain control of my legs witch I soon got back on my feet as I charged at mono but while I was moving I noticed something shocking.
nano and 7 turned to dust as they stood on the side of 6 who had a big smile on there face witch made me immeaditly realize something was wrong but before I could figure out what was going on a box made of stone appeared in front of me witch I soon doged as I was about to reach mono when I suddenly loss control of my body as I rolled into a static portal witch made me appear in a box.
when I finally regained my control of my body it was to late to save my self as several small cords of earth wrapped around my body as it made me incapable of movement.
'you win'
I said mentally to all of them as the box disappear to show all the kids standing before me with a smug smile witch I ignored as I stood up and dusted off my clothes.
'our amor should be finished'
I said to them they got on my back as I began my run back to the village