chapter 36

"where the heck is izuku"

I said as long worked on my major project that I nicknamed [The failure of the flesh] witch despite the eerie sounding name it's basically bionics and power armor, because in all honesty I'm really about to help izuku over throw the government because, why the hell not, and also judging from how the people who will want to make change will mostly be the minority witch is mostly quirkless, mutant quirk user and the people people with villainous quirks witch barely account for about 30% of Japan's population and literally 25% of those people are made up of quirkless so if izuku decides to listen to me and rebels he is going to need to strengthen his majority because what's the point of having a army of 1000 people if some random hero with a strong quirk can wipe them out with a single attack.

breaking out of my thoughts by a sudden shock of electricity witch tickled my skin I finally focused back on my current project witch was a suit of power armor witch look like a slimmed down version with a slightly different design.

(image here)

*knock knock*

hearing a knocking the front door I quickly stood up and walked towards the door witch after opening I'm met with set of messy green hair witch blocked most of my view of the face but I still knew who this was.

"so you decided to come"

I said as I looked at izuku who seems to be staring behind me at the power amor that I was working on, this caused me to smirk as I snapped my finger in front of him, breaking him from his trance as he broke out into a stuttering mess.

"sorry for looking into your house like that I was just curious about what you are working on"

he said but before he could continue I stopped him as invited him in as I began to explain what I'm working on witch took at least a hour due to izuku wanting to know everything about it, I also had to repeatedly having to tell izuku not to take notes as people could copy them witch he understood.

After that I show him to a room with stuff he needed to make his ideas come true, witch made him happy but izuku becoming more of realist after losing his arm and a leg along with half of his respiratory system destroyed.

"why are you doing this"

he asked witch caused me to sigh as I explained to him the honest truth of me being from another world witch he didn't accept at first but after showing my various ability he soon accepted it as me and him began to speak about how to create replacements for him witch didn't take long as we both got to work with me doing most of the building as izuku was still inexperience.

*2 days later*

it took us around 2 days of working in 4 hours shifts to completely finish the arm witch may seem amazing at first but that's not considering that we both were technically new at this and we didn't even use any super precision tool and we made a arm and leg that could be connected to a stump and be used like a normal limb but it will require alot of surgery witch I will be doing for izuku.

"so izuku do you completely trust me"

I asked as I prepared the tools for the surgery as I looked at izuku who was laying on the surgery table with a unsure expression.

"will, when I nearly died in that alleyway I was saved by you and then healed but what I didn't tell you was that after a two weeks and me and my sister graduating I discovered something shocking"

izuku said with a trembling voice thinking back to how he nearly died, but soon continues with less of a tremble but with rage in his voice.

"one day I decided to go for a walk to the beach witch was over run by trash but still some how was able to maintain its unshakable beauty, but when I arrived there I found my sister with the one and only all might helping her to train, at first I was hurt that she didn't even tell me but what hurt me more came soon after"

izuku said slamming his hand on the surgery table causing a massive dent witch was surprising as his body was frail and partly starved.

"all might after yelling a few times soon transforms into my father shocking me, but the words he said hurt the most"

izuku said as he coughed to get his voice ready for a change as his face slightly changed to mimick all mights.

"izumi you are now ready to accept my quirk .... his quirk!"

izuku shouted the last part angrily as he kept muttered about how he could give him the quirk but I soon snap him out of it as I slap him in the face.

"did you need to slap me"

He asked as I smirked as he came to a realization.

"you been watching my Spanish movie collection"

he said but before he could ask more questions I quickly administer the anesthesia, while speaking.

"We can talk about this later"