chapter 41

"What do you want"

Looking at the 7 broken down animatronics bodies of the children Will sighed as he looked at them seriously while putting his axe in his inventory.

"you bastards were going to try and kill me and you dare act so arrogantly?"

Will asked as he sat down on table nearby as while keeping his eye on the 7 broken animatronic who all had uniquely glowing eyes.

"Well you haven't spent 50 years stuck in a single building before so you can't really foul us."

Responding to his questions the seven animatronics seem to shift uncomfortably at Will's piercing view.

"Hey why the heck are you guys talking in sync like that?"

Will getting tired of the overlapping voices asked about is as he took out a phone he recently bought and began scrolling through different apps.

"We were going to fuse our souls to kill you but due to you stopping it in the middle we experienced a backlash which is currently forcing us to sync our thoughts to speak."


shocked at what he was hearing will didn't realize a large shadow behind him.


The shadow screamed as it brought down a large hand onto Will's head but before it could make contact several shadows came out of his back wrapping around the shadow as it's held in place by the hands of hundreds of shadows.

"Huh when did you get here"

Turning around will's confused face can be seen as he looked at the 2 meter shadow which looked like a hulk if it is as turned white instead of green.

"Oh yeah you can't speak if I cover your mouth like that"

Will saying this chuckles at the end as he had the shadows remove there hands around the monsters head which he soon regretted as only incoherent cursing escaped it's mouth, luckily his system was nice enough to translate his most important part.

"you mother***** do you know how long it took to gather all of those souls, 100 years! longer than you will ever live! and you just took away half of them!"

'Huh another bag of trash huh'

Listening to the demons rambling Will only had that simple thought but a movement from where the 7 animatronic we're immediately caught his attention.

"So what the hell are you doing"

Will said as he watched the animatronics tentacles moving towards the demon behind him which stopped like a deer in head lights.

"He was one of the people who did this to us"

The animatronics saying this smashed the floor with there tentacles causing several cracks to appear along the ground slightly causing Will to sweat as he imagine them landing on his back or bare body and slamming a piece of skin off.

'Make sure to never get hit'

Will said to himself as he had the shadows pull to put the man in front of the group animatronics who tried to grab him but Will immediately moved them out of range of there hands as he smiles and speaks.

"I'll cut you a deal"

The 7 animatronic seeming out raged let a barely retrained growl.


"I want you guys to work for me"


"well I'm going to need leaders for my little army"

At these words Will had his shadows Immediately appear behind him causing the 7 animatronic yo go on guard as will sits down leisurely.

"Do you accept?"


Getting there agreement will immediately have them the muscle monster as he watched them tear him apart as they slowly turned into shadows and shifted into half human and half animal people each looking confusedly at there new forms but Will not wanting to waste more time immediately left to return to Izuku.

*10 minutes later*

After making to the house Will greeted by the weird sight of izuku in a pink apron which I don't even know how he got cooking a traditional Japanese dinner.

"Oh hey Will, what's up?"

Izuku said as he mixed some batter most likely fora cake if the turned on oven and sweet smell in the air is any indication.

"Not much slayed a demon, saved 900 children souls, killed another Demon, ect, ect but that's not important as what you been up to"

Will stated as he gestures towards the note books, hero merch and food on the table, which caused izuku to freeze as he entered his shy protagonist mode as he spoke.

"Well you see when I woke up I couldn't find you and after a little bit of looking around the house I walked into the work room where I found a few million yen stacked on the workbench and seeing how the house lacked a few essential items I bought a few things"

Finishing his speech izuku seemed kinda embarrassed but I didn't care as I had literally stole the collective money of hundreds of criminal organization and still is as I have around 30 shadows out and about on a constant in basis killing and robing criminals to the point where the new stations are calling it to safest place on earth.

"anyways let's hurry up and get on with our life"

Will whispered as over the next 6 months he mixed in heavy training and engineering with a izuku who if he now faced his sister would absolutely crush her as he continuously outfitted himself with gadgets to the point where I had to ban him from carrying more than 10.

Also during the last 6 months will had forces izuku into heavy combat training to the point where even could not move the next day but lucky for izuku this heavy training was only 1 a month.

All of this didn't matter as much as what happened about a week ago as izuku discovered his sister made into U.A which almost made him rage as he was basically tortured for his entire life which prompted him to try several times to go and kill her but I stopped him and with a few smack brought him back to his senses as I have the idea to become a criminal.

'Let that chaos begin'


[Name: will]

[energy: 300/300]

[class: none](suggestion wanted)

[str: 89]

[agi: 200]

[end: 86]

[wis: 59]

[int: 69]

[stat points: 4]

[shadow army: 124 low class shadows 4 mid class shadow,300 conscious shadow, 7 high-class shadows]


[super speed]- user is 10x faster than the average human.

[2nd release]- gives user 20 times speed of a normal human but put strain on host body the longer it's activated.

[lightning manipulation]- allows user to manipulate lightning witch it strength may change based off of how much engery is put into the controlled engery.

[lightning cloak]- increases user speed by 5x for 1 engery every 3 seconds of skill activation.

[blessings of the thunder god]- increase effectiveness of all lightning abilities by two times passively and when activated increase all stats by 2x for 10 minute's

[true rage]- when condition satisfied, user receives a 5x strength increase for 5 minutes
