A little extra

The hidden gem was a small shop, slightly hidden in the side streets of the harbor district that had opened not too long ago.

The things they offered were loved by many, but not something openly talked about.

Entering through the wooden door next to the small, glassed display window, Jay looked around in the store.

The wood planked interior and half high shelves gave of a good, even cozy feeling. The question to why there had been only half high shelves in a discrete shop like this, that had popped up to Jay instantly, was answered the next moment.

"Hello there, how can I help you? Looking for anything special?" A small turquoise haired woman asked him, as she appeared from behind the closest shelve.

Without using [Analyze] Jay could tell she was a Gnome.

The moment he did his suspicion proved right, and even more so, when the second gnome came into view behind the counter to the left.

It was a pink haired male that wore the same salesman clothing like the woman.

"Good afternoon, yes, I'm looking for some information and maybe some magic tools..." J.

"Information on what?" Came with a curious tone from the Gnome behind the counter.

Walking over to the counter, Jay took out one of the slave scrolls he still had in his inventory.

Holding the scroll for the gnome to take, Jay started to explain.

"I need to find out who made those scrolls and where they are sold..." J.

"Those... are enslavement scrolls. Strictly prohibited in this kingdom and hated all over the world! Get that out of here... Now!" was the answer from the Gnome, after he had unfolded and glance on the scroll.

He got louder as he spoke, nearly shouting to the end.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm tasked by the guild and the military to find out about it, as I was the one who found them in Eldrin Forest. Please, I take any hint I get..." J.

"O-Oh... That's something different then. Let me see it again..." he said while taking the scroll from Jay to look at it again.

"You said you're also interested in some magic tools? Maybe you want me to show you some, while Walton inspects your scroll? I'm Collie, nice to meet ya!" C.

"That'd be nice... Do you by chance have some contraception rings?" J.

"Y...yes, of course. Those are normally only bought by women... Here we are." C.

After walking behind the counter, Collie came back with a tablet holding ten such rings.

The tool really wasn't that uncommon.

"Do they only work for woman?" J.

"They should work for both, as they reduce the fertility overall by over 99 percent. Though normally only women care for that kind of thing..." W.

"So you never tested it?" J.

"Like I said, normally only females care for those. We had no man who cared for it until now. As for myself..." W.

Walton walked to the side, still holding the scroll, accompanied by mechanical sounds. The source for those sounds were his artificial legs, that Jay saw as the Gnome passed around the counter.

Gesturing to his lower body, Walton continued.

"...unfortunately I'm unable to test them. That, combined with me being engineer and my darling being a really good enchanter, led to us starting this business." W.

"Yeah, he really helped me out a lot with his inventions..." C.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." J.

"Don't be, I paid the price for my curiosity..." W.

"If you're really sorry, me be you can help us out sometime in the future..." C.

"Huh? Wha..." J.

"Anyways, here are the rings. They are crafted to fit different sizes, but the designs vary. The price is two gold each, simply choose one..." C.

Jay had wanted to ask what Collie meant with her comment, but got shut up before he even stated his question.

Picking up a very simple, silver ring with his right, and a overly brocaded one with his left hand, Jay analyzed them.

They really held exactly the same enchantment.

"I'll take them both. May I look around a little more?" J.

"Sure... As for your scroll: The one who made it has to be a slaver and enchanter. I only know of a slaver capable of that in the mages district. I think he works for the kingdom though... But I heard rumors about another one in the old town.

You should look there and in the lower part of the mages quarter. That's all I know." W.

While he listened to Walton's summary, Jay looked around in the Store. The information he got, hinted more and more to the shop in the old town. But without knowing more, Jay was reluctant to go there just to get himself killed because of missing intel.

Strolling through the shelves, he saw dildos in different shapes and sizes, some of them even a little intimidating, and lots of different toys.

Near the entrance Jay had spotted lingerie and decided to fetch a gift for Mia and Alexis. To his luck there were some with a automatic fitting enchantment as Collie explained.

Though they were a lot more expensive, Jay took a red one for Mia and a black one for Alexis.

Further back in the shop where magic toys and tools lined up on a desk with a fine silken cover.

Jay had Collie explain some functions and enchantments of them. Of course he used [Analyze] on every item, getting himself even more information about them while training his skill.

One tiny bracelet looked especially crafted with care. As he looked it up it was called 'Walton's faulty shape-up'.

Jay looked a little stunned.

"Whom would this ring fit?" J.

To that Collie got a little flustered and Jay was a little sorry as he had just wanted to know what woman they thought of, that she could wear something that small.

"Th-this one is a faulty item... It came out way too large. After this we ceased our attempts to create those..." C.

"Too large? I thought it was a little small..." J.

"Wha... we're talking about the same thing here, yes? That's a ring..." C.

"A ring?" J.

"...Yes? ...one for men.... down there..." C.

"Oh, I get it.... Then doesn't it fit quite well?" J.

Now it was Collie who looked stunned. Alternating her view between Jay's face and his crotch, Collie snatched the ring while shaking her head.

Looking over the other items, Jay found jewelry like earrings and necklaces, as well as magic scrolls.

Most of them were one time use like endurance boosts and the likes, in the paper form Jay already knew.

Some though were inscribed with recordings and had the form of orbs. Looking at some of those, Jay even spotted some from 'orced'.

The things Jay spotted after the ring held nothing of interest to him.

None of the enchantments would be of use as most of them had been directed for women. And for the scrolls available, he really had no use any longer.

Walking over to the counter, The gnome-couple had packed him the rings and lingerie inside a small bag.

Paying the normally hefty amount of twelve gold, two for each ring and another four for a single enchanted lingerie, he thanked them.

"One last thing, do you know a bar called 'incognito'?" J.

"Huh, sure. But what does someone like you want there?" W.

"Gathering information... I only got the name of the bar." J.

"Oh, yeah... It's in the north, directly at pier ten. Just go into the alley there and you'll see it after fifty steps." W.

"Just be careful, ok?" C.

"Yes, Thank you...bye" J.

"Bye, ~I hope we'll see again~..." C.

Leaving the 'Hidden Gem' and walking towards the piers, Jay was about to store the small brown bag inside his inventory.

Before that though, he wanted to take out the ring he bought for himself, to test out if he would be able to integrate the imbued skill.

He was pretty sure he'd have the chance tonight.

Looking inside the the bag, Jay got a surprise. It seemed the Gnome couple had gifted him the 'special' ring that was collecting dust in their store.

He would make sure to repay them for their kindness one day.

The search for the last two stores he had on his list, had to wait for the next day as he would reunite with Shanti and her group tonight. The sun was already setting when he summoned his horse and rode towards the warehouse district.

On his first tour there he had to search for the road connecting the districts, but by then, he knew the layout and did no longer have to think about his way.

Jay's sense of orientation had gotten pretty good since he had been transferred to this world.

Passing the border of the districts only minutes later, Jay used the shortest way leading to the workers district.

He ascend another slope up the rocky barrier separating the districts with the sun in his back and reached the next district equally fast as the last.

At a time this late of the day, the districts with daily business were pretty deserted, so Jay could speed up his horse. That was the reason he had passed tree districts with what might be record speed.

On his left he saw the gigantic Castle of Arathor as he crossed the last bridge over the canals for today.

Located between the workers district and the old town, was one of the two gates that led to the Heights, the nobles district of Arathor. Through there, one could reach the Castle that towered over the city on the highest elevation.

The parkway with the mansions and parks alongside it, that led straight to the seat of the royals, was visible through the open gate.

To pass the guards, one had to be a noble or person of high ranking though.

It was equally deserted as the rest of the city's streets at that time.

The old town though was different and similar to the red-light district, as it blossomed at night.

There it was thugs and beggars that filled the streets and small alleys by then though;

a few adventurers and soldiers, either on patrol or about to get drunk crossed Jay's path as well.

Right in the middle of the district, he found his targeted location.

The Pig and Whistle was a shabby pub that also had some rooms for rent. Contrary to it's looks, it had a pretty good reputation.

It was one of the safest locations in the old town, as it housed quite some adventurers most of the time.

Additionally, a lot soldiers off duty went there to get a cheap drink.

Entering through the big wooden door, Jay was greeted by the smell of sweat, alcohol and most importantly, a smell of delicious food wafted over to him.

Only two steps later, as Jay had just left the entrance and walked down the two stairs, he was called by a voice he knew.

Asher had spotted him first and waved him over to a table beneath the right staircase leading up to a platform.

All together the pub had about twenty tables of different sizes, with the four between the two staircases left and right being the biggest. The interior was surprisingly big and with the wooden craftsmanship, it was nice and rustic.

The two girls that already awaited him, only threw him a beaming smile as Jay arrived at their table.

They had reserved him a spot next to them on their bench, what had been a good move as the table already held additional drunkards that Asher seemingly had called over.

The first one was still sober and introduced himself as David Langston.

Jay soon learned he was the son of the Tavernkeeper and would someday own it together with his sister Elly, the barmaid. Essentially, he was invited to treat them all, but didn't seem to mind it.

His sister though, a young woman with reddish hair like his, looked over sternly.

The second guy, leaning on the table next to Aman and already drunk, lulled at his introduction. His name was Bartleby and he was a soldier in this city's fort.

He was clutching his mug, not letting go of it even for a second.

With the girls, Asher and Eagan next to the two big men, the table was already fully occupied.

Seating himself between the two beautiful women, Jay got quite some envious stares.

And not only from this table.

Jay even thought he saw the barmaid stare as well.

But after the first two rounds of Dwarven Mead, the stares subsided and they held good conversations about whatever came to their mind.

By then accustomed to the small talks in bars, Jay even learned the location of where to enter the back alley.

Getting all heated up in the information gathering with the two men from this district, Jay suddenly got distracted by Shanti.

Putting her hand on his left inner thigh and caressing along his sleeping member, she leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"I hope you won't drink too much as I have something else planned for later..." S.

Even if his [Alcohol tolerance LVL1] skill hadn't kept him clean until now, with this he'd have sobered up instantly anyways.

From this point on he still kept his drinks to a minimum.

The rest of the information he got was not that useful for him and the conversations soon shifted to adventures they experienced. Asher had to get shut up here and there, as he was about to blabber out things he was better of not telling.

But all in all it was quite fun.

At least until David wanted to take Bartleby's Mug to refill it.

While shouting "You Crazy?! The only way you'll get this mug is if you pry it from my cold, dead fingers... " the big and well built man grabbed David by the hem and was about to drag him out, as Jay and Aman held him back.

It ended pretty well, with three man fighting it out in an arm wrestling match.

To everyones surprise it was Jay who won pretty close against Aman, after he nearly broke Bartleby's arm.

With this, he won a old mug he'd probably never use again after this evening.

Eagan was still down from his memories that had resurfaced as Asher had ran his mouth without thinking.

Everyone in the group knew that he would have long recovered a lot more, if their Idiot-leader wasn't such a dunce.

The eunuch would be better off alone in the future, that much was clear.

But it seemed he had learned about a rare recovery magic skill that might help him regain what he had lost. That was the real reason they would leave the next day towards the south.

In between their talks, Aman left as he accompanied the drunken and mug-less Bartleby back home.

Only minutes later, Jeany excused herself and went upstairs, but not without shooting Jay a longing glance.

After talking with Jay for some minutes, Eagan also left the table, to what Jay and Shanti looked at each other.

With a short nod to each other, they rose simultaneously and left the two last men alone at the table.

As they ascended the stairs together they saw the next men coming to Asher's and David's table.

Those two would have some extra drinks this night.

Through a door to their right, Jay and Shanti reached a long corridor and walked until close to the end.

Taking out the Key, Shanti opened the door to her room and stepped to the side, having Jay enter first.

Entering the dimly lit room he got a nice surprise.

Sprawled on the bed in nothing but a night grown, lay Jeany.

"Finally... it took you forever..." Jeany

It seemed Jay would get a little extra this night.