Wills The Clapper

"LOOOKE !!! I see their ship!" One of twenty guys said.

"Really?!" Said Loke

"Yes but I don't see anybody on it"

"Okay , since we lied to Wills about having enough money , our Father will be safe for the time being. for now try to locate their location and we strike at midnight, guys hide the ship so they don't know about our arrival and keep an eye on father's Vivi card , If anything happened to it tell me immediately Understood?" Said Loke loudly

"UNDERSTOOD!!" Everyone apart from Kyrin and Mur shouted

"Haha... are you imitating father Loke?" Said Mur while drinking his bear

"Shut up Mur You drunk bastard, either you shut up or go help the others" Lole scolded Mur

"I'll stay silent " Mur grumbled


After shutting down his brother Loke went to the rear of the ship where Kyrin was staying

"Sorry Indra but can I ask you about your strength? I don't doubt that you're powerful since were hunting pirates in the end of the first half of the GrandLine after all"

After hearing what Loke said Kyrin looked directly in his eyes and lowered his eyebrows

After seeing Kyrin's actions Loke said :" Don't worry Indra I don't want you tell me everything about you I want to know a little so I can see what we can do"

"What about I go first ?" Loke suggested

Kyrin nodded

"First of all I'm a capable fighter and I'm proficient in dual axe wielding,secondly I've some physical strength but not that much and that's it."

"What's up with you? Weren't you part of a company that build houses?" Kyrin asked

"Long story short, my father Stowe was studying Carpentry alongside The world greatest shipwright Tom. Tom is the master of Iceberg who founded Galley-La and after Tom's death my father took care of Iceberg for sometime before heading out on his own so the two companies are pretty close and I help them sometimes."

"Okay I didn't know that but that doesn't answer my question"

"Well most of Galley-La shipwrights are capable fighters and have great physical strength due to their consistent dealings with pirates they need to be powerful enough in case some pirates decided to threaten them or not paying"

"So they trained you?"

"No, There was some pirate group who doesn't like to be indebted so in return to their service Iceberg suggested that they train me for a few months and they agreed, that's why I'm using Dual axes."

"Quite a story, I guess it's my turn. I'm a Paramecia Devil fruit user and I'm an expert in using a single sword also I'm a capable assassin , I've a immense physical strength and stamina"

"Tell me more about your Fruit and Physical strength"

"My fruit grants me special eyes that gives me a couple of abilities that I'd to keep a secret, as for my physical I'm capable of fighting for a few hours without sweating"

(remember he has physical strength greater than Killua's plus Zoro can swing before the time skip 500kg easily and still considered 'weak' in terms of physical strength and Kyrin trained while having Seastone cuffs and weights on him)

"Can you tell me bare minimum about your fruit? I promise not to tell anyone about this"

Kyrin thought about it for ten seconds and then said : "In basic terms it gives me extraordinary vision and I can copy movements and I can see clearly in the night"

"Okay thanks for the information, as for my brothers are ordinary even Mur."

"No problem, what's your plan ?" Asked Kyrin

"Well we wanted to sneak up on them and since we have rifles and guns we will use them on the pirates and don't worry about my father because he is stronger than the whole company combined so when we attack he'll take care of himself"

"But that's our first plan If you didn't join us and since you're here and you hunted pirates for a while I say we use your experience to get a better chance at succeeding"

"Well since you asked I've a plan and a simple one"

"Mind telling me about it?"

"Firstly hide the ship somehow and when the night comes give me a boat and I'll go alone and rescue your father then I finish them off so they won't come back"

After hearing Kyrin's plan Loke eyes winded and said "Haaaaah?! INDRA are you out of your god damn mind ??!!"

"I know your a better fighter than all of us but this is my father who we are talking about"

"I know, however If we go by my plan no one will be harmed"

"How the fuck is that even a plan?" Look questioned Kyrin

'How the FUCK the Straw hats gets everything so easily ?! I guess Mihawk was right about Luffy having strange power, sadly he doesn't know its called Plot armor'

"Loke why do you think that fat fuck Wills got three hundred million on his head?"

"Wh...What do you mean?"

"Because he has immense strength and somehow managed too take down a Vice admiral and do you really think all of you can take him down?"

Loke stayed silent.

'Finally he figured it out'

"Then do you really want us to follow your plan? How can we be sure about your succession?"

"Bring me the toughest person on this ship If they can tank one hit from me without coming to his knees we will go with your plan"

"That person would be me"

"Then gather them at the Main deck and tell them what went between us and keep my Devil fruit a secret"

"You got it"

Five minutes later the 20 men are gathered in the Main deck discussing the information they got on Kyrin and all of them acknowledge Loke's strength and they all thought Kyrin was bragging because he caught some weak lucky pirates.

After gathering them all Kyrin and Loke went to the Main deck and stood in the middle of the crowd facing each other, the crowd made space for them and they're still not believing what the challenge is.

"Are you sure about this Indra?" Loke asked Kyrin

"Yes let's do this already"

"Okay I'll count to 0 then hit me"


"3 ...."

'I hope he doesn't get any injuries'


[ Armament Haki: Hands ]


'They haven't reacted to my hands turning black,I guess my theory about If you don't use the Armament Haki you can't see it at all is correct'

"0.... DO IT INDRA"

After hearing what Loke said Kyrin hit him normally on his chest and as expected he fell to his knees while holding his chest.

Some spilled their drinks while others went to check on Loke and Mur glared at Kyrin and said :

"I guess the rumors about you are true Shinigami"

'Fuck I really hate this cringe nickname, I should pay the Underworld a visit and pay someone to spread different rumors about me so my nickname will change'

(Suggest nicknames for him)

"Okay we will follow my idea after all"

"Wa....." said Loke while grasping air

"Wai.... wait let me go with you please, at least take me with you so I can be sure"

"Fine fine come with me Loke but take a breather and check If you have any injury"

As soon as Kyrin finished his sentence a sound can be heard in the dining room

*Prprprprprprp.... Prprprprp*

It was the sound of a Din Din Mushi ringing

all of the men on the ship expect Kyrin and Loke went to the dining room to see what's up.

After five minutes a sound of something made out of wood was broken in the dining room.

the 20 men left the room one by one and while wearing gloomy faces and Mur was in the center of the twenty men.

The twenty men went to where they were standing five minutes ago which is on the Main deck, after seeing the gloomy gang face Kyrin and Loke something is up and it's not on their favor.

Mur came up to the two men and told them Wills called and he said If they waited five more hours their father will be burnt alive.

Kyrin noticed the blood on Mur right hands but didn't say anything about it.

"Loke and Mur let's go right in this moment, they won't expect us coming after they called immediately"

"What..? Why are you taking me too?" Asked Mur

"Incase something happened, come on let's go."

Although they wanted to go under the cover of the night they still went with Kyrin's plan.

Far in the ocean you can see three men in a small boat going in the direction of a small inhabited island.

"Listen as soon as we reach the Island you two find a tree and climb it, no matter what happens don't get down unless I tell you even If you heard gunshots, Understood?"

"Yes but you don't know how our father looks like don't you?" Loke said

"Oh I forgot about that, do you have a picture of him?"

"We don't in the moment but he is a half fisherman man so If you saw someone quite unique that's him" Loke said

the moment Loke said that Mur glared at him with laser beam eyes that could male a hole in his chest and of course Kyrin noticed it and said :

"I don't give a fuck If he's a Fisherman so don't worry about that."

Hearing Kyrin's statement Mut sighed and scratched his bald head.

After that the three men docked the boat and set foot on the island.

Kyrin helped the two men climb a tree and he climbed another tree so he can from one to another.

'My observation Haki tells me there are 35 men on this island and there's someone in the middle with a different aura than the rest so I guess that's Stowe'

'Hmmmmm.... It seems there's a camp in the middle and there's only ten people in it and the rest are hiding nearby so this is definitely a trap so let's head out silently'

[Shadow step]

After activating one of the Zoldyck family Kyrin began jumping from tree to another.

'I should remove the hiders first then confront the people in the middle'

After that Kyrin got near the camping site and stopped to observe the enemy behavior.

'Hmm... It seems they're letting their guard down since they contacted Mur minutes ago so they just tied Stowe without someone watching over them, It's either they're too overconfident about their abilities or just stupid or perhaps both'

After confirming that no one is looking at his direction he silently made his way towards Stowe so he can snatch him and get the hell out of this island.

Stowe noticed Kyrin coming over but before he could make a sound he was knocked out by Kyrin and he put him on his shoulder and returned to the group.

"Indra why are you back? Do you need our help?" Mur asked

"Your father is behind this tree take him to the boat and get back to the ship, I'll finish these guys off"

They were shocked and didn't believe him so they check behind the tree and found their father tied up and laying on the ground

"But... but why don't you come with us? So we can escape safely?" Said Loke

"First of all If we escaped they will be back and you can't come with me because you'll hold me back"

"Okay we will get back to the ship and come here immediately okay?" Loke asked

"Yes, by the time you go back and fourth I'll end it already so head out because they probably noticed Stowe is missing by now"

"Okay good luck!" Said the two brothers

After that the two brothers took their father back to the ship and went towards the ship.

After seeing their leave Kyrin went back to the camp but before he confronted them he killed the ones who were hiding without making any noise.

Kyrin took one of the rifles and went in the middle of the camp and shot so they all can come.

The moment the shot was fired you can see a fat man coming towards who shot the bullet.

After arriving the fat man saw five subordinates of his crew laying down on the ground with blood

all over them but he didn't shed a tear.

"So are you're the one that rescued Stowe?"

"Yes,I am"

"I've gotta say you're pretty foolish to reveal your self in front of me" the moment he said that he sat on the ground and removed his shoes.

"What are you doing? I've gotta say it's a weird way to surrender"

"Surrender? Never done that" the moment he said that he began clapping with his legs and hands.

"Hahahahah!! What ar—" before Kyrin could finish his mockery he fell on his back and began clapping with his legs and arms.

'What..?? What..? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?!?!' Kyrin was stunned because he never heard something like this happen but he didn't panic.

[Armament Haki : FULL BODY]

'Fuck this move is super exhausting and I'll last for only an hour before running out of Armament Haki'

While this is happening the rest of Wills crew arrived at the scene and they knew what's going on.

They all raised their weapons towards Kyrin but before they could do anything their captain said :" Do you understand now you asshole? You were mocking me but look at you know, surrounded,powerless,captured and weak"

"You bastard!! What have you done!!" Asked Kyrin

Kyrin has a lots of trick on his sleeve and he knew he wasn't in danger at the moment so he wanted to at least know what's going on before trying to break out.

"Hahaha.... since you're dying no matter what I'll tell you, I ate the Hakushu Hakushu-no mi and became the clapping human, when I clap everyone who doesn't have earbuds will clap as well and I've taken a Vice admiral by using my Fruit because he couldn't even attack back since you know what's happening to you it's time to die."

Wills made some sort of hand sign and his crew understood what he meant so they opened fire on Kyrin.

None of the bullet managed to scratch him due to his Haki so they unsheathed their swords and got close Kyrin.

Little did they know that's what Kyrin wanted, before anyone could attempt to do anything Kyrin made his move.

[SUSANOO: Armed hands!]

A black ribcage with two arms connected to it appeared, moments later two swords appeared on each arm and slashed in a horizontal and everyone who raised a weapons on him was cut into two pieces.

The two swords struck the ground and managed to balance Kyrin and he sat down.

Wills made a mistake which was looking towards Kyrin's scarlet eyes.

[Genjutsu: Sharingan]

Wills fell unconscious and the claps stopped for ever.

Kyrin finally managed to stop clapping and got close to Wills body and adjusted his muscles and his nails grew longer and sharper and veins

appeared on his hands.

[Muscle Control: Razor Nails]

But he was furious so he applied Haki on his arms

[Muscle Control: Panther Claw]

And slashed Wills fat neck and no one heard from Wills the Clapper ever since this incident happened.

He was dead.


[Shadow step]: This is an assassination exclusive to Zoldyck family, The user can walk and run around without making a sound.

[Muscle Control: Razor Nails]: For those who went under Zoldyck's family assassin training was taught how to manipulate muscles and joints. The user can effortlessly dislodge his joints to escape being bound, before fixing them just as easily. He can also adjust the anatomy of his hand to transform his fingernails into razor-sharp claws, capable of slicing through human limbs with ease.

[Muscle Control: Panther Claw]: It's [Muscle Control: Razor Nails] but with Armament Haki applied to it.

Author note : Do you want me to continue explaining the techniques he uses?