chapter 42

"Will your to strong!"

Izuku yelled as he laid I'm able to move from our monthly high intensity training session which ended with me and izuku flopped on the floor, why me you may be asking well when when you're carrying a few ton worth of weight I guess it happens.

"no izuku your to strong!?!"

My words seem to surprise izuku as he laid there confused which caused me to sigh as I summoned a shadow who I sent to grab the camera footage from our recent while I and Izuku with the help of 2 more shadows got on the couch in the living where 7 more shadows appeared out of nowhere sitting on the other chairs.

"what's up guys"

Izuku asked as he sat right next to one of the shadows which reveal themselves to be the Freddy gang with the added addition of baby and balloon boy who both answered Izuku's question.

(If you want to see there human form comment and I'll post a chapter with everyone look)

"We were hunting criminals!"

They both yelled excitedly as they pretended to be fighting criminals showing off there powers at the same time which were called air control and bloody tears by the name you can probably guess the first one but if don't understand the second one basically baby can cry any liquid and control it.

"you two stop using your power in the house!"

I yelled as used one of my shadows to smack both who seem to become sheepish as they went to go take a seat as my shadow brought the fight footage inside which I had them play on the tv.


"Izuku your in luck as I will only be using half of my strength"

I exclaimed as I took out two wooden axes along with two swords which threw to izuku who caught both admiring there sharp edges as he began to circle around me no sight of his previous timid nature to be seen as he licked his lips causing me to slightly shiver at the massive change in izuku but this didn't last long as I remember the times I have beat him black and blue.


Suddenly while izuku was in one of my blind spots he quickly used one of his new leg boosters which caused him to become a blur to the naked 'Human' eye as he appeared right behind me.


turning around and flipping my axe around to have the blade facing up I swiftly brought it up causing Izuku's eyes to visibly dilate as his body with it's new hammered in danger sense moved his body into dodging by using the jet boosters in his arm and leg which he used to spin mid air as he dodged my weapons leaving me with a big opening which he too advantage of by using his leg jets to spin in a circle turning himself into into a tornado of blades.

'This little shit using my skill'

I thought as I brought my other axe to block flurry of attacks as I used my other axe to smack the back of his leg disrupting his spin as punched him in his stomach sending him flying.

(imagine izuku blushing while watching the video)


landing on the floor izuku get up with slightly uncontrolled breaths as his intense movement and much punch to his gut probably took about 10% of his stamina.

"I didn't know we were doing acrobatics"

I mocked as I looked at izuku who was slightly embarrassed but didn't drop his guard as I charged forward and to make sure to maximize Izuku's embarrassment I did all types of marvelous acrobatic moves with some being very similar to Izuku's uncontrollable spin as I moved quickly towards izuku who was trying to predict my moves with what seems to be a 20% success rate as he had a bit of confidence at my approach, which made slightly smile as I sent around 20% of my Killing intent towards him which is 4x more than usually did causing his body to lock up as I brought my axe down on him.

'Maybe I should start naming my moves'

I thought as my axe made contact with the weak defense of izuku which immediately broke down as both of his swords broke in half while sending him flying into the distances as I laughed like the evil demon lord who has dominated the lands of hero.

(imagine mc sinking into the chair embarrassed at his behavior)

"For someone who wanted to be a hero your just to weak~"

I said emphasizing my role as a villain which seems to spark something in izuku as he stood up this time with a look a determination and screamed something that made me want to punch him.

"I will defeat you vile vil-, oh wait please nooooooo!"

Izuku began to scream but before he could even finish I ran towards axe in hand a as I began to beat him with the back of my axe head causing to scream in pain until the axe finally broke on one of his metal arms.


Moving surprisingly quickly for someone who was beat by training axe, Izuku quickly jabbed at me with his metal fist sending me flying as he attacked at so close of a range for me to dodge.


Slamming into a nearby shelf with several books on martial arts I immediately broke it causing me to be buried in pile of books.

'He hit me pretty good but I'm not going to get beat by a kid who never been in a fist fight until six months ago! '

With this motivation I stood up, throwing my axes aside as I plan to beat the shit out of him which he seems to notice and smiles which slightly ticked me off but oh well.



The moment I got close I was immediately jabbed by izuku, who sadly for him did not put enough weight behind it allowing me to throw my own punch which that which caused both of us to go flying but immediately we stood up and things just broke into a slug fest which I won with my superior body.(he has a Minecraft body so he never gets tired and can barely be wonded)


After the video I look over sister 7 who were laying on the floor laughing which caused me to sigh as I had izuku who has healed a bit to go clean himself up as I headed out somewhere.