A headstrong Priestess

The report to Captain Stoutmantle was a matter of mere minutes and after Jay recounted what had happened, he simply gave an approving nod.

The awaited notification from the system appeared at the same time and granted Jay a good piece of Experience points.



'Saldemas Farm' cleared!

2800 XP


The smile on Jay's face didn't go unnoticed and upon inquiring, he simply stated that he was glad to have fulfilled his promise.

After that report it was time for Sabina to explain what she knew.

Jay had kept true to his word in this as well and asked the captain to spare her life. He was all right with it but needed to inquire further how she knew that much and how she even joined the Defiers.

That way Jay learned she was an illegitimate child from Admiral Nichols of Arathor's Royal Navy.

It didn't seem to surprise or bother Stoutmantle as he asked further. And it had been like in every case when Jay interrogated the bandits:

The Kingdom had dropped them and ceased to care at a certain point, so they went down a spiral of shady business and later ended as bandits. Once marked as criminals, they had no chance to get back to a regular life.

Later they joined the Defiers as they not only promised support but also kept their words.

Promising to send her to Arathor once the situation had calmed down a bit, the captain had her imprisoned by the guards.

He was a bit restless and upon asking him directly, Jay learned that the Captain was still waiting for a report considering the raid on the Alexton's farm.

They agreed to meet up next morning in hopes to know more about the fight by then. Jay excused himself as he was going to the refugees area and help there while telling the Saldemas the good news.

Arriving at the farmer couple's carriage, Jay got a bit surprised.

Kylie was there and treating the wounded that had sought refuge in Sentinel after their farms got destroyed. As he looked around, Jay saw the whole space that had been empty when they arrived in sentinel, had completely been occupied.

The number of tents was not something he could count easily anymore.

The priestess herself looked as worn out as most of the people residing in the area. Asking her about it, she only smiled to him and Patric Saldema told him that she had been helping there since they arrived. And in the evenings she could always be found in the chapel helping out there as well.

Only upon hearing Jay tell the couple that they could go back to their farm and some guards were waiting there, did the young priestess stop the treatments she was giving.

They all reacted different from what Jay had imagined.

Instead of being happy, they looked sorrowful and Kylie went completely silent. Only when Sally Saldema uttered her statement did Jay comprehend the situation.

The Saldemas would stay for at least a week longer in Sentinel as their camp had become something like a gathering point for wounded and helpless in the area. They would send their workers back to the farm to get it running again and follow when the situation got better.

To that, Kylies face brightened and she thanked the older woman.

That got even enhanced as Jay explained that he would take over her duty for the rest of the day. She knew that his healing skills where even higher than hers but hadn't told anybody about it.

Together they treated the remaining wounded in no time and Jay brought her back to the chapel where she would finally get some rest. If he hadn't guided her there, Kylie would probably have never left the wounded and helpless people alone.

Back on the refugees area he went on with treating the wounded he saw and noticed that there were still new people coming to the city.

Even a few Protectors received a heal from Jay as they were on the way to the garrison after saving some more farmers and workers. Like this, the next two hours passed and Jay had gotten quite some practice in his healing skills and helped a lot of citizens.

On the other hand he had seen some ugly scars and way more burns than he wanted to as well.

But then suddenly there was movement at the northern gate.

Leaving the Saldemas carriage and running along the outer ring road towards the north, Jay saw what was going on there. A group of heavily wounded soldiers dragged themselves through the gate and the guards rushed to their aide.

Jay as well ran over and supported one of the six men, giving him a quick heal. He passed the soldier on to the closest guard as he had gotten better and took care of the next one.

Just as they were about to leave for the garrison, a new batch of soldiers appeared. The two men that were better off than the rest, were carrying a woman missing one leg from the knee down, towards the gate.

"What the hell happened?" J.

"T-The bandits… They were waiting for us!" Soldiers

After uttering his words, the young looking soldier fell forward.

Jay changed his mind and had one of the guards run up towards the garrison. He was to alarm the Captain and send as many helpers to the gate as they could spare.

The ones already there, as well as the refugees that were close to the gate had to help hip bring the wounded soldiers to the chapel.

Taking a peek out of the gate, Jay saw another small group come getting closer. As it was only four soldiers, he asked the remaining guards to send them to the chapel as well when they arrived.

With this done, he grabbed the two closest soldiers, a veteran with three arrows in his back and a young woman whose armor was torn over her chest that was bleeding profoundly. After a heal for each of them, he threw them over his shoulders and rushed after the other soldiers that had left for the chapel.

Entering the small stone building, Jay was surprised they had already made room for more wounded to come.

All the benches had gotten pushed to the sides and after a swift glance through the hall as he entered, Jay found the reason for that.

Kylie was ordering her acolytes and other priests to make room and guide the wounded to the benches and blankets on the ground. She came running over to him the moment her eyes fell on Jay, who was laying down the two Soldiers at that moment.

Telling him it had been the right choice to come here as the garrison was short on healers anyways, she thanked him that he even thought on the option.

Though she really seemed thankful to him, Kylie was short on words and hurriedly went to the next patient.

Jay did the same as his mana had nearly recovered completely and the wounds to heal looked to be endless. After he recovered his second Soldier, the next batch arrived.

By that time he had heard a complete report from one of the men that got healed first.

Apparently the bandits had awaited an attack and were well prepared.

The whole farm had been barricaded and the worst thing was that the promised support from the regions lord's private army didn't come.

As the bandits had way more numbers than what they had anticipated, the soldiers got overwhelmed and with half of the unit wiped out, some were ordered to report back and managed to flee while the rest got surrounded and their fate remained unknown.

The same report was then brought to Gyran Stoutmantle after Jay asked for it.

It had to be delivered instantly together with his request to go with the rescue unit, so Jay sent the one who had told him about what happened, even though the young man was not of a rank suitable to report directly to the Captain. Jay told him to use his name and it would go well.

He himself kept on helping Kylie and healed as many wounded as he could.

It got late evening when they were done getting everyone back on their feet or at least out of critical condition.

Only then did everyone who helped in taking care of and healing the soldiers take a break.

Sitting down on the stairs leading to the altar, Jay was sipping some water he had gotten from a very young looking acolyte.

Though the boys and girls all looked to be pretty young, the girl distributing water seemed no older than twelve years of age.

While his eyes wandered over the room, Kylie sat down next to Jay and gave him a sandwich. As she was munching on one herself, Jay started to eat as well and they finished their plain meal without uttering a single word.

Leaning back and looking up towards the ceiling of the chapel, it was Kylie that spoke the first words afterwards.

"You told me a few days ago that you thought I seemed special to you…. Then again, what are you please?" K.

"Just your average Adventurer… may be a bit better looking." J.

"Hehe…. Yeah absolutely average… though the better looking is right." K.

"Hey, ain't you a priestess?" J.

"Yes, so what?" K.

It was exactly in situations like these where Jay got remembered he was originally from another world.

The thought about priests and priestesses being pure and abstinent was deeply rooted, but in this world, there even where beliefs that advocated intercourse or even approved of polygamy.

Jay really had to get used to this worlds standards and put all that he had learned into the back of his mind.

"No, nothing…" J.

Hanging his head a little ashamed he didn't think before talking, Jay stared at the stairs below his feet. His plan to brighten the mood with his faked boisterous statement totally failed and now the atmosphere felt even worse to him.

Getting a little bit closed to him, Kylie started to chuckle lightly. It seemed at least her mood took a turn for the better.

"I'm glad we made it today… zero losses with that many wounded soldiers is a miracle." K.

"Heh, if miss High Priestess says so it must be true…" J.

Finally back to their normally playful mood, the two talked and joked for a short while until they noticed most of their patients were asleep.

As even the few acolytes that were still keeping watch looked dead tired, Kylie asked them to go to bed.

Only as she told her two priests to rest as well did she get reprimanded. They pleaded more than they told her that she should go to bed and recover from all that she did that day.

Jay, who was standing next to them nodded to that and the headstrong Kylie finally accepted.

As the priests had come back from watching out for the wounded, Jay walked her towards the back of the chapel.

"I heard some of your talk with the soldiers…. So you'll be leaving again tomorrow?" K.

"Yeah, there's a lot going wrong in this region and I was sent here to find the cause…" J.

"Will you stay in the garrison tonight or do you want to stay here?" K.

"I had planned to sleep at the inn, why?" K.

"Oh, you didn't realize it right? The Inn, like every free room, got occupied with refugees by now. The whole city is about to burst…" K.

"That explains why the streets are so lively…" J.

"Then how about staying here in the chapel?" K.

After thinking about it for a second, Jay agreed to the young Head Priestess and together they walked through a door at the left side and towards the chambers for members of the church.

At one door, Kylie stopped and opened it for Jay.

The moment he entered, he knew this wasn't the room meant for him. All over wafted the slightly sweet smell the priestess next to him emitted.

As if that wasn't enough, some robes and, if Jay saw right even some panties, lay here and there.

"Hey, that's your room…" J.

"Yes, that's right. We don't really have any spare rooms. Some of our acolytes even have to share a room. You can take my bed." K.

"What? And where will you sleep?" J.

"Sleep? Oh, I don't plan on sleeping…" K.

With those words, Kylie started to slowly unbutton her robe.

Throwing Jay a playful smile, she took off her head wear and shook her long blonde hair. He couldn't help but gulp at the sight.

The young Priestess had opened her black robe completely and presented Jay what she wore beneath it.

It was only a lace pantie.

Pushing Jay back until he slumped down on her bed, she let the robe slide down her shoulders while holding eye contact.

As she was done, she climbed onto Jay, held his head and leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Never in his wildest dreams had he thought of the Head Priestess to be that forward. And she had been far from done with this.

Sliding down on his upper body, her abundant chest welling to the sides, Kylie ended kneeling between Jay's legs.

Some time in between the kiss she had managed to open some buttons of his pants without him even noticing.

With dexterous fingers she undid the three buttons that were left and pulled down his pants together with his shorts.

What followed was a short silence as Kylie rose her brows and looked with wide eyes alternating between Jay's eyes and his semi flaccid manhood.

Grabbing the massive shaft after softly shaking her head with a smile, she opened her mouth wide. After circling his little buddies tip with her warm and wet tongue once, she lowered her head and took in more than half of it at once.

For the next three minutes, the blonde woman not once ceased to bob her head while her warm brown eyes never stopped looking at his.

She really was strong with her head.