Something Lurks Around Here

Red giggled and was moving all around, making it hard for Ari to keep his balance while carrying his queen candidate on his back. The symptoms of the midsummer fever were getting worse than he expected.

There was only one thing he can do now to keep both of them safe, Ari grabbed Red's arms that was flailing all around. He pinned them in front of him and pointed a finger at Red, "Halta turogo!"

He hit Red with his spell and immediately, the halfling queen candidate went limp behind him and began to lightly snore. Ari needed her to stay still and even if he didn't want to put her under his spell, he didn't have much choice but to do so.

The elfen adjusted Red's position on his back as she had slipped and slumped a bit making it hard for Ari to move around. After he had secured his hold on her, Ari immediately began to scan and study his surroundings.

The unkempt jungle of the greenhouse had now totally been wiped out into white nothingness.