A piggy back to Sentinel

Like she had wanted it, even without saying it out loud, Jay went back on his knees and grabbed Sabina's left thigh from behind and pulled her slightly towards him.

Opening her eyes wide, she shot her head back and looked towards Jay with a questioning look.

The reason was, he was not going to go on with her no longer too tight tunnel.

Pointing his boner towards her butt hole, Jay grabbed her tail again and pulled it back. At the same time he pushed his hips forward, impaling the poor Suidae's exit.

To his surprise, it earned him a new sound from her as she really squeaked like a pig getting skewered.

Jay pulled her back all the way until his flat stomach touched her bubbly butt. Only then did he let go of her tail and her tension eased a little bit.

With that kind of massive pole inside her backdoor, it was a wonder she even eased up at all.

Grabbing her waist at both sides, Jay began his piston moves again. At first he was moving slowly as to neither hurt nor damage her too much, but soon the speed rose again.

Only minutes after Jay had started hammering the piggies ass, he was doing her so hard that on each stroke her round butt wobbled upon collision with his hips. By that time he was burying his manhood to the root inside her each time he pushed his hips forward.

The hard ride ended only after another couple of minutes when Sabina finally got used to it and even started enjoying the stuffing feeling. Jay had reached his peak as well an couldn't hold it any longer.

With one last hard push, Jay had his pelvis touch hers and his jewels slap against her wet slit as he unleashed a tide of white inside her dark tunnel.

Of course they hadn't been done with this, but after two more hours with only small breaks in between, Jay had finally achieved what he wanted to.

Sabina had told him what ever he wanted to know after she was totally spent.

She had been second in command of this group and knew a bit of the story behind the attacks.

As it seemed, the Defiers got hired by someone influential to wreck havoc and throw this region into chaos. Their main goal had been to cut the supply to Arathor, as well as to take the workers as hostages. Through those actions, the Kingdom lost quite some control over the Dukedom.

Combined with the rising taxes and high demands from the capital, it would have been a matter of time to deploy the royal army in this region.

That would of course weaken the border even more as the troupes were limited and Westfield's spoils were needed as well.

The idea of taking over as many farms as possible was something the bandits came up with alone. The fear of attacks going towards Eldrin was unfounded, at least until then.

That led to the biggest news Jay learned that night.

Another group of Defiers might come towards the farm in the next days as they would once again try to take over the northern farms. Jay knew he had to inform the Captain first thing the next day to prevent that.

Jay had learned all that in between their sessions and after the last one, he promised to have her life spared if she told all that to Stoutmantle the next day. Afterwards he left the barely awake and totally spent woman to find himself a place to rest.

Laying down near the entrance of the barn but still on the second floor, he checked his log for the few gains of the past day.

Starting from the beginning as he scrolled up to when they arrived at the fields, Jay was surprised to see his Scout job had been jumping through the levels.

Though he should have expected it as the Job was 1st tier and he had been slaughtering opponents of Level 15 and up, it was still damn fast to get it to LVL 7 in a day. The night might have played a big role as well with how many XP Jay received from doing Sabina a couple of times.

The Skills he got from her listed in the log were only ones he already had integrated. Checking on them non the less, Jay learned that [Bow LVL 2] had a small surprise for him as a new Ability came with it. (Curved Shot LVL1) allowed him to shoot curves around obstacles what might come in handy.

The skill itself got not leveled up, similar to [Sniping] and [Hide] though Jay was pretty sure the two skills had gotten pretty close to leveling up.

With a few more activations they were bound to jump up, like it happened with (Crushing Blow) as Jay took care of the bandits. It went up to LVL 2 as he used it quite some times, though the Mace skill was still the same.

Finally reaching closer to the end of his log again, Jay found the traits he had integrated. Though he normally liked the basic way of getting laid, he had gotten quite used to his new way of collecting either status points or racial traits.

And what he got from Sabina was quite interesting...


Racial Traits integrated:

Beastkin (herbivore):

compensation: Status-point +1


Inquisitive - chance to learn new things (skills, spells, abilities) +20% and LUCK +5%


If Jay got this right, his chances of integrating new skills from scrolls or items should have risen drastically from this trait.

Smirking to himself, he knew he had just the right scroll to test it on the next day, but first he would get himself some sleep.

Closing the last notification, Jay glanced over to the hay bedded woman to see if she was still sleeping.

And what a sight he got…

Sabina lay slightly snoring on her back, her arms still bound tight and a thick rope was connecting her bindings and a massive wooden stanchion. She was still bare naked and probably because of what happened to her nethers not too long ago, had her legs still spread pretty wide.

From Jay's point of view he looked exactly there, straight at her holes in between and saw they were still gaping and leaking the white matter he so thoroughly planted inside her.

Proud of his achievements, Jay leaned back and drifted into a light but restful sleep.

The next morning, Jay was up early again and as he saw the Suidae still sleeping and snoring as if nothing had happened, he grabbed the bucked again.

With a wave of cold water to her still messy crotch, Sabina shot up in shock and looked at Jay a bit confused.

That might have been due to the fact he used (Oblivion) on her prior to waking her up.

But by his calculations he only erased the memories of her last rounds after she had already told him what he needed to know. He had been a bit rough and the woman was definitely done way over what she could have sustained.

Nothing she needed to remember.

Loosening her binds and trowing her clothes towards her, Jay asked her to hurry as they needed to leave soon.

Without complaining she did as he said and not even three minutes later they stood on the yard of the freed farm.

Summoning his horse and shocking the light blonde woman again, the two of them rode towards Sentinel a short while later. Jay had thrown the woman over his horses back after he bound her again and fixated her to his saddle.

This way he could speed up the horse better and get to the city fast.

Taking about the same way through the fields as he arrived from together with the soldiers, Jay wanted to make sure Korelor and Galiaan had made it out of there.

Though traveling along the street would have been faster, he somehow had the feeling he owed it to the two soldiers he fought together with.

As he reached the hill from where they had seen the Saldemas farm from and Jay got Weavers hammer, he saw movement in the distance to the south-west. Unable to tell whether it was bandits, soldiers or even nothing serious, Jay evaluated it as the perfect opportunity to use his second [Scroll of Farsight].

Not even dismounting, he took out the scroll and sent mana inside it.

It was the reinforcements of the Defiers.

As his vision changed like the last time, Jay didn't even need the whole duration of the skill to spot the group of bandits walking towards the farm and count their numbers. Somehow they must have gotten word from the occupiers of the Saldemas farm or else their timing was simply really bad.

...or good seeing it from Jay's perspective.

But first he had a new notification to read through and afterwards close.


Skill integrated:

[Far Sight LVL1]


Jay didn't need to read the description as he already knew how it worked and what the skill did. But as if forcing him to test it out, Jay saw another group as he was looking towards Sentinel.

They were coming from the main road and contrary to the bandits, they looked to be moving way faster.

Activating his latest skill for the first time, Jay looked towards the second group. His vision was slightly different to the scroll, as he no longer had a timer that was ticking down but on the other hand the magnification seemed to be a bit less.

He still managed to distinguish the protectors armor on the group even though they were still further away than the bandits. The group was smaller as well, only fifteen men if Jay counted correctly.

But as things looked, they would still arrive faster than the bandits, but only at the place where Jay was now and if they wouldn't stop.

Making a decision, Jay turned his horse around and rode back to the farm.

If the soldiers rushed on towards there, they could defend the farm together or even get in the backs of the Defiers. If not, Jay was fine with it as well as it would only mean more XP for him...

While Jay was galloping back, very much to the dislike of Sabina who got shaken pretty hard, the bandits sped up and were running towards the farm as well.

Not sure if they had seen him riding or noticed that the farm looked abandoned, Jay made sure he'd arrive first.

Back on the yard he jumped from his horse and took the female bandit down as well. After dismissing his mount he carried her on his back into the main building, bound her to a seam and locked the door he had kicked in from outside.

He then barricaded the house with the wagon on the yard and hid behind the carriage.

Jay had just enough time to take out his dagger and Weavers hammer, load both with magic and take a stance until the first bandit ran past the carriage.

The next second the man flew back and crashed into two of his companions.

The smoking hammer print on his torso told the men instantly that this one had taken his last breath.

Behind his cover, Jay heard irritation spreading within the bandits ranks.

He had simply used Weavers hammer, loaded with lightning, and activated his only hammer skill as the man came withing reach.

The lightning that unloaded and boosted the attack even more was the reason for the hammer print on the man.

Only as a deep voice resounded and ordered them to check out the farm, did two more men sneak past the carriage.

Not a second later, one of the two bandits flew straight up into the air while the other remained unseen.

Jay had used hide to let the two men pass him and while he stabbed the left man's neck from behind, he had again used (Crushing Blow) on the second Defier.

With the hammer swinging up in a half circle, it resulted in the man flying up.

Not able to wait any longer, the bandits rushed in after three of them already got butchered and not once seeing their enemy.

And while Jay was awaiting them in the middle of the yard, the first soldiers arrived behind the last bandits as well.

The small group of bandits had no chance to survive a two sided battle, not that they even had a chance against Jay or the soldiers alone.

They were one or two levels higher than the ones Jay had killed a day before but still they posed no real problem for him. And while the soldiers were less men and about the same level, their equipment was on a whole different level, as well as their combat proficiency.

Glad he at least could take out three more bandits until the soldiers rushed in, Jay came on a count of 11 kills all together.

It was a poor outcome for him but still earned him awe and respect from the soldiers.

Within the group he spotted a face he knew pretty well by then.

It was Korelor that came walking over after taking off his helmet.

"Glad to see you! What the hell happened here? " K.

"Same to you, how comes you got back here this fast?" J.

"Oh, that… We hurried back through the fields and though we didn't encounter any enemies, Galiaan collapsed not too far from the road.

I gave him a piggy back until we got to the horses but had to promise not to tell anyone…" K.

"...Yeah, well, he ain't gonna be happy…" J.

"As if I'd keep something like that a secret...HAHAHAHAA…

Anyway, as we arrived I reported and a short while later, this group got formed. Though it seem like our worries for you were completely unfounded…" K.

Afterwards he introduced the fourteen men and women that came rushing to the farm and Jay had to recount what happened. He even fetched Sabina from the main building and presented her to them.

After taking care of the dead bandits and the two survivors the Protectors had caught, a discussion of who would stay and who would travel back began.

Korelor as the leader of that unit had to step in and decided the five of them that would stay back at the farm and the rest that would travel with the captives back to Sentinel.

Jay would ride back alone and give a report as well as interrogate his captive together with the Captain.

After healing the few wounds some of the soldiers received, under the cover of helping them bandaging of course, Jay summoned his horse again.

Finally back on his way to Sentinel after he affixed the still bound Sabina to his saddle, he waved his goodbye to Korelor and the other soldiers.

The trip took a bit longer this time, even though he took the path towards the main road and the road along it as it was the fastest way. But Jay wanted to spare the little miss piggy on his horses back another rough trip.

The immediate treat was gone either way, so it was already afternoon when the two arrived at the tower in Sentinel.

All that was left for him to do was to report to Stoutmantle and tell the good news to the Saldema couple.