Rayleigh [2]

After a month I have finally located two of Blackbeard's pirates, The first is Laffitte who is the Navigator of the crew and the second is Van Augur who is the Sniper of the crew , I still don't have anything on Law and Yami Yami no mi which is Blackbeard's fruits Devil fruit.

I'm finally setting off and starting my own adventure but I want to have a reliable comrades and not scumbags like Teach and I don't want soft hearted individuals like The Straw Hats.

'Let's review what I remember from the Show, I have watched the show numerous times but before I got reincarnated. The last episode was air is when the Straw hats just rescued Sanji from the Bigmom's scheme and ran from her so anything from that point I don't have any information on it.'

'Since Luffy will start his adventure in two years and ten months Ace should have already began his, If my calculations are correct he will reach the New world within 7 or 6 months and by the time Luffy reaches LougeTown where Roger was executed Teach should have betrayed the WhiteBeard and started scouting for potential crewmates.'

'Ace should have already eaten his fruit and presumably would get his first bounty very shortly.'

'Sabo is with the revolutionary army and I don't have any information about their location and Luffy is still training on Windmill Village, it's not I want to be friends with them or anything It just nice to know about the people will shift the world balance.'

'In the past month I battled numerous pirates who wanted to go to the New World and I made huge improvements on my black Susanoo in my current state I can form two hands and equip them with swords!. The next evolution is the half Skeleton Susanoo which is basically a Skeleton avatar surrounds the user but only the upper half, at first the user will only be able to manifest bones and arms but with enough mastery the user will be able to coat the skeleton body with muscles and skin and equip it with weapons.'

'My Stamina, Armament Haki and Observation Haki all improved since Every time of the day I've 500 kg on my four limbs unless I'm using the restroom.'

'If I wanted to measure me strength I'm pretty sure no Vice Admiral can match my power excluding Garp,Tsuru .

If we are talking about one vs one situation I'll come victorious but If I have one more Vice admiral as an opponent things will get tricky.'

'In my current state I can defeat the Straw hats combined before the two year time skip but after their training I'm not strong enough.

'If I'm fighting Luffy alone I can win by dragging the battle, I'm sure my Two Hakis are at least two times stronger than his but he has Gear fourth which will be a problem, I can best any Warlord apart from Mihawk , Doflamingo.

I don't know about Boa hancock and Kuma enough to measure them so when I encounter them I'll have a few rounds against them and run away so I can sort what I learned about them.'

Kyrin continued measuring himself against the pillars of this world while walking towards Shakky's Bar

When he somewhat close he went to Kamui dimension to change his clothes since he was wearing the Akatsuki robe with modified Obito's mask he was somewhat famous because every pirate that arrives to Sabaody Archipelago is either caught or killed by his hands. Since he didn't bring trouble to Rayleigh and Shakky he removed his 'Indra' identity and changed to the clothes that he usually wears when he's not hunting bounties(Check this Paragraph comment or chapter comment for his 'Normal clothes')

'If Bill knew that I used his ship as a wardrobe and a warehouse he will be furious'

After changing his normal clothes he entered Shakky's bar and saw Rayleigh just chilling while eating.

"Oh welcome Kyrin how's your hunt?" Said Rayleigh while eating noodles

Kyrin smiled and said:"It's alright, today I've caught a pirate crew worths 80 million Beli"

"We haven't seen much pirates these days, with your hunting routine it's became hard to find them."

"It's their fault for trusting their abilities too much, enough about pirates how are you doing today? I heard you've won a jackpot?"

"Ohh! Sit down let me tell you about it!"

After a few hours of talking and laughing together Shakky came back from shopping.

She sorted everything she brought and said "Ray and Shinigami what you would like to do today"



Said Rayleigh and Kyrin at the same time.

Shakky sighed and said " It's the nickname the Marines and the Underworld gave you since you almost never leave one alive, Shouldn't you know this I heard you're being frequent at the Underworld?

Plus they're rumors about a black skeleton hands forms around you."

"When I visit the Black market or the Underworld I just pay for what I know and finally I found some positive news, about the rumors it's true"

"Hmm? When I was training you I've never seen you use a black skeleton hands, is it linked to your Devil fruit?" Asked Rayleigh while stroking his beard

"Remember when I passed out near the lake?"

"Yes" Said Rayleigh and Shakky

"That's when I unlocked this new powers and It's still growing"

"Hmm you have pique my curiosity are you up for a few rounds?" Said Rayleigh

After hearing Ray's questions I nodded

"An old man like you should relax , when did you become a fighting lover?"

"When I was training Kyrin we were sparing a lot so I recovered some of my old touch"

"Wait for me I want to see his newfound powers" said Shakky while lightning a cigarette

We walked to the nearby me and Rayleigh had out swords with us while Shakky had a bag with her.

"What's in the bag Shakky-san?" I asked

"Don't tell me you expect me to stay standing whole you guys have your little spar? After you guys finish we're gonna have a picnic"

A few minutes later you can see me and Rayleigh going into our position.

{Rayleigh POV}

'I wonder how much he progressed' Rayleigh thought to himself

"When this rock reaches the ground we will start" I said while throwing a rock into the air.




0!!! As soon the rock landed I can see my pupil

rushing towards me while coating his legs in Haki to boost his speed.

I took a step back and blocked his attack with my sword.

'He continues attacking and rushing without a plan it seems he needs more training'

I had enough of blocking his attacks and coated my sword in Haki and shot a Ray towards Kyrin and he did the same thing , while the Rays were clashing he sneaked up behind me and Slashed but before he succeeded I deflected his attack and disarm him.

"What now Kyrin? You have no blade " I said in a mocking manner.

A wide grin appeared on his face and Said

" I don't a weapon"

He began walking in circles around me and numerous afterimages appeared

'[Rhythm Echo]' Said Kyrin in his mind

"You know I can sense you through your Haki right?" Rayleigh said while chuckling

"TRY ME" Said my arrogant student

I began searching for his presence and I found ten Identical presences

'Is this a new technique he learnt ? Or I'm already In an illusion?'

I tried breaking out of his illusion and I made zero progress meaning what I'm seeing is real

"What have you done Kyrin?"

"I created a new technique , basically I can create a presence for a fixed amount of time and I must combine my assassination techniques with Haki in order to perform this trick" I heard this answer ten times since

After hearing his answer I slash in a circle manner all around me and shot a circle shaped Ray and got rid of all his afterimages.

"So Do you have anymore tricks?" I said walking looking at a tree branch with Kyrin sitting on jt

"Ohh I have five more tricks I wonder what will you do against them" Kyrin said as he dropped from the tree branch and the veins on his hand became visible and his nails grew a little.

He coated his hands in Haki and charged at me I did the same thing but with my sword.

I raised my sword and slashed towards him but he grabbed it and slashed my arm like a kitten and took my sword and said " how the tables have turned what are you doing from now on without your sword?"

I let a chuckle and said " I advise you not to hold my swords any longer Kiddo"

He laughed at my warning and said " sorry Rayleigh-sensei but I can see through your attempt to fool m-"

Before he could finish his sentence his hands began bleeding with his Haki still on.

"Hahahahahahaha what you were saying? I couldn't hear you?"

"What was that? A hidden trick or what?" My student said while his hand was dripping blood

"None of that but my sword is actually a Supreme grade Meito, his name is Shiroi gyokuza"

"Since when did you have a Supreme Meito?! And Why didn't I notice it?"

"Because my sword is a shy and obsessed with me so It doesn't like making his presence known"

"What a weird sword like his owner" said Kyrin

A tick appeared on my forehead and said "It looks like you're out of tricks brat do you surrender?"

"It looks like you forgot about why we were fighting in the first place" he said that as a black ribcage surrounded his body and two arms holding mini swords coming out of it.

"Are you ready for round two? Or are you tired already?" Said the taunting ungrateful student

"Hmmm after I seen this thing I want to study it not fight it." I said

"What? What do you mean?"

"I surrender I'm tired already don't forget I'm an old man!"

"What a fuckin Bulls*it you could fight for a full

And suddenly you're tired? But I'll take it as a win"

"Don't get too cocky don't forget it's your first win after 1209 matches!"

After saying that we went to Shakky to eat with her.

{Kyrin POV}

After chatting and laughing with Shakky and Rayleigh I said the following :

"I'm leaving this island after one week"


After all this time we are finally leaving this island!

Disclaimer: I want suggestions for a new name for this fan fic and Don't expect chapters for a few days because I'll rewrite the first five chapters.

[ when the cover and name changes don't panic]