A big surprise

Back on his horse, after Jay left the fort and the bickering thieves, he rode towards the red-light district.

He was going to ask Kayla for help and information about shady shops and their locations.

In one of those, Jay was sure to find information on black-market slave dealers, and through those he might get a lead to the one he was looking for.

By that time, he had understood which passages would be occupied the most and which the least, so the travel to the harbor district didn't take that long. As it was still the middle of the day, the right red-light district was pretty silent.

It even looked like some nice backstreet for living.

Without getting hindered he reached Kayla's brothel soon and knocked on the closed door. The same young woman that informed Kayla of him last time opened the door. Raising a brow she inquired why he was there at this time of the day.

Telling her an excuse of having lost a pouch, Jay was led inside where Kayla was welcoming him.

She had already heard about his night in the crypt and asked how she could help.

That way Jay learned of five different shops and their locations.

They all held a probability for a connection to the slaver or information of where to go.

The first shop he should go was called 'pink wish'.

Though Kayla had no specific information about it, as only males had access. It was located within this red-light district only two streets away, so this had to be his first stop.

Kayla only asked him to relay the information about this and the following shops to her for payment.

"If the information is worth more than the one I gave you, I'll gladly pay you a compensation..." she told Jay with a wink.

The second location Jay had to go to, was in the warehouse district, directly at the border to the harbor.

Kayla had gotten information about carriages of different kind going there. Reports had told her about it being noble vehicles as well as transports a slave-trader would use.

Adding that the location was a warehouse, the probability rose quite a bit. Only the security had been pretty tough so she had no more information.

The last three shops Jay was told about, were more of the kind to gather information than actual spots where a black-market slaver would do business.

Especially the one Jay would visit third was one he had high anticipation for. It was a pretty new shop, selling various toys and magic tools for grown ups.

The last two shops Jay was told of where the bar 'incognito' that already sounded shady, and a shop in the old towns backstreets. Though Kayla got reports of it's whereabouts, the small alleys there where too confusing to tell a way.

Jay would have to search for himself.

Only the entrance to those secret passages got explained to him.

Back on the street, he strode to the shop in close proximity.

It was not hard to find as he already saw the glowing sign over the entrance in quite some distance the moment he walked around the corner.

In big pink letters there was written WISH over a small entrance on a unimpressive house.

The only thing that really stood out was the glowing sign and open door, as every other business here seemed to be closed at this time.

Walking over he was greeted by a skinny woman in a pink dress, holding the dark curtains open for him. Her dress seemed to be made of something rubber like and the yellow wig she wore could only be described as poor.

Entering through the door Jay felt like in a new world.

One he wanted to leave immediately.

But the moment he had stepped behind the curtain, a muscular, bearded man in a much to tight, red evening dress walked over to him.

"Good day, dear. How can I help a beautiful youngling like yourself?" the transvestite asked Jay with a artificial high voice.

Looking around, Jay understood what kind of shop this was. The dresses and high heels on display all had been in a size too big for a woman, at least for most.

Combining this with the two salesmen and his information of only males able to enter, it clicked in to Jay.

This was a damn cross dresser shop.

"Oh, ahem... I'm sorry, but I'm just looking for information...." J.

"Are you sure? That's a shame then... But maybe I can help you." The salesman asked after Jay shook his head to the question.

From their following, short conversation Jay learned that neither black-market nor slave shops were to be found in the red-light district.

Everyone there tried to steer free from trouble and kept to the law, fearing to loose their customers otherwise. As for slave-traders, they would be likely found in the old towns back alley.

Thanking him for the information, Jay left the shop with quick steps.

Though he got his information and the people there had all been friendly, he swore to himself to never step inside again.

During their short talk, the man had tried to touch him on more than one occasion and close to the end of their talk, Jay saw a bulge growing at the mans dress...

Without wait he summoned his horse only two steps out of the building and galloped down the street.

Jay rode towards the north, entering the harbor district only a minute later.

The whole red-light district consisted of only a dozen of streets and alleys, with two crossing main streets taking up most of it.

From there on he rode eastwards to where the warehouse district began.

Arriving there only a short while later, Jay dismounted and turned to the right, where a road led to the south. It was on this road where the next target was located.

To his left and right he saw only warehouses, all in different sizes and conditions. The further Jay walked, the more the shapes of the warehouses varied.

Arriving at the twelfth warehouse on the left, Jay walked over and knocked onto the iron door located at the right part of the building, next to a big gate.

A viewing slot got opened abruptly and sharp eyes scanned Jay who was standing still in front of the door. A similarly sharp voice resounded not too friendly only seconds later.

"You here to earn or spend some money?"

"Depends on the offer..." J.

After a short "Hmpf" the heavy door got unlocked and opened for Jay and he was asked to enter.

Behind the door was a small entry hall with some small armchairs to the sides and a counter at the far wall.

On the wall over it was a square sign mounted with 'ORCED' written on it.

Somehow it remembered Jay off something in his old world...

Without getting to flustered or confused, Jay turned around and faced the slightly chubby, over six feet tall man.

Going on the offense had proved to work out best ever since he had been dealing with the thieves, so he did just that.

"So, what do you have in stock? And what is it you are looking for on your part?" J.

"Follow me. Oh, ...if you try to trick me you won't be leaving alive from here on. Still good?"

"Lead the way..." J.

"Heh, I'm Makko. I'll have you checked and then we're good to go for transactions. Enjoy the show on our way there..." M.

Leading Jay through a door on the left wall, they entered the cargo hall.

Or better, the studio that was once a cargo hall.

All walls were colored dark and on a lit stage was a small room recreated, while some people kept working on magic tools all around the stage.

What slightly irritated Jay was the giant, collared green-skin that kept plowing a small dirty blonde woman from behind, who looked to be enjoying it.

"Quite the show, right?" Makko whispered over his shoulder.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jay kept watching the scene until someone called "Cut!" and The big man clapped his shoulder.

"Nice one, right? She's a student of this city, earning herself some pocket money... " M.

"I still don't get the whole orc thing..." J.

"W-what? What do you mean by 'not getting it'?" M.

"I mean, is it some kink? I always thought of them as nothing but smelly, dumb brutes..." J.

"The size! Though you are right with the smelly and dumb part, It's the SIZE!!!" M.

Makko knocked on a door they had already reached on the other side of the studio.

A female voice reached them from inside stating "Enter!" to what Makko opened the door and had Jay enter a small office.

"Who is this, Makko?" a green haired woman demanded from behind her desk.

"Brought you someone new." M.

"Have you checked on him?" Came the immediate reply from the woman in her dark but noble clothing.

"Sure, nothing suspicious. Came knocking on the door alone and neither armed nor guarded for all I know..." M.

"Then I'll have to check him up later. Anything else?"

"He seemed pretty unimpressed by our business. Or better said our Orcs..." M.

"Hooo? Leave him here and go back on your post. The next customers will arrive soon."

To her orders, the big guy left the office and shut the door behind him. Only then did the woman raise her eyes from the papers she was reading.

She was quite the looker and in her late twenties or early thirties as far as Jay could see.

"You may call me Miss Dime! ...Unimpressed it is? Do you even have an idea as to what we are doing here?" D.

"As far as I saw, you let your enslaved orc do little girls, for what ever reason..." J.

"Wha... Didn't you just see it? They are at least one and a half time as large as the average human male. And so are their manhoods! Do you even have an idea how many have a liking for this?" M.

"If you say so... May be I did see wrong, but it wasn't any special in my eyes..." J.

"Ok, now you got ME interested... Strip!" D.

"Huh, why?" J.

"If you want to do business here or at least leave alive, then pull your pants down!

You can't expect spouting bullshit here and simply leaving, right?" D.

Seeing he had no other choice, as the woman who then stood behind her desk was dead serious, Jay reluctantly opened his pants and pulled them down.

To that the woman leaned forward on her desk with round eyes and mouth agape.

It only accentuated her bust as she squeezed it between her arms she was leaning on.

"Wow... that's... Mind telling me who told you about us?" D.

"Some acquaintance told me I should pay you a visit..." J.

"Acquaintance, huh? What's her name?" D.

"... I did some quest with her once, ...it's not like I know her, sorry." J.

"Never mind, but we seldom use adventurers for our sessions. Most of the girls we pick up from the mages academy, those are some kinky little things... " D.

Slightly irritated, Jay pulled back up his pants and affixed his girdle. While he was still collecting his thoughts, he was sure his bluff had somehow worked out.

But that was all he was sure of for now.

"Okay, one last question: when do you want to start?" D.

"What do you mean by 'start'?" J.

"Oh come on, you'd be perfect material for banging some students together with our orcs. The recording will love you... May be even some nobles bitches takes a liking in you. The pay will be good!" D.

"Okay, stop it... What exactly are you doing here?" J.

"We are lending our Orcs for 'use' to nobles and merchants wives, sometimes even males to have some fun.

When they are not rented, we sometimes take some recordings and sell them on scrolls for those who can't afford the real thing. Though we pay our girls really well, it still brings massive profit... What did you think?" D.

"So you're basically a porn and escort company... I thought you might do slave trading." J.

"I don't get the words you just said. If you want to get your hands on slaves you should probably look in the old town's back alley..." D.

"Thanks for your advice, but I know that much. I was just hoping to find a shop with some more diversity...like the races for example..." J.

"You know that not legal. That slave trading itself is prohibited in this kingdom is a shame, but for the races, even owning will get you to jail." D.

"Yeah, I know..." J.

"Look into the 'paid hands' shop. That's where we got our last addition to the Orc trio." D.

"Thanks, I'll do that!" J.

"And you're really not interested in some quick money?" D.

"Maybe next time I'm in the city..." J.

"Then just leave your name to Makko when you leave biggie... ~bye~" D.

With this Jay got dismissed.

But he already had all the information he needed. With this, he only had to go to the old town and search for the shop itself.

That was, if the 'paid hands' really was the right shop.

As the next store on his list was one he wanted to visit either ways, Jay decided to go there and ask around for other leads.

It was a magic tools shop so he had some hopes to find out something more about the scrolls he still held and with this, pinpoint the dealer.

After leaving his name with Makko and exiting the warehouse, Jay walked the same way back he came from.

Saddling his horse at the border to the harbor district, Jay rode towards the piers.

On the way he passed some fish stalls and grabbed himself something to eat.

The fresh fish was as tasty as from the last stall.

Riding to pier three, Jay dismounted and walked over to the road he had been told to go to.

The shop he was going to enter came into view only a couple of steps down the alley.

'Hidden Gem' was written in big letters over the entrance door.