Weeping Daemon

One look and Stella Marie knew Red wasn't in the best of shapes to be taking part with the day's faey queen trials. Nickolai was unnaturally silent as they watched Ari bring Red into the platform.

Terra cocked her head and noticed the halfling's face was all red. The coldness of the afternoon made her breath fog and the smoke rose up in the air.

There was a long awkward silence that filled the overrun greenhouse. The glass panes were sweating from the low humidity, and their surroundings were basically all weeds and overgrown bushes and flora.

Ari checked Red's condition behind him as he turned his head sideways. Red's body was scalding despite the thick clothes that had separated their skins.

She smiled at him weakly and then pointed at the glass ceiling of dark grey saying, "Look Ari, a weeping daemon."

Red giggled and then dropped her hand as she closed her eyes and then drifted away.