A good night

It seemed his fear for beasts loitering around was unfounded. The skeletons littered around held no flesh for a long time now. As whoever trapped him in this place and not a single living human had been spotted until then he doubted he could find one in this giant hall.

Speaking of the hall it was astounding him. Estimating it over sixty yards long, thirty wide and about 10 yards high he was was baffled by its magnificence. Chandeliers illuminated the left and right gallery and the central hallway. The Pillars supporting the galleries and every railing was endorsed. Even the pavement was made of marble. Only the outer walls were left as rough black cave walls.

After waiting and observing the hall for a couple of minutes he decided to go down the 20 stair steps separating him from the halls floor. Reaching it he noticed its dark coloration close to the corpses. They all seemed to have bled out. Said blood had long since dried up leaving only the dark coloration.

Passing through the piles of skeletons and armors he found not even one item of worth even after thoroughly abusing his skill. What stood out was the types of armor. Until he reached this hall the corpses wore different kinds of armor. Some had been similar or were partially the same but the ones he saw now were only two kinds. One kind was made of dark metal with red adornments and tabard while the other was silver with blue and gold. They all looked like medieval plate armors and were pierced or torn.

From the positioning of the corpses he concluded that the soldiers worked together and attacked this place. But he saw not a single different looking skeleton.

While passing through this battlefield

Reaching the portal bow at the other end of the hall he peeked into the adjoining lobby. Even there he could see a couple of skeletons but way less than in the hall.

The lobby was made of the same marble as the great hall and connected it through two smaller and one gigantic door. A gallery supported by the biggest pillars until now could be seen above the supposed to be entrance. Behind the Pillars marking the entrance he could see a vast space in darkness.

Glancing one last time over his shoulder he rushed though the lobby towards his longed for freedom. The ceiling light of the lobby illuminated the open space and short stairs connecting it. As he distanced himself from the Temple like entrance he could see it whole structure. Embedded in black rock he saw the lobby seamed by six pillars and a big tower to each side, connected by a gallery above the pillars. He could only guess what fierce battle had happened behind that magnificent facade.

Walking into the darkness he was about to switch on [Nightvision] as he saw a violet glow coming from a cliff he only noticed now. Slowly getting closer he peeked over the edge.

It was a humongous cave over a hundred yards wide. Countless glowing crystals grew from the walls. They illuminated the whole caveThe cliff he was on went at least fifty feet down.

Hearing a clanking and hammering he went leftwards along the cliff. Down there he saw about a dozen of skeletons mining the crystals and collecting them on a pile next to a slope along the opposite wall.

Immediately stepping back he snuck back to his original position. Finally turning on his skill he had to ignore the bright light coming from down the cliff. Searching for his way he realized he was inside a cave. A really big one.

To his right he saw a naturally formed bridge crossing the valley to his feet. As he saw only plain rock further ahead on its right side he decided to cross is.

Even if it meant coming closer to the slope down an the risk of getting noticed. The exit had to be over there as he couldn't find it either on his side nor in the mine down the cliff.

Reaching the other end of the wide bridge he immediately turned right to further his distance form the slope. Wandering along the cliff and as he reached it the cave wall he found what he was looking for.

He exited the cave through a wide passage and found a steep slope in the following cave. Following the path and reaching the end of the slope he entered the next passage.

Reaching the Next cave he decided to take a rest. He was exhausted from his thrilling experiences until now. Cowering in a corner of the cave he took out some dried food and a bottle from his backpack.

In the last thirty minutes he had reached quite the height difference to the Temple. Concluding to be in some big cave system he didn't dare to feel relieved. Staying vigilant he calmed down and closed his eyes for some time.

Startled he shot up. He had fallen asleep. Even though he could tell it wasn't long.

Glad that nothing happened to him he gripped the rusty sword and took his backpack to continue his journey. He left the cave after climbing another slope and wandering along a cliff from where he could spot his resting point. Passing two smaller caves with spiraling slopes and even a suspension bridge he felt like he had climbed a mountain.

Leaving another passage he entered a big cave again. It wasn't as big as the first but by far the biggest afterwards. About a hundred feet wide and even longer he scanned it for a rise. Until there he went upwards so he deemed it the best route.

To his right side he found a narrow passage with a slight slope. It ended in small cave with a low ceiling and some kind of fluffy grass on the ground.

Glowing eyes suddenly stared at him. The first pair, then the second... He had no idea if they really were glowing or if it was due to his [Nightvision]. The fluffy bumps on the ground started to move as more and more pairs of eyes opened. He had stumbled in some kind of nest!

Wishing to know what he encountered his [Analyze] reacted by it self.


Almiraj lvl. 2


Before he could take a look on the next one it happened. The first Almiraj rushed towards him and tried tried to pierce him with its horn.

As he dodged to the right another Beast jumped in his direction. He gripped his sword hoping he pull it of his girdle in time. And he did. The sharp horn collided with the blade and was slightly redirected. Having never wield a sword previously, or at least not remembering, he had no idea what he was doing. Swinging his blade to the left he took a lucky hit on a Almiraj. Not the one he aimed for, but whatever...


killed 1 Almiraj

17 XP


The window faded as fast as it appeared. Glad his wish was granted he swung the sword back to the right. It was a brute force attack. Hitting the Beast plunging towards him with the flat side it was smashed onto the wall. But the same applied to the rusted sword. Sparks spew and the tremor after the impact numbed his hand.

Pain suddenly shot through his right side. The rabbit-like beast he dodged first had buried the horn on its head into his lower back next to the backpack.

Gripping the horn looking out of his right abdomen with his left hand he hit the sword hilt on the wriggling beast.

Dismissing the two notifications of the 17 and 20 XP he gained his glare landed on the bunch of Almiraj that were yet to attack.

As the next pair rushed to him he sprinted forwards. Turning back might mean he had to cross here again while fighting the remaining beasts would certainly kill him. Only three of nearly a dozen were down and he had a gaping hole where his right kidney was supposed to be.

Swinging his sword while holding his wound with his left hand he bypassed three smaller Almiraj. 15 XP and five yards further he took the next hit.

The biggest Beast of the pack did miss with its horn but still struck him. Weighting easily over a hundred pounds it rammed him against the wall. The gigantic rabbit diagonally in front of him he took the sword in a reverse grip and plunged it into the almiraj's neck.


killed 1 Almiraj

38 XP


As its body slumped to the ground he dashed towards another narrow passage he spotted. Kicking a last Beast blocking the way with all of his might he left the cave. Welcoming the splattering sound as well as the next 17 XP he already saw the next cave.

Immense pain struck his left leg robbing him of his balance. He crashed down and rolled down the slight incline he was on. Besides a cliff right next to the passage he came to a stop.

The moment he prepped himself up one last Almiraj came in sight. It rushed for him, jumped and plunged its horn inside his chest.

Falling backwards he passed out.