A disturbing memory (2/2)


Still gore, maybe more than last one. It will be the last one of this kind, but explain some physical peculiarities...

I hope to return to more regular releases soon.


"Would you be so kind to bring me the Ogram's prostate, Merida?... ~This will give him quite some capacities~" a deep female voice hummed.

Only seconds later, Jay felt his underbelly in immense pain, and then it went numb.

To his surprise he could slightly lift his head, what he instantly regretted.

One of the robed people was splitting open his underbelly while another one had his whole hand inside. Jay had long lost the ability to tell them apart, except the ones called Hermanus and Merida.

As the hand pulled out, it held a small organ which got tossed aside without second thought.

The thing that happened next though was something unexpected.

Taking a similar but darker looking piece of meat from a platter, about double the size his own had been, the hand stuffed it inside him.

After the second hand was also put inside the open wound, Jay felt like his insides started burning.

"Next is the special order... Merida, would you be so kind to bring the rare goods?" the female voice resounded again.

"I already prepared the testicles, but the shaft has to be taken off when you are ready on your part!" Merida

"~Okay~, there we go..." ???

And with this the true horror started.

Getting his legs spread apart, the robed female took his manhood in her hand, and to that time one hand had easily been enough to hold it up.

"~Dear, the shaft please~" ???

Following those words, Jay heard cutting noises from some distance, ...and then some more from close by, followed by pain he never felt before.

Looking to where the pain and noise came from, he saw the pitiful leftovers where once his manhood was: The erectile tissue was cut and spread like an eagle from the tip to the root and the glans hung only on some leftover nerves.

Until now the whole procedure had been less gory than he thought in the beginning, at least at those times he had been awake.

But now it looked like some splatter movie.

"Here you are... good luck fitting it!" Merida

"~Thanks dear~ ...You'll be surprised when you see it...." came with a humming voice from the female butchering Jay's nethers.

If he didn't know he would end up alive and quite...well equipped..., he would have long passed out from panic.

Though even then, he was slightly worried about what the woman was planning with the bloody piece of tenderloin she lifted from the tablet she received.

The about twenty inches long meat looked like a organic tube as she held it out.

And then she started to fix it onto him starting from the root deep within his body.

To his surprise the pain started to subside close to instantly.

But the feeling as she affixed the leftovers of his glans to the frayed end and stitched his spread tissue onto the meat was anything but pleasant.

And the moment she encased her 'work' with some other skinlike tissue, Jay felt extremely cramped down there.

Before she put the skin back on though, she pulled with enough force on his skinned rod that he feared she would rip it back off again.

Affixing his new tool with magic in its stretched state, she left the skin as it was and grabbed Jay's jewels, but not with care.

Under normal circumstances he was sure he would have passed out from this already.

The next moment she took a scalpel and slit the skin surrounding them open.

The same she did with the jewels themselves only a second later.

At least it felt that way.

As Jay's eyes started to roll back from extreme nausea and pain, he saw the woman take another set of organic matter and stuffed it inside him.

Though this time it was between his legs.

Feeling nothing but quite some weight and a heavy tickling, Jay let his head fall back that he had held up repeatedly in the last processes.

The humming coming from the woman reworking his manhood signaled him she was finishing up, but he somehow had the feeling this whole ordeal was not over.

"Wow, that thing really looks... enticing. Though i feel slight pity for the human woman encountering him." a somehow female voice came from next to the woman who did the "surgery".

"Hmpf, I'd have gone with some more animalic shape! ...But I have to admit it's an interesting combination." Merida

"Hoh, even our Merida might go for a human like this it seems..." The one who 'constructed' his new manhood hummed.

"What are you calling human? This male sure no longer is..." Merida

"~So no denying...~"

Disregarding the conversation taking place beneath his gory nethers, Jay looked back to the corpses that no longer where hidden by the robed people or Merida.

The view only enhanced his premonition of what was to come.

During his times awake he had the chance to peek towards the end of the room where the three corpses had hung. Two of them had gotten worked on, but the last one remained untouched until now.

It was the most human looking and by far smallest of the three, but still towering over the pretty small figure of Merida.

The only thing that really stood out was the golden looking skin.

Like all to often, his inner voice had been right.

Starting from his still skinned manhood, the woman between his legs cut open his dermis and peeled it off.

Jay was about to pass out when another one, probably Hermanus judging from the touch, pulled back his head and started to pour magic into Jay's eyes.

Blinded by this light, Jay felt the emanating heat threatening his head to split apart.

Only seconds later he passed out... again.




The next time he opened his eyes, Jay saw some rotten curtains and rags.

He had crawled into one of the small alcoves the moment he returned from his memory and directly back to reality.

Even though the memory of him cowering in front of the statue in immense phantom pains and crouching over the dirt were blurry, he still had them.

And not only them, as he now not only remembered his old self, but some more memories as well.

They were superficial, mainly consisting of movies and books he knew, as well as games he played.

A lot of those...

The memories of his family and life still remained hidden though.

Coming to, he rolled onto his back, his eyes still closed.

Jay knew there were notifications waiting for him the moment he opened his eyes, but he had to wait until the still lingering pain subsided.

It took more than five minutes until his breathing returned to normal.

The moment he opened his eyes he saw the floating window and the last bit of pain vanished.


Skill integrated:

[Pain tolerance LVL3]


Dismissing the first window, it was followed by the next one.

He had been sure this one would show even before he started praying.



'The Goddess of the Night' cleared!

8000 XP




The Goddess of the Night 2


restore the honor of the thieves in Arathor


Remembering the short meeting he had with the goddess, he finally understood why she was sorry for the memories she had to gift him. She had known what transpired inside this surgery chamber, but he himself had known it beforehand as well.

From what he remembered, each and every cell in his body had been worked on or simply gotten exchanged.

The three goddesses leading the group had discussed that with him and how they would proceed, to what he had agreed.

The pain had just been way more than "quite a bit of..."! as they had explained to him. But that might have depended on the point of view.

The new quest he received was something he also alread had guessed.

Glad it overlapped with his original goals, Jay sat up and inspected first him and then the surroundings.

As nothing seemed off and he now understood his abnormally crafted looking body had actually been exactly that, crafted, he crawled out of the rags in the alcove and rose up.

His task from Niemira would take him a long time, that he was sure of, as even the background of the bandits wouldn't reveal everything.

He was just wondering if he might get in contact with the other gods as well during his tasks. To that he simply had to ask Alexis or Mia for statues or shrines of Hermanus and Merida, if there was any.

Deciding to take one step after the other, Jay was about to leave as a dark clothed figure appeared inside the small chamber.

It was the female he had met in the AI:7 headquarters, who was standing next to shalina.

She still wore her purplish blue armor and didn't reveal her face.

"You are Jay, right? Miss Ravencrest want's you back at the main quarters. You better hurry!" the woman demanded with her slightly childish voice.

To that Jay had to blink two times, stunned by her rude behavior.

"I don't know who you are and what you are talking about... i was just taking shelter here." J.

Puffing a breath the woman stated "nice answer..." and took off her helmet.

What came to light was a relatively young looking woman in her early twenties. Though she was no stunner with her high forehead and bony cheeks, she still looked good.

Too good to be a mere messenger...

"My name is Nara. We met in the hall of AI:7 yesterday and i was sent here to relay said message. Please hurry back as it seemed urgent. I have another task, so i apologize for not accompanying you." N.

"What the... How comes the change of your attitude, and that fast?" J.

"Sorry for that, I just thought you are another of those nobles runner ups placed into our ranks. You just proved i was wrong... Welcome to the thieves guild, by the way..." N.

With this she turned around and knelt before the statue of Niemira.

Jay nodded to himself and walked over to the stairs leading out of the crypt. The girl might be right at not trusting every new face, though it still pained him a little to have been mistrusted.

Shooting her a last glance he climbed the stairs.

The sun had already risen high as Jay stepped out of the crypt and onto the cemetery. After checking his surroundings as he walked towards the entrance, Jay hurried up the moment he knew he was alone.

Without waiting he summoned his horse the moment he gained a little distance to the cathedral and rode towards the fort.

It didn't take him long as he chose to ride along the canals at the workers district.

As in every district, the canal road was filled with shops and stalls, but contrary to the other ones, the canal road here was the least crowded.

The inner roads though were filled to the brim with workers and merchants delivering their wares and materials.

What disturbed him a little was, that by then, the whole scenery seemed so fantastic.

Until he received more of his memories, the world seemed unfamilliar but normal.

Thanks to him remembering the fantasy-fiction from his old world, this world felt a little unreal to Jay.

Dismissing those thoughts he rode on in hopes the regular feeling would return soon.

Pretty soon Jay arrived at the fort as he passed the old town without issue, and dismissed his horse.

Showing his token even earned him a slight bow from the guard as he was allowed to enter. Turning to the left as he reached the occupied training fields, Jay went straight towards the AI:7 headquarters.

This time, he was greeted by the guards at the door, as well as some fellow thieves inside the building. Some even offered him their shady wares or teachings as he greeted them back But his time in Arathor was limited and he also had been called by Shalina Ravencrest to hurry back.

Arriving on the top floor, the men guarding the door recognized him and opened the door before Jay could even greet them.

In the hall he saw no one waiting for him.

Walking towards the throne, he suddenly heard Shalina from left behind him.

"You really came back fast. Though I'm a little disappointed you didn't even check the room before you entered..." S.

"Greetings... I just did what I was asked for. And for the checking: if anyone here wanted me dead, I'd surely be. That much I know..." J.

A huffing came from behind Shalina as the second women that was in the room eyed him for his retort.

It was the same, straight black haired girl with dark eyes and the high forehead he had just met a short while ago.

"Nara? How the hell..." J.

"Tsk... You can't tell? I am Lina, Nara's twin sister!" L.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You just look exactly the same. I didn't mean to offend you! " J.

"That's what twins often do..." L.

"Okay guys... enough arguing. I called you because we learned that the slavetrader you should be looking for has to have the slavemagic skill. He or she has to be producing those inside the City as smuggling that many scrolls wouldn't go unnoticed.

At least not to us..." S.

"I had thought every slave trader would have the skill. Isn't it necessary for the occupation?" J.

"Pfff...hahaha... You're funny! If such a skill would be that common, we would face serious problems with slavery... " L.

"It's a pretty rare skill... Most of the slavetraders work with magic collars or pay someone with the slavemagic skill for transfering ownership.

That's why we had to tell you this piece of information. It should help you find the culprit as only few people will hold the skill." S.

"That's one good piece of information... thank you." J.

"You're welcome. The info just got in from the guild.

Say, did you ever think about swapping your job to the thieves class in the future? I have the feeling it would suite you well." S.

"...but then he'd have to use his brain a little more. How did you gather you knowledge until now???" L.

"We all have different means on information gathering..." J.

"Oh, talking about your good looks, huh? ..that wo..." before Lina could finish her sentence Shalina cut in, shouting "Stop your bickering!"

With Shalina giving them both an angry glare, Jay excused his misbehaving and tried to take his leave.

The girl in the back glared at him as if he wronged her, while leaning on the door to the balcony the women had been standing on when Jay entered the hall.

While chuckling a little, Shalina dismissed him and turned to Lina with a stern look. Whatever she was going to say, Jay had no wish to know or be present any longer.

With fast steps he left the room, nearly crashing the door into one of the guards behind it.

Even as he left the building and hurried back to the fort, he could hear the two woman shouting at each other through the still open door to the balcony.

This was something he wouldn't forget anytime soon.

Only after arriving at the training grounds did he slow down.