A lesson of trickery

Entering the young woman's room and ignoring her laying down, bound tight on her own bed, Jay directly went to one of her wardrobes and looked for a set of clothes he could give Arya later.

The wooden furniture was even bigger than he had anticipated and he found a brown leather pant and a red blouse that might fit. After storing it inside his inventory he turned to Vanessa and again sat down next to her on the bed.

He then inquired from her what she knew about her father, what irritated her in the beginning. But as he waited in silence, she seemingly got what he implied and began yelling at Jay.

To her, van Claven was a good man that always took care of her and taught her anything she knew. Only as Vanessa screamed he had never done anything wrong did Jay raise a brow.

"Then what about sending his men to capture and enslave field workers of farmers? Are you really telling me this was righteous? They were only working to earn their daily expenses!" J.

"They are also helping the kingdom and its nobles, exactly the ones that once betrayed the craftsmen that rebuild Arathor. Some of them even spied and reported our movements to the military!" V.

"Who said that?" J.

"My dad! He told me he got lots of proof for that." V.

"Seen it?" J.

"No need to!" V.

"So you're believing him blindly…

What about the slavery and murdering travelers in Eldrin? You can't really believe this had been righteous, am I right?" J.

"We had no other choice!

Those damned nobles ruined all of our lives just because my father dared to demonstrate against the unfairness the royals and nobles had shown. After that, just to retaliate for my dad telling it to the public, they sat our homes in the capital on fire and threw us out of the city!

How else could we have survived in that situation?!?" V.

"Wait, what? Was that what your father told you about the fires of Arathor?" J.

"That's the truth!!!" V.

"Yeah, sure…" J.

As Vanessa didn't stop yelling about Jay telling her lies, he simply put the gag back over her mouth and pulled it tight.

Jay then stood up and pulled the pretty light seeming woman with him, just to throw her over his shoulder once she was at the beds border.

He didn't take her with him out of the room though, but threw her into the wardrobe he had left open. After closing the doors and locking them up, Jay left the messy room and went back to van Claven.

Jay wasn't finished with the bandit leader and had most of his questions still to be answered. The number even grew after what he had heard from Vanessa and the lies that had been told to her.

Entering the room with the cells, Jay this time didn't take a seat but kept standing in front of the cell. He looked van Claven directly into his eyes and the moment he was sure he got the latter's undivided attention, Jay resumed his interrogation.

"I still need you to tell me who your backers in Arathor are. ...Come on, at least one name should be possible, right?" J.

"We don't need support from those people and the likes…" EvC.

"So you're telling me you have no ties to Lady Katarina Preston?" J.

"HAH, To that woman surely never…" EvC.

"To whom then?" J.

"…" EvC.

"Okay, then another question: Where did the people your men abducted get delivered to? You should be able to answer that, right?" J.

"…" EvC.

To van Claven staying silent again, Jay opened the cell and entered. The broad shouldered man shrunk a bit back to this, but Jay was not set on torturing or beating the answers out of his captive.

He simply grabbed the chain he had bound him with and threw van Claven over his shoulder.

Leaving the room with the cells, Jay walked down the hallway and entered the empty looking room of his captives daughter. He then threw the man on the bed and leaned against the wardrobe next to it.

"You know where we are. If you want to save your beautiful daughters ass, you should start giving me some answers!

You know my questions, so I'm waiting…" J.

"Then keep on waiting... Our cause is bigger than her life!" EvC.

"Was it bigger than your wife's life as well?" J.

"Of course!" EvC.

"Then why did you lie? Why did you tell your daughter that the royals laid the fire she died in?" J.

"…" EvC.

"I know for sure that a group of Defiers laid the fire back then. But until now I didn't understand reason for that and the many casualties it came with?" J.

"We needed to burn down our very own work after those damned nobles robbed it from us. If we couldn't use it at least ourselves, no one should have been able to!" EvC.

Suddenly rumbling sounds came from the very wardrobe Jay was leaning on. He ignored it even when van Claven looked over to him and wore a questioning gaze.

The only thing he did was repeating the question of who helped them.

As there still came no answer from the bandit leader, Jay walked back to the wardrobe after he had closed in on van Claven.

When he opened it and stepped to the side, Vanessa came into the view of her father. His eyes went round to that but Jay only bent down and pulled down the gag on her mouth.

Her next words came out anything but silent or calm:

"YOU? It was YOU tat laid the fire? Is that really true?" V.

Edward van Claven got overwhelmed by the sudden situation and could only stare at his daughter. After what felt like a long time, he hung his head and pressed out a silent "...yes".

What followed was an eerie silence that kept on at least as long as the time before he answered, until Vanessa broke that silence.

"Where else did you lie to me?" V.

"…" EvC.

"You knew I would have never followed you if I had known you were at least partially responsible for mom's death, right? I-… I…" V.

"I think you should tell your sweet daughter about the poor workers and farmers your troupes had captured and enslaved.

Was that really to hurt the kingdom or just for the demand coming from certain nobles and your very own profit?" J.

While Edward didn't utter a single word anymore, his daughter did all the more. She screamed and cursed at her father while winding around in the wardrobe. Jay was sure she would have lunged at him if she hadn't been bound.

By that time Jay was sure she knew he told her the truth, while her father had lied to her all that time.

When she had calmed down a little and had only some tears running down her cheek, Jay leaned down to her and got really close to whisper something in her ears.

"I'm truly sorry for what is going to happen from now on. I really hope you can forgive me some time…" J.

She was so baffled from his words that she didn't even reply, so Jay stood up from his position and walked over to the bed. With a firm grip he grabbed van Claven's ankle and pulled the man behind as he walked over to the door.

That latter's head crashed hard on the ground was something he didn't mind in the slightest.

But contrary to what the two van Clavens thought, Jay did not leave the room with the man.

He let go of him as they were close to the door, grabbed the chains and sat him on a chair next to the door. After binding him to it, Jay again walked back to the wardrobe and relatively gentle lifted Vanessa out of it.

He then laid her down on her bed and turned to Edward again, as he still needed to find out who the people behind all this were.

There was no chance that van Claven had told his daughter of it after what Jay had learned and moreover, she would have probably spilled the beans by now if she knew anything.

"Like I already stated to you in the beginning: answer my questions if you want to save your daughters ass! Where were the slaves brought to?" J.

As there still was no answer coming from the former bandit leader, Jay walked back to the bed and pulled Vanessa towards him. Though she had been tricked by her own dad to do all she had done, she still was no dumb puppet, so Jay had no problems to use her for reaching his goals.

Rolling her over so she lay face down, he then turned her around so her knees were at the border of the bed. Keeping her feet in place with his legs he pulled her hips up so she ended in a kneeling position with her face down and her butt high up.

"This is your last chance…" J.

None of his two captives uttered a single word.

While Vanessa looked a bit overwhelmed by what was going on, her father chose to keep silent and seemed a bit too unaffected. That changed when Jay grabbed his daughters pants, enhanced his arms with mana and ripped them open.

At first she only yelped to that, but as he pulled the torn part down to her knees she started pleading him to stop. Jay was nearly as surprised as her when he noticed she hadn't even worn panties.

What he was looking at was not only her bare, smooth and slightly tanned butt that looked really perky. Her clean shaved and slim slit was fully visible between her legs gap and Jay couldn't help but get a wide grin on his face.

Her father that had kept silent to this point got round eyes and stared at Jay and the state his daughter was in. It took him some time to regain his senses, but it was enough for Jay to learn he at least cared for her a little.

"You wouldn't dare to do something like that before my eyes!" EvC.

"Then I need to hear the location of the slaves…" J.

Thinking about the man's wording and if not before his eyes would be completely okay for van Claven, Jay went on with his plan. Grabbing his own pant he started to unbutton it as Edward kept silent with a stoic expression.

That changed the moment Jay pulled out his manhood.

Both van Clavens got shocked by what they saw and Jay looked to Vanessa with sorry eyes. Hers were fearful and she again started screaming at her dad. This time it was not hate filled like before but a pleading to save her…

Her father though still kept silent, even when Jay saw a little pondering in his eyes.

It was time for him to speed things up a little. He reached out his hand after clapping it on Vanessa's springy butt cheek once, then slid it between her legs. While playing with her tight shut lower lips, Jay activated some certain skills to get them both ready.

As blood rushed towards his little buddy and it started to rise, Vanessa started screaming again.

It was nothing but pleading to start telling what ever Jay wanted to know after she had watched his manhood grow even more and then panic took over.

At the same time though, Jay noticed her nethers moistening considerably thanks to his skills. But he had switch his attention back to van Claven as he was finally giving in.

The man had paled visibly and with downcast eyes to not look at the thing threatening his daughter, he began to spill the beans.

"They got delivered to a tower in the east. I can show you on a map if you loosen my binds…" EvC.

"Nice try… go on!" J.

"Though I said tower it's more of a ruins on the fields close to the border from what I saw. A really unhealthy looking man had been waiting for me there to set delivery times and quotes. As I got there only once myself in the beginning, that's really all I know!" EvC.

"No name? Nothing else?" J.

"No, I really don't know more…" EvC.

"Not even the place where are they transported to from the tower?" J.

"I don't know… really!!! That was something that didn't concern me or my plans, so I never really cared..." EvC.

"I see… Sorry, but that ain't enough for me. If that is all the information you are willing to share, I guess I have to get something else for compensation!" J.

"I really don't know more!" EvC.

"Ngh… dad, please… tell him whatever he wants to know!" V.

"I...can't…" EvC.

"Then sorry again." J.

To van Claven giving no more information, even his daughter that had kept quiet and trying to suppress her own body's reactions pleaded him to tell all he knew.

Jay was pretty sure the man really didn't know more by then, but that didn't mean he would stop what he had planned. There was still the name of the backers he had to hear from van Claven.

Jay had, all the while standing naked before van Claven, kept on playing with his daughters clit and smeared her own fluids along her whole crack.

This was more than enough preparation for the next phase of his plan.

There had never been a chance to save the beautiful Vanessa from Jay's clutch to begin with, but it had granted Jay some more information that might prove useful. Pulling back his hand and taking a good look on the daughters backside, Jay gave them both hope he really was pulling back in that moment.

But the next second he stepped forward and positioned a certain destructive tool between her butt cheeks, earning him two yelps at the same time.

"H-hey, wait… you're not aiming for t-that one, right?" V.

"I told your father he could have saver your ass…" J.