
Author note : Whenever this chapter is out means the first chapter is edited and fixed


"I'll leave this Island after one week"




" I suppose it's finally time huh?" Said Rayleigh while sighing

"Yes, Sorry for saying it at this time but I couldn't find any better timing"

"By your frequent visits to the Underworld I suppose you have an objective and destination?"

Asked Shakky

"First of all I would go to Water 7 to have a ship build specifically for me, then I'll travel between the four seas and recruit potential crew mates." Kyrin Answered

"Mind telling me about who you're interested in?" Said Shakky

"The one who will be my right hand and who's my top priority is a Doctor and a Swordsman he is located in North blue somewhere in Rubeck island or Shallow island or Minion island.

His name is Law."

"A swordsman doctor? That's interesting" said Rayleigh

"He should have a few friends with him If he accepted joining I don't mind letting them join too, the second person is a master in using firearms especially the sniper rifles. He is also in the North blue but his location is unknown at the moment"

"Then what? Sail until you find more people?" Said Rayleigh

"No, there's someone interesting with unusual abilities he used to be an officer in the police in Kano country ,he is in prison but I don't know where exactly so When I arrive there I'll figure out how I deal with him."

"Kano county in West blue? What's up with this journey first you're going to Water seven then North blue after that West blue? This is going to take you months to go back and forth." Rayleigh commented.

After hearing Rayleigh's comment Kyrin explained his Kamui ability to the couple.

"So as long as you've been in a some place you can teleport to it? If the World government knew about this you're in deep trouble , they will try in every way to make you their slave." Shakky stated

After that he took him to Kamui dimension and showed then Bill's ship that he usually uses it as a wardrobe or a storage.

On the surface you can see several boxes full of Belis.

Shakky opened on of the boxes and after seeing what's inside of it her eyes turned into dollar signs.

"This is not the best thing Shakky-san, let's go to the captain headquarters." After Kyrin said that he leaded them into a room and you can see two small boxes on top of a table.

Kyrin opened the boxes simultaneously and the couple's eyes shined.

"You Brat how did you get two Devil fruits!! They're supposed to be rare what the hell!" Said Shakky

"I'm a bit lucky" Kyrin replied

"Do you know what they do?" Rayleigh asked

"One of them is Smelt Smelt fruit which makes you a blast furnace and the other one I have no idea."

"I also don't know which one is the Smelt Smelt fruit because I captured them at the same time."

"Try the blackmarket but information about Devil fruits is expensive especially take a picture of these two and ask about them , you might find something" said Shakky

Then the three returned to the other world and chatted while walking to Shakky's bar

—six days later—

By buying information from the Underworld I identified the two Devil fruit the first is of course the Smelt Smelt fruit and the second one is a Paramecia Devil fruit that lets you grow and control Wood.

Right now I'm eating breakfast with Rayleigh and Shakky while chatting, the past days I noticed the couple being sad about my leave but I assured them I'll be back and after finishing my journey I'll spent the rest of my life with them, after hearing that the couple mood got a little better and I have spent the last six days hanging around with them, right now we are at the forest where I fought Bill, we are just walking instead of sitting in Shakky's bar all the time.

"So how are you going to Water seven?" Shakky asked

"I want to find a job like protecting the cargo for merchants. If I found something better I'll take it instead" I replied

After saying that we heard some noise far away I activated my Observation Haki and Identified who made these noises, I assured the couple that everything is alright.

The one who made these sound finally appear in front of us


'I'm not wearing the Akatsuki robe at the moment , did she stalk me or what?'

"You're Desire right? What do you want? And didn't you get caught by the marines?"

"I want revenge for what you have done on my captain you asshole!!" Said Desire

'If I remember correctly she left after Bartolomeo left her and sailed alone but that should've happened when Luffy went to Loguetown

in two years and approximately ten months from the present so why is she here?' Kyrin said to himself

'There's two reasons for this one is the butterfly effect but I shouldn't have done something that is connected to her unless Bartolomeo already ditched her for some reason already but that's just a theory and the second reason is I'm not in the original one piece but a counterpart of it.'

"You asshole you dare IGNORE ME?!" Said Desire

"You want revenge right? Why? Didn't your Captain did the same thing for several pirate groups?"

After hearing that she was taken back and her face was like she just discovered legs

"But .... But.... Bill was a good pirate! And those


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't... I can't *chuckle*" I continued laughing for a little bit but Shakky glared it me and I stopped immediately.

'Thank god she didn't charge me for anything'

After that I began saying fake facts about Bill but most of them he might actually done, but Desire was persistent and asked for proof and I told how Bill would've react and this cycle continued for several minutes.

"Fine I believe you but since you somehow ended my journey you have to take me to my village" she winked after saying that.

'THE FUCK? what kind of logic is this? I'm not gonna be a baby sitter for a girl got fooled in front of her eyes.'

"No, why do I have to do that? Heck no I'm not gonna waste my time baby sitting you!"

"Fine then! Since you won't escort me to my hometown I'll join the marines and hunt you down!"

'Did she thinks that she is some kind of princess? Plus she isn't that beautiful to demand this service, even If Boa Hancock herself demands me like this I'll refuse since I'm not a degenerate like Sanji'

"I'm gonna say this one If I encountered you again in the Sea as an enemy I won't show mercy like last time, If I done something once don't expect me to repeat it" Kyrin said

The four women sticked their tongues out and raised their middle fingers and I raised mine too

'Seriously where do they get this bravery? I almost killed them a month ago.'

After the four left we continued out stroll after that we returned to Shakky's bar and had a feast.

And finally the last day for Kyrin arrived.

After having a feast with the couple he went to sleep and woke up early in the next morning and he saw the couple already awake.

"Good morning what's for breakfast?" I asked

"Before breakfast can you come with me real quick?" Said Rayleigh

Kyrin of course nodded and he followed Rayleigh to the couple's room and my teacher grabbed a large box under their bed and said " In this box there's a unique sword on the same grade as mine but It has a unique conditions to it, do you want it?"


I was dumbfounded I never even suspected this, I mean Luffy wasn't a Swordsman so It made sense not giving him a sword.

"What is this sword conditions?" I asked

"Well first of all You need to relieve it saddens"

'The fuck? I'm getting a sword aren't I?'

Seeing his disciple annoyed expression made Rayleigh chuckle before continuing :" This sword is super clingy to it's owner, so when the previous owner dies the next one has to make his sadness disappear somehow"

"Okay that's acceptable is there anymore conditions?"

"Yes, If you thought the first one is ridiculous listen closely to this one. You need to be powerful enough to use it and you need to have more untapped potential in you than what you managed to bring out." After saying that Rayleigh took a deep breath and continued:" Let me tell you how I got this sword."

"Please do."

"Before obtaining one piece and reaching the last Island the Roger pirates were visiting numerous islands and fought hundreds of battles, there was a period I wasn't happy about my current strength at that time so I knew I needed to become more powerful somehow but I didn't want to eat a Devil fruit. Luckily there was an lawless island where everything will be resolved with swords. For example If you wanted to marry someone's daughter you have to win against her brothers and father anyway I made my decision and told my captain I wanted to go there alone and won't come back unless I defeated everyone on that island."

"After making that statement the crew frowned and were begging me to have at least one person with me but I refused them all."

"After that I took my sword and a small boat and stayed in that island for two years constantly challenging anyone who had a shred of strength on my time there I invented the sword style we both use and encountered this sword"

"I found a note book stating what I told you about it and I wasn't able to use it due having more power than my untapped potential"

"Is there any reason that It requires such conditions?"

"From what I know from the notebook It wants to see his owner gets stronger as the time progress like a mother to her children"

'Is this a really a Supreme Meito?!'

"Enough talking I'll open the box and you have your way with it"

After that Rayleigh proceeded to unlock the box where the sword was sealed in and when he opened I saw a bamboo stick that Dojos uses to train its students for swordsmanship.

"Don't have a disappointed face like that , If you managed to have it acknowledges you It will reform itself to your ideal sword that fits you"

After hearing that I bend down and reached for the Bamboo sword and grabbed it.

The moment I was holding the sword it took over my right arm and my Armament Haki got activated without my intentions. I opened the window and jumped down because If anything happened I don't want to destroy Shakky's bar.

I rushed to the lake while my Armament Haki is still on against my will, When I arrived at the lake I press the bamboo stick sword in the dirt and I got control over my Armament Haki once again.

I activated my EMS just to be safe , this is a Supreme sword after all It could kill me If I'm too careless.

I calmed down and I activated my Armament Haki and grabbed the sword once again but nothing happened.

'Did it acknowledge me or what?'

I waited a few minutes and nothing happened so I decided to talk to it thinking maybe it was the key to this situation.

"The name's Kyrin Uchiha I want to be your master!'

I noticed the sword vibrated but unlike Zoro I didn't get what the sword meant or what is it's motive.

I continued talking to it but It only reacts when I mention the words 'Master','Owner' and companion'.

'What a weird sword A bamboo stick sword will reshape itself my fit my preferences? I mean some can create shockwaves by their hands so a reshaping sword is not that weird.'

After that I continued talking with the Bamboo stick but I didn't get what it meant.

After a while Rayleigh came to the lake and said "you're still struggling with it? even though it says something obvious?"

"What does it wants? Since he's a Supreme sword grade if he didn't like me I'm pretty sure he can injure me or possess me If I'm weak enough but It just vibrates it's weird"

"I think he wants you to name it" said the smiling Rayleigh

"What? Name it? Doesn't have a name? And how can it reshape itself"

"Supreme swords have a stronger will than most humans so it has special properties but it Depends on the wielder if he can bring them out and the people on the island refer to it as the Blank blade because it will change itself after being named by their wielder" Rayleigh stated

'Name? I'm not the best when it comes to naming so I'll steal a name I used to like in my previous world'

"A name huh? What about Zangetsu?"

After saying that the bamboo sword began vibrating in a fast and aggressive manner but I was calm because for some reason I felt like it was a part of me and I can tell its intentions so I kept holding it in my hand.

The sword began shining and I turned off my EMS because I don't want to burn my eyes.

(because he has unmatched eyesight he is more

sensitive to light)

After a few seconds the light began fading and when It disappeared and Zangetsu revealed its new appearance.

Zangetsu is a moderately curved katana with a light red edge and a distinct black hamon that has the appearance of flames. Its tsuba is gold and shaped like a rounded cross pattée. The hilt is wrapped black.(it looks like the the sword Luffy used against Hawkins but in different colors)

'This sword look amazing! and it letting his aura loose to let people know that its a Supreme sword unlikes Rayleigh's!' Thought Kyrin.

"Congratulations on getting your very own Meito but you need to train more until you can use it to its full extent now all you need is a sheath but if you wanted a customized one you need to wait a few days but don't worry I know a person in Water seven who can help you with it"

After saying that Rayleigh handed me a sheath that barley fits Zangestu and I could tell the sword wasn't happy so I said : "Wait a little bit Zangetsu I'll get you the most beautiful and comfortable sheath out there!"

Zangetsu vibrated in happiness

After that we finally ate out breakfast and I told them about the job I've taken that will lead me to Water seven.

"What a troublesome job you got your hands on!

The owner of some famous company that rivals Galley-La got kidnapped by pirates and his sons which are his employees are gathering members to assist them in hunting those pirates down?" Said Shakky

"They must be very unlucky because the kidnappers are part of some famous Supernova who is a Devil fruit user so no one but me applied for their job and I'll meet them at grove 44 a few hours later" Kyrin said

"Kyrin are you sure about this? I don't doubt your strength but this Supernova is famous for killing all his enemies so his powers don't get revealed and from my experience the ones who does this they want to conceal their powers until they're strong enough because it's still growing and most of the times it'll be terrifying. Even Whitebeard hid his power back when he was younger." Says Rayleigh

"Don't worry I can ditch anytime If it gets dangerous."

After that we went to grove 44 where the ones who published the request docked their boat.

"I think that's them Kyrin, I'm still sad about your leave but I'm fully supporting you." Said Shakky.

When we were on out way to grove 44 Rayleigh didn't let a single word out but that didn't go unnoticed by me.

I stopped walking and the couple continued for a few steps before stopping and seeing what's up

I bowed and stated : " Rayleigh-sensei , Shakky-san Thank you for everything!!, when I had nothing you helped me even without knowing my identity and I'm truly thankful for your troubles with me. Before meeting you I didn't know what it feels like to have grandparents until meeting you.


The couple chuckled for a bit before Shakky said "You little rascal don't make things awkward all of a sudden"

After saying that Shakky hugged Kyrin and stroked his head violently.

When she let go of me I walked towards Rayleigh and gave him a deep hug and when I let go of him he said : " Kyrin the path you will take is a dangerous one so be careful and don't mention your relationship with me since It will bring you trouble you don't want"

After that I said my final goodbyes and started walking alone to the quest gathering location.




{Rayleigh POV}

'Roger,Oden,Gaban and Tom those people who were truly dear to me but they all gone, Shanks and Buggy are still on their journey even though I didn't met Buggy the moment Roger pirates disbanded Shanks still drop by from time to time but Kyrin is different.'

'When Kyrin started working for Shakky I expected him to quit after a few week of waiting but I was surprised that he actually managed to work for her over one month. Shakky said he never mistreated her in any way and whatever she asked him to do he did it without complains so I decided to check him out and see what kind of person managed to work under Shakky's hellish treatment.'

'When I first met him I saw a blank eyes without emotions or anything it looked like a pirate veteran who faced death multiple time and watch his dear ones die over and over and has given up on life but he looked young and even passed my little test.'

'At first I wanted to give him some pointers and advice and train him for a bit but as we spent more time together I saw him getting warmer and warmer everyday so I got a bit attached to him, contrary to my thinking he didn't head out immediately after completing his training but he stayed even though he didn't gain anything more from me he still stayed. That's when I started to think of him as my grandson I never had.'

'To be honest I don't want him to go to this dangerous sea but since he has the that strange ability called Kamui I'm sure he can save his life in difficult situations.'

After his thoughts Rayleigh finally made up his mind and shouted loudly :


Kyrin of course heard what Rayleigh said so he waved at him and continued walking towards his job gathering location.