Stowe Company

Sorry for not uploading for a few days cuz I have exams and It will end in two weeks so this is the last chapter till I finish my tests then I'll be back the regular schedule which is I'll upload every 2~5 days plus If There's enough comments or activity I'll change it to daily updates (I don't mean thanking me , I meant reacting or asking or whatever)

Enjoy the chapter !


After Kyrin parted ways with the couple he wore his Akatsuki robe and modified Obito's mask then headed out to grove 44 where his employer docked his ship. When he finally reached the ship he didn't find anybody so he shouted :" IS THERE ANYBODY HERE?"

After that he heard a sound of footsteps and it was only one person by the noise of it.

The noise got closer and closer until it finally stopped and he saw a tall and muscular young man with medium , spiky brown hair, which is kept slicked back, revealing his forehead.

His eyes looking down at me from the boat and said

"Are you the one who accepted the job application?"

Kyrin didn't knew this man so he wasn't originally from the show so he has to be extra careful with him.

After hearing the mans's question Kyrin replied "Yes I'm, My name's Indra the Shinigami"

The brown haired man raised his eyebrows and said :" I heard about you Indra, the bounty hunter are furious because of you. If the rumors are true you should have some kind of strength that will help me out"

"Hop in the boat so we can meet the others"

My Sharingan was active the moment I parted ways with the couple, in the last month I managed to keep it awaken at all times, I jumped high enough and landed next to the brown haired man.

He got closer and offered a handshake and Shock his hands

The brown haired man smiled and said : "My name is Loke Stowe I'm part of Stowe company which is founded by my father"

I let go of his hands and said :"I heard your father's company rivals Galley-La company is that true?"

"Many people say that but the truth there's no real rivalry at all, Galley-La specializes in everything connected to the ships while we focus on building houses and everything connected to structure, You can say we prioritize the land while they prioritize the sea also we help each other sometimes"

"Enough talking we are in a hurry let's go meet the other and analyze our situation." Said Loke

After that I followed Loke to the dining room and I sensed 20 people , Loke opened the door and entered and I followed behind him.

In the room some people were eating others were sharpening their weapons and some others were sleeping on the floor.

One of the eaters stood up and came towards us and said:

"Is this who accepted the job? I must say he's pretty foolish" one of 20 men said

"Shut up Mur he's going to help us" Loke said

"Tch, I hope he doesn't hold us down" Mur said ,then he went back to his plate

After that Loke apologized and offered me to sit and I didn't refuse his offer.

"Okay Indra I'll explain the situation to you real quick, If you don't understand anything notify me."

"Our father Markus Stowe was kidnapped by Wills The Clapper because our father refused to build him a ship saying he doesn't build ships anymore but Wills didn't believe it and was furious so he kidnapped him, Wills contacted us and he wants 5 Billion Beris in order to free our father."

Kyrin pondered for a few seconds and said:" I'm guessing you don't have enough money, Why didn't you contact the Marines?"

" you guessed correctly, as for the marines we requested their aid but they declined saying they're busy"

'Busy? What kind of event will make the marines unable to hunt down pirates especially the SuperNova?'

Mur was drinking bear but when he heard out talk he slammed it on the table and frown and commented:" these fuckin marines.... they all talk about Justice and all that shit but in reality they're dogs of those World nobles or in other words Celestial dragons."

Mur took a few sips and continued:

"Everything fucking time when the World council 'Levely' is held the Marines will stop everything in order to prepare for it"

"The World council 'Levely'? Shouldn't it have happen in 10 months?" Kyrin asked Mur

Mur grumbled but answered:"It's because of the moments of the Revolutionary army, the world government are afraid of their movements and labeled them as dangerous to the world and it's citizens so they announced that the World council will be held before its usual date"

Kyrin thought about it for a second and said :" Mur you said the Marines will be busy preparing for it and I imagine when It's held they will be even busier why is that?"

"There's a thing called Heavenly Tribute which every nations of the world that are affiliated with the World Government must pay every time the World council 'Levely' is held, it's estimated that every country must pay around two billion Beris!"

Kyrin who was sitting next to Loke widened his eye and thought 'Two billion ?! If I managed to steal one of those Heavenly Tribute I won't need to hunt down pirates for years'

Seeing Kyrin's reaction Mur laughed out load and said :" Hahahahahahaha.... By your face I can tell you're planning to go after the Heavenly Tribute but didn't you consider that every pirate or anyone who has power considered plundering it?"

Kyrin realized what Mur said makes sense and asked :" Then why didn't they do it?"

"Because the Marines are guarding these ships due to how valuable it's even the Admirals and Vice-admirals are guarding it moreover even If you managed to somehow steal it you will be hunted down by the Marines and the Government special forces so If you're not affiliated with one of the Four Emperors you'll meet your end eventually." Mur answered

'Hmmmm.... I guess it's impossible to steal it while they're guarding it also I'll bring troubles to the country I've stolen from so my only option is to steal it while no one is paying attention to these treasures and the only time I've an opportunity like this is when they arrive at Holy Land Mary Geoise.'

"Enough about the Marines, what's our current situation and tell me everything you know about Wills" Kyrin said to Loke

"First of all here's his bounty poster, secondly he got called the Clapper because it's reported that he claps a lot and the reason that his bounty is so high due to his notorious actions which consist of killing the Marines, destroying their ships, burning down villages and lastly he killed a Vice admiral!" Loke explained(open this paragraph comment or chapter comment to see the poster)

"Why killing the marines especially Vice admiral is a special thing? I mean they're who came after him after all"

Mur who was looking at his bear raised his head and said :" Those asshole value their troops so If you destroy a warship that belongs to the marines most likely they will send a Vice admiral on your ass"

"Why is that a thing? It's just a ship"

"Well the Marines' Warships are costs a lot especially If it belongs the the Marine headquarters so If you destroyed one you'll cost then around two million Beris" Mur answered

"Enough about those assholes ,Indra do you know anything about Clapper's Crew?"

Kyrin moved his head sideways

"Clapper's crew are heavily geared, even the Marines don't use what they use, most of the crew uses shotguns and some of them use flamethrowers and There are rumors about a poison master amongst them"

After saying that Loke explained more things to Kyrin about Clappers and his crew.

'In conclusion the Clapper Pirates shouldn't looked down upon because they use every dirty trick If it means getting what they want and I think Wills has a some kind of Devil fruit due to his actions so his Devil fruit had drawbacks affect on him like Magellan who has to be in the restroom 10 hours a day or WhiteBeard who every time he uses his abilities his bones and vital organs slowly crumble' Kyrin thought

After that the time passed quickly and they've finally reached the island where they presume Wills is camping on.