things went normal for the last few nights as half of the month of the monster horde as I held back the monster on my side of the wall basically on my own as I see at least 2 to 3 chosen and at least a dozen villagers dying each night but there haven't been any major changes for this horde but I didn't let my guard down as even though not obvious I could see that the quality of the amor and the durability of said armor is becoming better and better.
This all changed when the 16th night of the monster wave came around again but instead of the just basic zombies I saw a group of 10 zombies clad in our daimomds armor, but I ignored all of this as I looked at what came from behind them.
"Fuck that's a mutant zombie"
I thought as I saw that mutant zombies hollow black eyes lock on to me as I realized that I'm the target for this attack but I didn't flinch back as I pulled out two diamond axes from my inventory as I charged lightning in both of them as I stared at the mutant witch began to charge at the wall and if my years of seeing movies and show with gaint muscly monster I'm pretty sure it's trying to pull a helm's deep on us witch I won't let happen so activating lightning cloak I immeaditly jumped off the wall as I left my shadow puppets on the wall to deal with any zombies who tried to siege the wall, but I also gave my mid rank shadow puppets keep a eye on the diamond elite zombies as even though they might not be a great threat to me I don't know what they could do.
After giving the my puppets order and jumping off the wall I immeaditly charged at the mutant witch tried to throw a punch at me but easily dodging I went to try to cut off the arm of the mutant but sadly I failed as my axes even when charged with lightning wasn't even able to pierce 1 quarter into its skin.
when I went to pull my axes out and retreat I was suddenly hit by a kick that came from the mutant witch sent me flying several blocks as I slammed into the defensive wall as I coughed blood but soon recover after a few seconds of rest but when I looked up I saw the big mutant zombies barreling at me as it quickly picked up speed.
I thought as using my Superior speed I immediately took out 2 blocks of obsidian witch I placed where I used to be as I dodged left and watched the mutant run into the obsidian witch I collected over the 15 days of monster and lest just say obsidian is fucking rare as I was only able to get 20 pieces out off the literal thousand of cobblestone witch I threw into lava right after to destroy.
'so it seems that it's not strong enough to deal with obsidian I can work with this'
I thought as I took out my netherite pickaxe and quickly retrieved the obsidian while the mutant zombie was stunned as I began to place wood and obsidian around it in a way so that it could not escape.
witch proved to be effective as even though the mutant could destroy the normal cobble stone block placed in-between the obsidian but sadly for it it was to big to fit through the gaps and to weak and slow to destroy the obsidian, meaning I effectively neutralize it, so taking this chance I immeaditly began to look around the battle fear and to my shock and horror the original a few hundred or so zombies have now become a few thousand as they siege the wall with a mix of success and failure as even thought the army of zombies increased, and the elite zombies even though the have led a successful push on to the wall there still a small group of zombies and with the help of my shadows and the villager were easily suppressed while the recent addition of the 5 iron golems from Stampee and my own 4 began to take the spaces of the elite to hold back the zombie horde witch was like world war z as they climbed on top each other to get on top of the wall and like this the battle continued all night until the zombies retreated due to the sun that begun to come up leaving behind the mutant zombie witch was now trapped in side it obsidian prison.
hey what world should mc go and recruit leave suggestions I will check it out and see if I like it.
[Name: will]
[energy: 300/300]
[class: none](suggestion wanted)
[str: 10]
[agi: 100]
[end: 10]
[wis: 20]
[int: 20]
[stat points: 20]
[shadow army: 100 low class shadows 4 mid class shadow]
[super speed]- user is 10x faster than the average human.
[2nd release]- gives user 20 times speed of a normal human but put strain on host body the longer it's activated.
[lightning manipulation]- allows user to manipulate lightning witch it strength may change based off of how much engery is put into the controlled engery.
[lightning cloak]- increases user speed by 5x for 1 engery every 3 seconds of skill activation.
[blessings of the thunder god]- increase effectiveness of all lightning abilities by two times passively and when activated increase all stats by 2x for 10 minute's
[true rage]- when condition satisfied, user receives a 5x strength increase for 5 minutes