A great gathering

Closing the notifications he looked down at the goggles in his hands. The moment he wished to know what those goggles were he saw a white circle with a turning crosshair jumping on it. Next to the circle appeared a white framed window.


Truesight Goggles

Crafted Item – Epic

Armor 2 Weight 3 Value ???

The goggles hold the skills:

[Nightvision] and [Analyze]


Feeling a light stinging behind his eyes he stopped his seemingly new skill. As the skill ended he tested his other new skill. Willing to activate [Nightvision] his sight turned green again. Turning around he let his view wander the room. As he looked towards the ice-block he was blinded by a gleaming light. Turning [Nightvision] off he noticed no pain or side effects.

Looking down towards the goggles in his hands that granted him two skills he got another notification window.


Truesight Goggles


[Store] [Equip]


As he had no use for the goggles after receiving the skills he chose to store them. He would test his new skills further on his way out. The decision proved right.



A new Life (2)

stored 3/10 rare Items


Now having completely plundered the Dwarf he went to his next prey.

The cheesy armor was unusable but as he turned around the skeleton he found two pouches at its girdle.


Royal Stachel (soulbound)

cannot be equipped

do you want to store it?

[Yes] [No]


No question he stored it getting to 4 / 10 rare items. The other pouch seemed normal as he only found a lot gold coins inside. He left it fixed on the girdle and simply wore it.

Readying to move on he spotted a necklace on the skeleton. Pulling on it he found a pendant in his hands.


Arathor's Hope (soulbound)

cannot be equipped

do you want to store it?

[Yes] [No]


Another rare item found its way to his inventory.

Having completed half of his quest he rushed towards the throne. He had already spent enough time in this hall an wanted to leave. To not overlook some rare item he used [Analyze] on the skeleton getting reactions from the sword, the creepy staff and two rings.

What really bugged him was that he couldn't equip the sword. It wasn't like it was soulbound like most of those magical seeming items he looted. He simply couldn't pull it out of the throne so he had to store it in the inventory or leave it.

At least he could equip one of the rings.


Reflect Ring


[Store] [Equip]


Deciding to equip it the ring shone and vanished, just to reappear on his right ring finger. It turned from a dim white shining to the original ring fitting perfectly on his finger.

Having freed it from the sword it the skeleton clattered down lying sideways over the throne. He still needed two more rare items for his inventory.

Using [Analyze] again he scanned the room. As his aim landed on the frozen women it only displayed 'Eternal Ice'. Further behind it he detected two more mostly intact skeletons but they seemed to be out of reach for his skill.

On his way towards them he passed the ice block. As curiosity overcame him he touched the ice with his left hand. A thin layer of ice instantly spread from his fingertips all the way to his elbow. He instantly pulled his hand back as he felt a tingling pain. Any second longer and his arm would have been frozen. That he was sure of.


Eternal Ice


cannot be equipped

do you want to store it?

[Yes] [No]


'Well, that was unexpected...'

He didn't know what to think about the window that appeared. As he chose to store the ice the whole block simply disappeared.

Arriving at the two skeletons he aimed for he saw that one was missing nearly his left body half. The other one wasn't in a much better shape with a broad spear tip entering its mouth and exiting at the skull cover. Well, as it was both skeletons neither seemed to be better off.

Scanning the half one first he found what he wished for. The hooded cape and the spear sticking in the other skull were both soulbound and lootable.



'arm yourself!' cleared!

60 XP



You successfully stored 10 Items:

Auto-loot unlocked



Parameters for Autoloot set to:






A new Life (3)

updating Object:


- find your Way out!


The next moment his vision was blocked with window stating the successful looting of items. Willing the all to close he got the feeling that a lot of the scattered bones went missing.

Looking down towards the two skeletons he discovered the half skull and armor of the second skeleton were missing.

After looting that many items he got a hunch it would be good to have a look at his inventory. Especially as there should have bee quite some strange or creepy items. He willed his inventory it to open like he did to close the notification windows or select his choices.

Nothing happened.

Thinking of any container in his mind didn't bear fruits as nothing happened. Having no choice he canceled his efforts and temporary gave up on the items in his inventory.

Turning back to have a last look at the plundered battlefield he notice light coming from behind the throne. Walking around it he saw a open door behind the throne.

He carefully walked inside. There shouldn't be any assailants as they would have attacked while he was plundering in the throne room. But he had his fair share of experiences with doors trapping him inside.

Stepping inside the circular room illuminated by familiar blue flames he noticed a rune circle engraved inside the pavement. As he stepped on the innermost circle he received a totally new notification.


Teleport point saved


Not that he knew anything about teleportation let alone being able to use it. The whole situation was still unbelievable to him.

He left the teleportation room and crossed the throne room. It was close to a hundred feet long. As he reached the giant door he searched for a handle and found one on the right side mounted on the wall. As he pushed it down metallic gears could be heard coming from inside the wall. Accompanied by mechanic sounds the door swung open inwards.

Stepping through the open double winged door he left the throne room.

What came to his view was a long hallway with pillars lined on either side. Sculptures and paintings adorning the walls, though most of them were destroyed beyond recognition. Wherever his eyes wandered he saw traces of a enormous battle.

About a dozen Skeletons of fallen soldiers could be counted. Most of those seemed to be Dwarfs as they were comparably smaller and bulkier than other remnants next to them. One of the closest skeletons was a lot smaller and had a backpack.

Quickly stripping it of the skeleton he took a peek inside. It felt and looked way bigger on the inside as he could see a couple of sleeping bags, parts for at least two tents and some kitchenware. Searching on he finally found what he was looking for. A water can.

He found some more bottles and cans but left checking them for later. Even hard bread and dried meat were stored in quite the amounts.

He didn't drink for hours, may me days.

Taking a big sip and stuffing his mouth with some chewy beef his attention went back to his surroundings.

The passage was lit by chandeliers and torches mounted on the outer walls. On the stone paved floor lay the same red carpet he had seen in the throne room.

Still not getting any reactions from his surroundings he packed up to march through this battlefield of the past. While scanning his surroundings and finding nothing suspicious he gripped the straps of his backpack tighter an went to the rightmost passageway. Seeking cover at the pillars and looking for traps or assailants he slowly but steady went down the hallway. Passing the fallen soldiers he searched them for usable equipment or anything of worth using [Analyze].

Only after checking the cleaved open armor of the fifth Soldier he found a usable sword. It was quite rusty from the long withering but still held some edge. His loot after searching every skeleton and the whole room were 7 gold bags, 26 dim glowing bones, 2 guns and the rusty sword. Not one item was rare or it would have been auto looted.

Arriving at the end of this passage he found a stairway down. It wasn't a full floor down but enough to get the battlefield he passed out of his view.

A few steps further down he found another shut double door. Glad not having encountered any problems he went to the gigantic door and gripped the handle. Throwing one last glance over his shoulder to ensure not having missed anything he turned the handle and pushed the heavy doors open.

As he stepped forward onto a pedestal he was utterly shocked.

He saw hell. In the giant hall to his feet lay dozens, maybe hundreds of corpses. Not a single one was intact with most missing one or two limbs. Some were split in half, others buried in the walls. One victim even was still sticking to one of the gigantic pillars.

Taking cover as fast as he could he jumped sideways onto the staircases to his left. Peeking though the endorsed handrail he searched for movement. Even if the battle had taken place centuries ago leaving no survivor. Beasts in search for food could be lingering about.