chapter 40

entering the large restaurant I'm immeaditly greeted by a large mess hall which had several large stages surrounding it in different places, with one witch hid a elevator that looked like it went deep into the earth.

"so I basically have a choice between which place I want to visit... let's start with the normal one"

will whispered to himself as he brought his shiny diamond axes down on a nearby board which blocked access to the storage room of a stage titled the 'originals'.


bringing down his axes on the wood planks they instantly explode and shatter as he created a gap for him to enter through, but what he saw almost caused him to take a step back at what he saw.

There were dozens no hundreds of kids bodies all between the ages of 8 and 12 all of which are about 20 to 30 years old, but if that's not enough there were glass containers the size of water bottles all containing small flames of different color and sizes witch will immediately recognize as souls.

"why the hell is there so many dead kid's!"

David asked himself in rage as he walked in towards the nearest soul container but before he could grab it he felt several attacks coming for him, which made him smile evilly as he had something to direct his growing rage to, so activating lightning cloak, he jumped up to the roof and used it as spring board himself to the enemy that was attacking him.

while flying towards the enemy he was able to get a look at what was attacking him, witch he discovered was a demon with with several dozen arms wrapping around from its back and entering it's open chest witch was hollow void.

'wait this dude is the only one attacking me he must be a multi attack type'

Thinking this will began to look around the room to find what was coming at him from his other sides and what he saw was shadowy hands reaching out from the shadows to grab his previous position.

'This must be a lower moon judging from how eak his ability is'

Will thought as he slammed his fist into the temple of the demon instantly knocking him out as he summoned two shadows puppets to hold him while he approached the soul canisters, picking up one to study it

[host you can turn these stored souls into conscious shadow]

'what do you mean by conscious shadow'

will asked the system as he brought one of the containers close to his face to study it in more detail.

[host the kids will keep there consciousness and won't be turned into lifeless dolls]

'huh that sounds cool and all but what are the cost'

[you only need to give them vengeance and they will turn into your shadows]

The system immediate answer shocked will for a second but he soon got over it as he asked the system for who they want to exact vengeance on.

[host currently 1/3 of the souls here want that demon the other 2/3 hunger for the blood of two other specific demons]

'oh so they want that guy huh well they can have him'

[host choice confirmed changing 300 souls into shadows]

After the system said that I began to hear shrill screech of pain from behind him where he had lower moon being held.

'what the hell!'

screaming mentally as I turned around to see hundreds of ant like shadows slowly eat the demon alive causing him to open his mouth widely to scream loudly in pain which soon proved to be a bad idea as the finger sized ants took this chance to crawl inside as they began to eat him from the inside.

'sheesh that looks painfully and I didn't even get a chance to question him'

I thought slightly disappointed at the I missed chance of information but that soon changed as I slightly shivered as I left the room but not before placing all souls inside my inventory where so I can deal with them later.

'now that's done lets first go search this place a little bit more'

With this last thought I began to enter the other area's of the restaurant sadly not finding anything notable leaving only the elevator that led down to sister location.

'Wait a minute if didn't I try to start a YouTube channel with that FNAF game!'

I thought alarmed as my mind went back to a time where I downloaded a mod that made the game scary to the point where I shat myself on one of my streams.

'If remembered correctly I promised myself to slap baby at least once'

With that thought at his back I immediately broke open the the elevator which didn't work but I didn't care about that as bring my axe above my head I used my sharp axe easily cut a hole through the elevator floor allowing for me to drop down the elevator shaft which was about 30 meters underground.


Landing on the shafts floor I quickly activated a few of my ability as I kicked open the elevator door.


Ignoring the elevator doors that looked as of they were hit by two c4 will walked inside sister location which looked how he expected butt that didn't catch his attention as much as the 7 broken down animatronics all laying all across the area outside of the elevator.

"Get up I know you all are 'alive' "

I said not wanting to deal with these animatronic playing the FNAF game with him.

*piano music playing out of nowhere*

while brandishing my axes the sound of a paint being played entered my ear seeming to come home all directions immediately alarming me as i suddenly felt strong amount of danger that is equal to that monster from the little nightmare world.

'what the hell is happening to them!'

Suddenly while I was trying to figure out the origin of the music the broken bodies of the 7 broken animatronic suddenly began to have red strings begin to stretch from them as the tangled together as the slowly pulled different intact parts from there original bodies as they pulled them close between the bodies of the now even more broken animatronic.

'oh he'll know I watched a lot of dragon ball Z to know to never let a bitch power up'

moving quickly will immediately used his axes to knock the pieces away from each other make the heavy sense of danger in his heart disappear as the flesh tentacles returned to the respective Bodies as a voice of 7 children rang out.

"What do you want"


don't know why but I had a sudden urge to make a chapter of this book even though I dropped it