A physics problem



Walking down the path on the slope he could hear running water. He didn't see a river from the cave entrance so it had to run behind the woods.

Deciding it would be good to clean himself of the blood he was soaked in, especially as he was to travel trough a forest, he followed the sound of water. It was not the small stream he suspected it to be. Coming from a majestic mountain range to his right was a raging river.

As he sat down on a rock and the adrenaline subsided he noticed the toll the recent battles took on him. He was tired and felt like he had no energy left. The once luxurious robe he wore was tattered and he didn't have any more food.

When the battle began he had put the backpack inside his inventory to not hinder him. The same applied to the broken sword afterwards. It had no real use anymore other than a memento.

And the club shattered.

Shuddering at the memory of his last victory he stood up and trotted to the river bank. As he saw his reflexion he was stupefied. What he saw was a handsome young man. Very young. And a lot younger than he felt he should be.

Just as he sat down in the cold water he heard under wood cracking behind him.

He knew there had to be some more. The hunting party from the Goblins had spotted him.

With his robe loosened and the boots full of water his hand wandered to his girdle. But the hilt he searched was no where to be found. The sword leaned onto the rock he sat on minutes prior.

Cursing he started to cast [Fireball]. Fire magic proved a lot more energy efficient. Still unused to this strange new abilities of his he fired the spell.

While one of the two hunters ceased his life on impact the other one dashed onward. It swung a small knife which he dodged.

Or had dodged, had his boots not been filled with water. His left thigh received a cut. As the Goblin came from the deeper water with its next wild stab he could dodge it even with those burdening boots.

Taking no risk he cast the next spell as the Goblin closed in on him again. As the [Shock] went off he received another notification.


defeated 'Goblin Hunter'

20 XP


But lightning and water always having the same reaction, he himself out.

Regaining his consciousness just seconds later from the surrounding freezing water he cursed himself.

'How stupid can one be???'

The current had taken him down the river and was steadily getting stronger. He did his best to stay afloat and not drown. Passing a canyon he went down a set of rapids. The flow was gaining speed.

And then he heard it.

Trying to hold himself on any driftwood or rock he could reach but always slipping the thundering sound got closer.

The waterfall was only about three yards high. Well, the first one.

As he drifted over the edge he could see the second fall at the end of a small basin. The one that generated the ear shattering sound. The real one.

Trying his utmost to find a hold he grasped for anything in his reach. Nothing could stop him from falling. Passing the second edge he saw what he was going down.

One hundred feet of free fall sped up by surrounding water deeper he crashed into a freezing tide. He had long lost his orientation. Taken by the current he got hurled through the water.

His breath was running out. Trying to reach the surface he used all his strength. As he was about to reach it another current took him down towards the riverbed.

And ten he hit something hard with his head and lost consciousness.




A humming tune woke him up. As he opened his eyes he could only see blurred. A tall figure closed in on him. From the humming he concluded it to be a woman.

Spitting out some of the sand he lay on he suddenly felt a heavy weight on his back. The next moment he got his arms bent to the back as he got tied up. Before he could speak up he got a bag pulled over his had. The moment he got a rope around his feet he got lifted and thrown over the shoulder. Either he wasn't as tall as he thought or this person was really tall.

After close to half an hour of travel he was thrown down. From the light shining through the bag over his head having gotten dimmer he knew the day was coming to an end. Then he heard two voices from some distance.

"Fe wnes i ddod o hyd i degan newydd. Felly arhoswch yn neis a gwnewch ddyletswydd gwarchod! Os arhoswch yn dawel efallai y byddaf yn gadael ichi ei ddefnyddio."

"Iawn, ond cadwch at hynny"*

Shortly afterwards he heard some rustling and a person getting closer. A moment later the bag on his head war removed. Over him stood a buffed women of over 6 feet.

"Nawr gadewch i ni weld!" **

It was the first voice he heard beforehand. They were talking in a to him unknown language. It didn't sound too far of but he did not even understand a single word.

The next moment she knelt down and gripped his girdle. Taking it off she swiftly went to the tattered robe. As she pulled open the robe her eyes wandered to his crotch.

While rummaging through her pockets she got an evil grin on her face.

And then it happened.

Gripping his bound legs and holding them up she pulled out a metallic cylinder with a conic tip. In the next moment she rammed it where it didn't belong for sure!

Pain he didn't know assaulted him. Pain no man should know...

And then a notification popped up.


Skill integrated:

forced erection


As he peeked down he saw him growing until he stood up. It hurt like hell as his little buddy went to full glory while he wasn't aroused one bit.

"O, mae hyd yn oed yn fwy na'r disgwyl!!!" ***

The eyes of the tall woman went wide but she swiftly started undressing. She was buffed to no end. Every muscle on her body was far from womanly. While her face wasn't ugly, quite beautiful if not a little too manly, but that cruel look in her eyes sent shivers down his spine.

After she revealed her slightly saggy breasts she went to her trousers. Having freed her crotch she stepped over him and squatted down over him spreading her thick thighs. Peeling back his foreskin the tip of his throbbing manhood was already touching her giant clit and labia.

She was wet. Dominating and mishandling him seemed to have gotten her off.

The next moment she lowered herself and impaled her moist hole.

She was painfully tight. Given his size pretty much every human women should fell tight. Even this ogre on top of his little buddy. He might have gotten hypersensitive as this mature lady shouldn't feel that way. Or she simply clamped down on him to hurt him as it pleasured her.

He had no idea when, how or with whom he gained his experiences. But he knew he's had them and this woman at least wasn't his first. Though of course this was his first forced experience.

Humping up and down she fit more than half of him inside as he hit a hard barrier. It hurt. Over all it did hurt more than it pleasured him. Hoping it had to do with the cylinder sticking where the light doesn't shine, he endured and concentrated on the tall woman getting of on him.


Katja Palin Bandit (lvl. 9)

[Two-handed Axe lvl.2]

[Lumbering lvl.2]

[Camping lvl.1]


This woman mishandling him had the highest level he saw until now. From her looks and the skills she had he supposed her to be quite strong. And he felt quite a bit of her strength as she rocked her hips on him.

After a couple of minutes she had managed to fit him two thirds inside herself. Although the pain from his butt and his little buddy distracted him, he couldn't hold on much longer.

Some few humps later he came. Unwillingly he unleashed a tide inside the womb of this hulking women forcing herself on him.

A hissed "tsk" and even fiercer humping was all he earned from this. Meanwhile the pain he experienced rose steadily from his sore little buddy that was magically forced to full glory.

His ordeal was far from over as she clamped down on him even more the closer she got to her climax.

Seconds later a tide gushed out of her and bathed his stomach with the smelly fluid.


Basic Skill integrated:




Skill integrated:

Two-handed Axe lvl. 2



Skill integrated:

Lumbering lvl. 2



Skill integrated:

Camping lvl. 1


His mind went blank as the four notifications appeared one after another. He just then received skills after the woman had forced herself on him.

'How the hell did this happen?'

As this Katja Palin raised herself an stepped over him she bent down and gripped towards his crotch. Preparing for a painful assault he was stupefied as the expletive feeling vanished from his backdoor.

"Hmpf, big but no fun! Guess I'll let her have a try..."

It weren't the words she spoke that shocked him. His capability to understand them was!


* I found a new toy. So stay nice and do guard duty! If you stay quiet i may let you use it.

Fine, but keep to that

** Now let's see...

*** Oh, it got even bigger than expected!!!