chapter 39

running from roof top to roof top at quick speed I soon made it to my house where I put izuku down who the moment I did punched the road under him in anger as yelled in rage and anger.

izuku: I'm so weak I couldn't even handle my sister!

he yelled kinda surprising me with his out burst of emotion but that soon dissipates as the system alerted me to that due to worlds law emotions are amplified, witch made me understand something.

Will's thoughts: izuku was already written as a emotional character, but if his emotions are amplified, I fear how deep his rage could be after the year of mistreatment.

I thought this but not wanting for izuku's train of thought to continue I approved him as I tried to calm him down witch succeeded as izuku a few minutes later said words that I was waiting for.

izuku: Will I want to change this world, either through force or talks.

will: what if neither of them works

izuku: Then I will have to destroy what's causing it entirely

listening to izuku responses I sighed as I picked him up surprising him as he asked what am I doing.

will: well how are you going to change the world if your to weak and powerless to do it.

hearing me izuku still looked slightly confused but I soon cleared it up as I told him what I meant.

will"izuku your flesh has failed you so what else is there to be reliant on"

I said causing a spark of light to appear in his eyes as he raised his two different hands to his face and spoke.


he said slowly as he went quiet but I could easily tell that ideas of how to use technology for his goal entered his head as I carried him to room in the house where let him stay as I went out for my usual hunts.

*2 hours of hunting later*

random scum: please have mercy I have a family!

will: should have thought of that when you killed those two people

will said as in a quick motion he cut off the head of the leader of a gang who soon fell backwards as fun in his hands fail off revealing his real plan.

Will's thoughts: well that was boring as usual I might as well walk home sinse I never explored this part of the city

with this in mind will began to walk down the dark and deserted streets witch were barely lit by street lamps as he had several design ideas for his power amor when he suddenly felt something hit his leg.

will's thoughts: huh what is this paper, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza ... so this is one of the mystery worlds well shit let's go save some kids souls and murder a purple bastard if he is still alive.

will thought as he followed the direction of the old flyer to a large building witch was at least several times larger than the games version of the game and looked run down as if it's been here for more than 100 years.

will: there's a high chance of there being every kind of animatronics so I need to be careful not to be ambushed.

will said aloud as he equipped his diamond armor and axes as he not going to take a chance to get insta killed because of carelessness.

will:"well let's do this shit"