Battle for Leadership (1)

Red and Ari sat in front of Sir Arthur. The dream spirit was still in his state of… something. The halfling could feel her eyes grow heavy by the second, and her head lolled every other minute.

"You can take a short nap, you know?" Ari said to Red. "Come."

The elfen warrior opened his arms to make space for Red beside him. His queen candidate was confused whether it was safe for her to do what Ari was implying.

He wanted her to come close right?

'Girl, this is your moment! Go get it!' Rhea's voice echoed in her head.

'You stupid woman! Don't egg her on, you will only make things worst when they return to the Faey Kingdom. The Faey Queen Trials isn't done yet.' Leah chastised the other fire spirit.

'What are the two of you doing inside my head again? Don't you have any spirit-y duties to do?' Red thought.

She was still frozen in place whereas Ari was waiting for her to come closer.