Steel Pirates

It's already 10 days since I started waiting for Bill slit crew, of I course I didn't sit on one spot. Sometimes I patrol the island or ask the people who I came across If they got any news on them but I still didn't come across any positive news.

I didn't neglect my training and found my new goal to reach which is keeping my sharingan active around the cloak.

This seems crazy but some talent Uchiha achieved it like Itachi, Madara, Obito but I want to achieve something even more which is keeping my EMS active all the times.

You may ask what's hindering me from achieving my goal and the answer for that is the Sharingan puts strain on the mind the longer the user keep it active, to overcome this weakness one must get used to it but of course I didn't focus only kn my Sharingan I kept trying to improve my Susanoo and Haki but the progress I made is non-existence. Rayleigh told me In order to reach new stages in Haki one must fight to break their limits and overcome them.

As for my Susanoo the same concept applies to it, I must engage in fights while my Susanoo is active and get used to it and force it to evolve whole in battle.


On Grove 66 where the Marine Headquarters in

Vice admiral Onigumo was sitting on his desk while listening to a report through the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail)

"There's a man who have been patrolling The outer edges of the island for days,What should we do Vice-admiral"

"Do you know his motive?" Asked Onigumo

"He seems to be going after the Steel pirates but I'm not sure."

"Is he a pirate?" Asked the vice admiral

"We aren't sure sit, this is the first time seeing him"

"Then describe how he looks like."

"Well, he has an orange mask with two holes for the eyes, he's wearing a robe with a hood and there's a red clouds all over the robe."(check paragraph comment or chapter comment for picture)

"I've noted down all the things you said I'll make somebody look for similar clothing. What is he doing right now"

"We don't know sir we tried to follow him in secret but we always lose him"

"Continue searching for him until you found him"

"Yes sir!"

On top of a giant tree branch you can see a man sitting and eavesdropping on the conversation between the two marines.

After a while the masked man can be seen on the edges of the island eating while a black ribcage surrounding him.

'It's already five days and they still didn't arrive , If this continues I'll have to give up on them and move on but If I caught them I'll not need to hunt pirates for a while'

While thinking his scarlet eyes caught a glimpse of a giant ship and he continued staring for half an hour and due his extraordinary vision he identified the ship as Steel pirate's .

'Finally they have arrived If they were late for a few more hours I'd have given up, now let's rest so I can be ready for anything unexpected'

After two more hours the Steel pirates have finally docked on the shores of Sabaody Archipelago

{Bill slit POV}

'I have finally arrived at the final island on the first half of the grand line.' Said as he exited his captain room

'Now with my power I'll defeat everyone who stands in my way and recruit subordinates so they can do the work for my while I'm living my most luxurious lifestyle possible.'

"Hey Desire we will split into three groups, I will go and collect information about the new world and you find a coating mechanic so we can go underwater and the last group stay and guard the ship. Understood?" Said Bill

" YES CAPTAIN!" Everyone Steal Pirate shouted.

'What a fucking idiot losers, collect information? Did they seriously believed that? I'll go to have some fun while you all work your asses out for me. ' though Bill

'Captain Bill what a great man even though he sucks at collecting information he still wants to do something for the crew! Don't worry captain I'll collect information for you!' Though desire

{Back to Kyrin's POV}

'Those assholes finally arrived and their captain is doing me a favor by going alone' though Kyrin as he was jumping from tree to tree while following Bill secretly

Kyrin followed Bill for five minutes and jumped behind Bill while making no sounds and said.

"Bill slit you have finally arrived unfortunately for you this is the end of your journey."

The moment Bill heard a sound behind him he turned around and saw figure wearing a black robe with some red clouds on it and thought 'where did this guy appeared from?! I made sure no one was following me'

"Where did you appear from pumpkin mask?" Said Bill

"I was following you the moment you set a foot on this island "

"Then you must be after my head huh"

"No shit Sherlock , did you hear what I said seconds ago?"

"Tch so confident I'll make you regret it!! " said Bill as he charged towards Kyrin

Bill put his hands in his stomach after he pulled them two swords appeared.

He got close enough to Kyrin and said "You will die here because of your overconfidence!"

Bill said as he slashed his swords wanting to separate Kyrin's head from his body

Kyrin lowered his head and dash to the right side and made some distance between the two

'In the canon his fruit was powerful but he is an idiot and let his subordinates do the work for him If it put in good user It will be one of the most powerful fruits'

I activated my Eternal Mangyou Sharingan and coated my hands in Haki and dashed to him

I formed fists on both hands and smashed the swords he just created while he still in shock I jumped And swing my leg down while coating it in Haki mid-air he received the hit on head.

He fell and his stomach and I said " Already defeated? What a let down you don't deserve your bounty"

He got up and started laughing hysterically and said " You are down for, you bastard !! Usually I kill my enemies immediately but you!!! You!!! I'll melt you slowly and painfully you won't pass out even for a moment!!!!" After he said

[Molten Bullets!]

Several small quantity of molten cores were coming towards me and I flawlessly dodged them all without breaking a sweat

'I have Observation Haki and EMS this is nothing to me'

I charged towards Bill and he was still firing his lame attack, I made the slightest motion to dodge his bullets and my action got on bis nerves.

I got close to him and delivered to hits one towards his heart and a strong one stomach.

He got knocked back towards a tree and he slammed into it.

As he was grasping air he said " No one..... , No one... HAS EVER DONE ANYTHING TO ME , I'LL, I'LL MAKE YOU PAY YOU BASTARD !!!'

"That means you haven't met any strong opponent yet you idiot "

' I want him to go berserk and over eat ores so he gains immense power but he doesn't have the ores and he doesn't seems that angry but I have the solution for that'

"Do you can still power up? You're pathetic to be honest If you don't show anymore power I'll kill you right here and now"

"Hoho .... You're looking for a powerful opponent huh?. You're lucky He is standing in front of you"

"Is he invisible? because I don't see anyone who has power"

"You bastard let me go back to my ship and I'll play with you how about that?"

'He wants to trick me into letting him back to his ship so he can eat all the ore in the ship and I'll play along with him. Unfortunately for him he will not be able to beat me no matter what he do.'

"Okay little chicken go back to your little boat and do your thing"

"I promise you to regret your dissection!"

After saying his threat he started running back to the shore to eat all the ore he keeps on his ship incase something happened.

{ Bill POV}

I started running back to my ship and the pumpkin mask guy is still following me closely without attacking me.

'This idiot I guess he doesn't now about the world to let his opponent get stronger If I was on his position I'll kill my opponent without giving them any chance to even attempt to attack me'

I ran back to my and I saw the idiot woman who follows me blindly Desire thankfully still hasn't left with her group.

I looked behind me and I saw the pumpkin mask still a minute away from catching up to me so I shouted


I said the as I was getting on the ship.

I'm on the surface of the ship and I gotta hurry to the storage room and consume every ore,bullet and even sword, If it was made from any kind of ore I'm eating it while my crew hold him back.

After a while I finally finished consuming everything was on the storage I left the ship and I saw a scene horrified me

The crew I spent so much time recruiting and tricking is all on the ground either dead or bleed on the middle I saw the pumpkin mask guy just standing on a body of one of my subordinates and there's a strange black lines all over him slowly disappearing.


"I defeated them, simple as that"

{Back to Kyrin's POV}

I'm currently following back the Idiot Bill and he thinks he outpaced me with his speed unbeknownst to him I can kill him any moment but I need him to become more powerful in order to do two thing firstly I want a fierce battle so my Haki will be stronger and my Susanoo will evolve and since I have a Eternal Mangyou I'm hoping it least to be able to form the skeleton body stage

Secondly I want to knock him out and kill him in Kamui dimension so I have a higher chance on capturing the devil fruit since I don't think It will be able to cross dimensions.

We finally arrived on the shore and I see his crew gearing for battle.

I wasted no time and charged into them and started beating them up. I closed my eyes and started counting them by sensing their presence using Observation Haki and they are around 30 people.

I knocked out half of them and said

"Since I'm waiting for your pathetic captain to power up I'm giving you a chance to live, Attack me however you like and I'll stay on one place"

"You may start now"

As I said I activated my left eye ability


The moment I said my previous sentence

All of the Steal pirates who are conscious charged at me.

Some tried to cut me others stab me others fire at me others kick me but when they made contact with my body there's a black lines are

formed on their attack location.

After a minute all of those who attacked me got the same attack with double the power appeared on them, I finished off whoever resisted the attack.After that the black lines were slowly disappearing.

After a while

Bill finally exited the ship and emerged as a giant, spewing large amounts of molten ore from his body

After seeing his crew defeated by me he has finally became berserk.

[Armament Haki : Hands!]

[Susanoo : Rib cage]

After forming my Susanoo and coating my hands with Haki I charged towards him.

He started spewing large amounts of molten ore from his body wanting to hit me, the moments it got close I shouted '[Kamui!]' in my mind , the molten ore phased through me and fell to the ground.

After seeing that Bill frowned and received a strong hit on his mouth and got sent back a few meters away, He got back on his feet and said "is this you're best? I didn't even feel it. Because you're worthy I'll show you my true power Pumpkin!" After saying that A large steam started flowing out of his body after a few seconds the steam finally dissipated and a silver Bill was standing there

"THIS IS M—" before he can continue with his villain speech I attack him and for the very first time he dodged.

"Ohh you're improving aren't ya!"

I said that as I started throwing punches and kicks at him and he could only dodge and the moment he wants to counter attack I'd have already hit him two or three time.

After getting frustrated his legs started growing in size and his speed increased somehow but still couldn't get a hit on me , after feeling disappointed I lowered my power to be higher than his by a little bit.

We started exchanging attacks and I feel my Haki and Susanoo getting stronger by the moment.

After a while he actually broke my Susanoo and my Susanoo crumbled , If I wanted to summon it again I have to sacrifice third of my stamina to fix it and I did that because Bill is not really my opponent.

After seeing Bill got weaker by the moment I stopped attacking him and began only defending and evading

After a while I got bored and cut his hands and quickly stopped the bleeding and put him in a tight rope and started teleporting him to the Kamui dimension.

The teleportation process needed a whole minute because I'm not that good at it yet.

After that I also teleported the ship to the Kamui dimension and that took ten minutes after that I sat on a tree branch and waited for the marines to come, and the reason I knew about their coming because I put the marines who were following me in a Genjustu so they follow my orders and keep my abilities safe, I'll probably kill them or erase my existence out of their memory.

After a while you can see Vice admiral Onigumo coming to the battlefield

'So this is the head of the marine base on this island.....' thought Kyrin

"You who is wearing the black robe state your name and purpose here!" Said Onigumo

'Hmmm should I tell him or shamelessly steal a name from Naruto?' Thought Kyrin

"Are You Gonna Tell me Or you will Be Killed In the Name Of Justice?!" Said Onigumo

"My name is Indra and I came to this island to hunt down the Steel Pirates and I'll stay here hunting down Pirates for a while"

"Then I assume from the bodies you have succeeded?"

"Yes and no"

"What do you mean? Onigumo asked

"Well their Captain when I came close to finishing him off he actually pulled a suicidal attack and killed himself what left of him is just his hands as you can see over there and rest of the crew are here either unconscious or dead"

"I'll take the bodies and deliver the money for their bounties you can come in three days to collect it is it fine by you?" Onigumo said

"Yes ,I'll see you shortly "


Don't worry I'll explain 'Karttikeya' next chapter

And did you like the chapter?

And how do you want his relationship with the strawhats?