Mangekyō Sharingan

{ Rayleigh Point Of View }

After finishing Kyrin's training I finally had a proper sleep, Back on the island I slept either on the grass or sometimes on the boat and It wasn't comfy It all but now I'm sleeping next to my wife on a comfortable bed.

I got up on the morning to make the breakfast for me ,Shakky and My student Kyrin.

Speaking of him he said he'll pay Shakky back and then hang out for a few days before head off to the sea. Yesterday I asked him about his destination and he said: "I'll do some bounty hunting for a while so If I wanted to do anything I won't worry about the money."

'Enough about him what should I make for breakfast?'




"SHAKKY, KYRIN BREAKFAST IS READY " I shouted so I can wake them up

"No need to shout in the damn morning!! I was having a good dream!!" Said Shakky

"Hahah tell me about it later, Where is my student usually he'll be helping me with the food."

"I don't know I haven't seen him after we went to bed"

"Hmmm should we look for him?"

"Don't worry about him he doesn't have a bounty

on his head yet also when did you become worried about him ,hmmmm?" Shakky said while smirking

"Hahaha I took a liking to the young man, knowing him he will stay out of danger for no let's dig in and leave some for him" said Rayleigh while putting the plates on the table.

—-3 hours later—-

"Hey Shakky didn't you see Kyrin?" Rayleigh said while drinking from his flask.

"No... Should we look for him?"

"Yes let's go we will split and after half an hour we will go back here .

{Shakky's Point of View}

'Seriously that Kyrin where is he now? I'm gonna make him pay me 10k beli for looking for him'

As Shakky was walking near the lake she was turning her head left to right constantly to find Kyrin and she spotted a hand mirror behind a tree and there's a hand gripping it.

She walked to over to see who's behind the tree and she found Kyrin.

"There you are you idiot!, we were worried for no reason!"




'That's weird, When he was working for me before meeting Ray he used to wake up at the slightest sound.'

She lower her body and sat so she can inspect the young man

'Hmmm did he eat something? '

After eyeing the youngster's body she notice his tear are flowing at a rapid pace!

"Hey hey! Kyrin! Wake up!"

After seeing what she did was ineffective she put her hands on his shoulders and began shaking him violently

But again that's ineffective.

She knew the best action to do is bring him back fo the Bar and see what she could do.




{Back to Kyrin POV}

After waking of what felt like eternity I began inspecting my surroundings and I saw myaelf in a familiar room.

'This is the room Shakky gave me to sleep in, who did I get here?'

Before he could continue his thoughts the door was opened and he could see his mentor

"Ohhh you finally awake did you have a good sleep?"

"Ah yes thank you, I caused some troubles"

"Don't worry about it but what happened to you? You were unconscious for ten hours! Did someone attack you?" Asked the worried Rayleigh

"Don't worry about it Teacher, I think it's my Devil fruit is acting up don't worry about it"

"Hmm that's a relief, you must be hungry right? Go help your self in the kitchen "

"Yes I'll do."

After making myself a nice meal for myself and explaining the same excuse I told Rayleigh I went to the nearest mirror which was in the bathroom.

'Okay let's test this out!' Kyrin said to himself

I focused on my eyes and My 3 tomoe Sharingan appeared and I began pumping more power and stamina to my eyes through the veins.

I closed my eyes and continued adding more power to my eyes

'[Mangekyō Sharingan!]'


I opened my eyes and the world wasn't the same anymore.

For the second time in my life I feel like I was a blind man who just saw for the first time in his whole LIFE.


after five minutes of losing my mind I finally calmed, I turned facing the mirror and I saw a pattern I've never seen before.

'So this is how my Mangekyō Sharingan looks like huh? It's not bad or extremely good , It's descent I couldn't wish for anything better so I'm satisfied with it's design'

After check my Mangekyō Sharingan design I stop pumping power into it and my eyes reverted into the regular Sharingan.

'Since I have unlocked my Mangekyō Sharingan I'll unlock Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, I won't wait until I suffer from blindness nor I don't want it to hinder me in battles'

So I didn't waste a second and began focusing on mind so my Skill tree could appear and It did

—————Skill Tree—————-

- 1 tomoe sharingan : 100 Power points

- 2 tomoe sharingan: 200 Power points

-3 tomoe sharingan : 400 Power points

- Mangekyō Sharingan {Requires the user to experience the lost of someone dear to them} : 800 Power points

-Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan: 1600 Power

-Rinnegan: : 3200 Power points

Rinne-Sharingan: 6400 Power points

Current battle points: 2301

I immediately began focusing on EMS and I felt like it's successful.

I closed my eyes once more and started pumping power to my eyes.

[ 'Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!']





'Thank god I'm calm this time , I just experienced it just a minute ago so It's not very addicting'

I turned my head upwards and I could see my eyes pattern changed a bit. (Author note : Check the paragraph comments or the chapter comment for EMS design)

'It's already night time so I'll get some sleep and calm down and tomorrow I'll go to the lake and test my three new powers!'

———Next Day by The Lake——-

'Okay let's start!'

[Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan]


Now me EMS is activated what should I test first?

Susanoo or Kamui or my left eye power?

After some thinking I decided I'll test Kamui powers first.

'Since the Kamui Ability on my right eye mean I could use it on close range and send people or myself to Kamui dimension or I could phase through attack.'

'I wonder what happens when I deactivate Kamui When I'm underground what will happen? Sadly my question will never be answered considering I won't risk my life'

I approached a giant tree and I activated my Kamui


I walked into it and I could feel the tree

'I feel I'm part of it while not being a part of it... this is very confusing'

After some test I discovered the following:

- my current limit is 15 seconds minute

-After one minute has passed I need ten consecutive minutes to fully recharge it

- The moment I start Activating the Kamui phasing ability it takes a small amount of stamina but it's something I can manage.

-Even If I don't fully use the whole 15 seconds I'll need ten minutes to rechare.

'Now let's visit the Kamui dimension shall we?'



'Ughhhhh this feels terrible, It's like the feeling you feel after spinning '


'Hmmm what is this?'

After using Kamui ability to transfer myself to the other dimension I saw a scene I'm not familiar with.

I was standing on an island.

'Why I'm sure I was going to Kamui dimension but what is this?'

'Perhaps this is the Kamui dimension of this world? If it is I guess it's better than the original.'

'The island is is twice as a football stadium and the sun is on the same location when I was transported here then the time goes at the same pace then?'

I walked around the island and I couldn't see any animals or humans, outside the Kamui there was some clouds and a light breeze.

'I guess If there's a storm or rain It won't affect my dimension, that's refreshing '

Enough about Kamui, Let's try activating Susanoo


A Dark rib cage formed around Kyrin.

(Sorry I haven't be able to find a dark rib cage so no picture for this stage sorry but If you have please share it)

'So this is my susanoo huh? The Susanoo is formed by the user will, I wonder what it would look like.'

'Every Susanoo has some kind of a special ability, Itachi had a sealing sword and shild, Sasuke can combine his dark flames with Susanoo.'

'I wonder what's mine'

'I want to test it's durability but I can't right now so I'll do it later but now let's try forming a fist'

After minutes of trying he failed miserably and he only could form a rib cage.

'I want to test my left eye ability so bad but I need an opponent!' Thought Kyrin

'For now let's exit this dimension'



'Ughhhh I wonder when I'll get accustomed to this, maybe never '

After exiting my personal dimension I went back to Shakky's shop so I can relax and replenish my stamina I've done so much testing after all.

I greeted Rayleigh and Shakky and chatted with them for a bit after that I took a shower and made some food for myself.

"Hey Shakky-san do you know how can I start hunting bounties ?"

"It's pretty simple, You just hunt them down and kill them or capture them it's up to you and bring them to the nearest Marine Headquarters." Shakky replied while smoking

"Do the marines give information about the bounties abilities? Or their location?" I asked while picking my gear

"No they don't, The marines tend to keep it for themselves but you can buy it from the black market" answered Shakky

"Since I got no money on me right now mind telling me what you know Shakky-san?"

"Hmm? Why do you think I have information?"

Shakky said

"I have noticed when you're bored you follow some interesting individuals mostly being pirate rookies so I doubt that you don't have information on you"

"Okay okay you got me, There's a pirate coming to this island they shouldn't take more than a month If you want to hunt them down before they escape to the Fishermen island or other groups get them I suggest you start monitoring the island from now on"

"Which of the seven routes they are coming from?"

"They are coming from Water 7 direction "

"The group is called Silver pirates and their captain is called Bill Silt and there's some rumors that he has a Devil fruit "

'Bill slit? Devil fruit user? I think I know something about this guy but I'm not too sure'

Kyrim thought to himself

"Here you can look for his wanted poster in this newspaper" Shakky said as she was handing me a newspaper.

I took the newspaper and I saw a familiar face

(Check this paragraph comment or chapter comment for picture )

'This guy! I remember him fighting Luffy and defeating him!'

'I'll try test his abilities first then see how I approach him'

After that I hang out with Rayleigh and Shakky for a few hours before exiting the bar

'Should I kill them? Or capture them? Or cut their hands?'

'I'll test them out first!'


I wanted to finish the EMS topic so we can move on to the action