chapter 35

After a few minutes after the detective left all might soon arrived and, started looking around the hospital for me but failed and transformed back to his normal form where he went onto meet up with his family to come see izuku which I followed and after confirming izuku will live after being strapped with a mobile breather witch of I'm being honest looked stupid as it was basically a torso' size box on his back, why it's like this when there thousands of people out there with intelligence enhancing quirks I don't know, but I didn't care about that as I decided to begin to prepare for izuku's villainy.

'now let's go find Giran'

*1 month later*'

okay it's been a month after the incident and let's just say I found out a something very important, and that is each city has danger level of 1-3 witch means for each type of danger so if a city only has one of these dangers witch are demons, villains, or monsters attacks they are considered level 1 city while city's with all three are considered level 3 city.

The city I'm currently in is level 2 with villains and demons and I was currently standing in front of gray haired japanese man who had a serious expression on his face as he looks at me.

"So you are the famous vigilantes white lighting"

he said surprising me as as I asked curiously what he meant.

"you didn't know, currently you are the known as the fastest man alive"

What he said surprised me but I didn't care as I walked up to him a to get a little closer also to intimidate him.

"How much will it cost for you to get this list of items along with a well stacked house with with these specs"

I said as I handed giran several pieces of paper of things I needed witch he took and begin to look through it quickly as he spoke and began to speak different number witch were several different prices.

"10 million for me to get you the things on this list but it will take week but if you need this immeaditly 20 million and I will get the other items in less than three days"

he said as I nodded and handed him a brief case with 30 millions witch he asked why I gave him a extra 10 million to witch I answered that it's was a gift for our future business deals witch he accepted as we parted with him going where ever he goes while I went back to izuku with the address of the house witch was located in a level 2 city similar to the city I'm currently in.

*5 minutes later*

arriving back to izuku I found him being assaulted by a group of kids who kept trying to rip the the box on his back off witch made me mad as I materialized and began to beat those kids up as I smashed one with strength quirk head into a nearby wall immeaditly breaking it as I moved on to the three other who tried to use there quirks on me as one cent fire and the others covered his fist in stone as they attacked me witch I let them as I dodged them and immeaditly broke there legs with a kick to the knee.


listening to there yells of pain I ignored them as I approached izuku who was laying on the ground like a turtle as the box made it hard for him to get up.

"hey kid you need some he-"


Before I could finish my sentence I was interrupted by izuku who asked a confusing question, witch I answered easily.

"Because you needed help"

I said with matter fact tone witch made izuku burst I to lighter more crazed than the joker himself as he cried.


I smacked izuku making him home back to his senses as I stood in front him and said something that surprised him.

"hey kid I didn't save your life and give you all that money for you to break down and snap like this"

I said causing him to look at me surprised as he spoke.

"y-you were th-the one who has been helping me all this time"

he said with a slight stutter at the beginning but soon stopped as he finished his voice with a trembling voice.

"yeah and I didn't do it for for you to break so pathetically"

I said causing his body to tremble softly as my words go through him as I offered him a hand.


izuku slap's my hand away as he looked at me with a determined gaze as he tried to get up as he spoke between baited breath as he struggled heavily to get up.

"I ... can ... do it ... myself!"

he said as he finally he stood up witch took a second as in this time I gathered his backpack and notebook witch was titled ideas to become a hero witch after opening and doing quick read I discovered 2 of his major plans witch consisted of either super soilder serum or machines and lest just say he has more than just ideas as with the knowledge I have gained over these several years I could tell that the formula has a 25% chance of working with the machines and robotic limbs having a 100% chance of working.

"hey sir can I have my notebook back"

while I was immersing my self in the notebook I suddenly heard tap on my shoulder witch caused me to turn around to see izuku who was looking at the notebook witch caused me to smile as I handed the book back while I spoke.

"hey izuku what do you think about turning some of those ideas into reality"

I asked causing izuku to freeze in his motion but not wanting to give him the chance to answer I quickly shoved the book in his bag as handed it to him along with the address of the house I bought from giran.

"hey if you ever wish to make one of your ideas in your book's into reality come to this house in the next few days "

I said as he took the paper and was about to speak. but was a step to slow as I activated lightning cloak and disappeared into the distance but before I could go far I heard the voice of izuku speak in amazement.

"He is Faster than all might!"

he said causing me to smirk as the system confirmed for me that all mights speed is only 500, and my Mac speed being 4000 with all my ability activated and 20,000 if I'm mad, but I soon became indifferent as I made my way to the address that giran gave me as I couldn't wait to try a few of the idea that I read in izuku's book and also to prepare a gift for him.