A proper revelation

Accompanied by loud screaming and cursing from the side, Jay managed to ram his rock hard boner into her all to narrow backdoor. Though he had worked her up quite a bit beforehand and even smeared her own fluids that had been dripping since a while all over her nethers, Jay still had to relay on his (lubed) skill.

That one made it possible to enter her a good bit before he came to a stop. Vanessa was biting her teeth after her yell and only whimpering sounds came from her when Jay pulled back out.

When Jay had pulled back so much that only his glans remained tightly grabbed by her inner folds, he pushed forward again and entered her a tiny bit deeper than before.

Then her repeated it again and again.

He didn't count, but it took him some repeats until Vanessa seemed to get more pleasure than pain from it and Jay could speed up his overly slow movements. Though she started moaning to his faster and a little changing movements, Vanessa still wore a pained expression.

A few minutes later this expression eased up as well and got replaced by panting and loud moans in between.

Jay had given her a small heal to close the small internal injuries his actions had brought with them and his skills were working full throttle, so he wasn't surprised.

As this was meant to be a torture for her father, Jay saw no use in paining her overly much as she had to take in a lot already, and that was true in two kinds of meaning...

Her father though didn't ease up in the slightest. Seeing his daughter not only getting forcefully taken but even enjoying it, seemed to bring him despair. He was looking tense in the beginning, when Jay glanced over while slowly thrusting into her backdoor, but seeing his own daughter going off like this, van Claven paled considerably.

That got topped off a short while later when she threw her head back and even a small roar escaped her.

Not that she hadn't been extremely tight to begin with, but reaching her climax this got even topped off. Still not there himself, Jay kept staying in the same position for a while until she had calmed down and loosened up so he could pull out of her.

As he did so, not only did he pull her skin with his meat-pole but left her formerly tight hole agape as he took a step back.

She was still moving her hips even when Jay had already turned to the direction of her father and took a step towards him.

Latters skin seemed to loose the last bit of color when he saw the youth's monstrous, still rock hard and slightly bloody member pointing in his direction.

"I'd like to ask one last time who the ones supporting your little group of bandits are. See, it's not like I have no other means to learn about it, but that would cost me quite some time.

You wouldn't even tell me anything I can't learn somehow else, its just that you would make life easier for you, me and your beautiful daughter…" J.

"I have nothing more to say…" EvC.

"Even if it's the last chance to keep your little girl just that… little?" J.

"…" EvC.

There was no longer any words coming from van Claven. The ruthless man only hung his head, showing he didn't want to see what would come next, but he also had no intention to do anything against it.

What Jay had told was true, he had the slaver he could ask or later on search for clues in her shop, and even Arya seemed more than up to help him bring the perpetrators down. What was more, he somehow had the feeling that whoever was the backer, they would try something on him sooner or later.

And the leads from the cultist were also still unclear.

All together he had quite some options left, but all of them would take more time and leave him in the dark for the moment.

Sighing to himself, Jay went back behind Vanessa and closed in.

The young woman had regained her senses as Jay had questioned her father and silently listened the conversation. At least she kept silent until her father decided to keep quiet and Jay went back.

"Wait, what? You ain't gonnaaaaauuuu…" V.

She had barely comprehended what Jay meant with his statement, when she pretty brutally and unceremoniously lost her surprisingly intact purity to Jay. Latter had at least activated (lubed) and knew she had already been dripping wet from their little performance before, but that didn't help much with the sudden and forceful intrusion.

A few more careful and slow piston moves later, her expression eased up a lot and even her lower mouth was no longer clamping down on the massive intruder. By that time he was grabbing her hips with both hands and speeding up while plowing her from behind.

This kept going on for a couple of minutes, in between Jay looked over to van Claven and saw him peeking over here and there, until Vanessa became louder.

The longer they kept going, the wilder she got until she reached her first real vaginal climax.

But that didn't mean Jay was satisfied.

He had sworn to himself he would hammer it into this girl that her father was nothing more than scum, and not the hero she thought he was.

And this hammering would keep on for a while longer, at least to the point that Jay got rid of his pent up stress as well.

His goal wasn't really hard to reach from then on, as Vanessa seemed to have a kink for getting handled rough, so she was going off like crazy.

As she reached her second peak, she even squirted a little bit so Jay was set on getting even. For that he even switched on a certain skill he came to like in those kinds of ...educations.

No ten seconds later, he blasted a white tide inside Vanessa's until then unsullied cunt. Then followed a second, bringing her to look back over her shoulder with wide eyes.

With the third shot, her narrow tunnel couldn't accommodate it anymore and the white sprayed out of her.

Following a few deep breaths to calm down himself, Jay pulled himself out of her for the most part. But then he grabbed her hips again and shoved Vanessa so her back was pointing towards her father.

Only then did Jay take a step back and pulled out completely.

The white cream that rolled out of her still wide agape and even a little bloody hole made her fathers eyes nearly pop out.

But that wasn't the only thing that was threatening to free itself.

A certain bulge that had grown on van Claven's pant over the time Jay was mishandling his daughter had called for this action.

"That's sick for a father, no? It is your daughter you're getting hard from!" J.

All he got from his statement was a chuckling Vanessa that was still winding around on the bed with her hips held high and her upper body fallen flat on the bed.

As both her holes still kept gaping a bit and one leaking profound amounts of white, she threw Jay a glimpse that no longer held disgust or hate, but pleasure and even a bit of gratitude.

Unsure what to think of this clearly not completely sane woman, Jay pulled up his pants and rushed over to the door. He wanted to leave the room fast as the situation then was something he hadn't thought of before and it felt not only slightly awkward.

As van Claven had remained silent even after Jay's mocking comment, though it had been true, it was clear that there was no longer any answer to get.

At least not with humane means.

Crossing the hallway after locking the door to Vanessa's room behind him, Jay entered the one Arya was in at the other side after knocking once.

She looked at him questioningly, most certainly because she had heard Vanessa even in this room, but she didn't ask any questions. She only smiled slightly to Jay as he sat down next to her and even relaxed a bit when he did so as well.

"Sorry to come up with this kind of question again but, do you know who is your current owner? You don't have to answer if you don't want to..." J.

"Huh? I… " A.

Arya hung her head to his question and Jay in the first moment thought he had stepped on some nerve. But when she looked up again he saw she blushed a bit.

"I don't know for sure who it is. It's not like a slave has some kind of owner tag displayed, right? But my guess would be it's the slaver himself.

I only got ordered to - listen to Edward van Claven or whoever was in control over the mines, and do what ever they would order me to do -

...Why does it matter at this moment?" A.

"Do you want to take revenge on him?" J.

"Ohhh yeah. But not only on him!" A.

"I guess the chance for revenge on the Captain is gone though, or was there more?" J.

"Huh? ...Oh… NO! But that little bitch surely needs to be taught a lesson or two!!!" A.

"Hehe, in that case I might have a surprise for you. So, what do you say? J.

"Death isn't enough for that bastard of van Claven. That wouldn't make up to what I had to endure. He has to suffer for taking my purity and everything else…" A.

"In that case I have a proposal, but only if you were up to it… let's go over there first." J.

With this, the two of them rose from the sofa and made their way out of the room Arya had been in for way too long.

In front of the door to Vanessa's room, Jay turned around once again and asked if she really wanted to do this and see what lies behind. To that she not only nodded but grabbed the door handle and pushed it open herself.

And then she kept standing still right behind the door.

The sight she gotten was directly onto Vanessa that hadn't moved one inch since Jay had left the room. Only the cum puddle on the middle of her bed, directly under her leaking crotch had grown considerably.

Slowly and a bit machine like looking, Arya turned her head back to Jay and looked at him over her shoulder.

Jay had no idea what she was thinking as she wore not a single expression.

"Was that you that did this?" A.

Unsure how to answer this as the woman asking had to endure a similar thing, Jay began to scratch th back of his head and was searching for a fitting reply.

As he found no better that the truth he began to explain.

"Uhm...yes? See, that guy there is selfish to no end and I originally wanted only some simple questions answered…" J.

"And how did it end up like this please???" A.

"He didn't answer.

Eventually I went a bit too far, but I thought she needed to learn how it feels after putting you in a similar situation. I know you might not like it as…" J.

"I don't like it - I love it!!!" A.

Completely baffled it was Jay who lost his expression next, while Arya wore the widest smile he had ever seen on her.

She looked between him and the humiliated Vanessa on the bed a couple of times and then walked over there, completely ignoring the silent van Claven.

Jay was glad he had gagged the man when he left the room, even more so after he heard from Arya about him being able to order her. As he arrived next to the bed and Arya, latter turned to him.

"This… might sound a bit creepy and surely pervert, but I want to see it." A.

"See what?" J.

"How she gets brutalized! It was this damn cunts scheming that led to me getting r*ped. So even if I seem like a degenerate to you, I want to see her endure the same thing! Please…" A.

Completely dumbfounded, Jay didn't know what to say...

Arya's request really was pervert and it came out of nowhere, but if it helped her get over the things that happened, he was willing to help her. It wasn't like he had planned on letting Vanessa go anyways, so a little extra round was no problem.

"Look, I promise I wouldn't ever tell anyone! I'm grateful for you saving my life and will be so for every day I breathe. You won't loose anything…" A.

"You wouldn't tell what?" J.

Passing Arya, who stood there irritated to his last question, Jay took something out of his inventory.

He then leaned forward down to Vanessa and whispered into her ear:

"I really am sorry, but you brought it up on yourself." J.

The next moment he channeled mana into the paper he was holding in his hand. The glow it had wandered over to Vanessa and vanished into her at the same moment the scroll crumbled to dust.

Next he took the chains binding her away with a simple touch, but Vanessa didn't move one inch.

Done with that, Jay grabbed his pants and started to unbutton them, when Arya suddenly stood next to him with a questioning look on her beautiful face.

Just as he was about to pull his pants down did she clear he throat and so he looked at her directly.

"You planning on doing her now directly?" A.

"Sure, why not?" J.

"It's just, ... didn't you just recently… no, never mind!" A.

Jay was getting what she had on mind, but to him having just finished recently was no issue.

Finally pulling down his pants again and revealing his still mostly flaccid member earned him yet another reaction from the dirty blonde. A silent "wow" escaped her lips and she couldn't stop staring at the thing.

And then it grew even more.

Inch by inch it grew thicker and longer until it stood hard and in all it's glory, Jay's member that was.

He had used (forced erection) and the moment he was done with his preparations, Jay took one last step towards the bed.

Van Claven had started looking over again and Jay had no problem looking back at the man. Pulling his daughters hips towards him, he positioned his massive tool again in front of her backdoor.

To that Jay heard a gulp coming from Vanessa's father and even Arya, but not the young woman herself.

Leaning forward he again entered her dark and tight tunnel without hesitation. Vanessa couldn't help but hiss due to the overbearing intruder, but her expression was far from the first time.

"Now I even pity her a bit…" A.