A not so pristine awakening

Waking up early again, Jay found himself in exactly the same position like he had fallen asleep in. The same was true for Pristine still lying on him, with the only difference being a small puddle of drool on his chest.

As he moved a bit to try and free himself, he noticed a certain part of him had stayed where it was as well. Namely: his by then flaccid but in no way small manhood was still stuck inside the blonde nun lying on him.

With their fluids dried up for the most part, it wasn't that easy to pull himself free.

Jay still managed after moving a bit, but as he did so she woke up as well. Looking down at the no longer occupated space between her legs and touching it, she grinned at Jay and shook her head.

They both had to chuckle and she then asked if he was going to stay for breakfast.

Getting her intention to go at it for one more round, Jay had to decline as he really had a lot to do that day. Him relaying the information and getting a mage from the Academy to help with the transfer from Millshire was essential, but there was even more on his agenda.

With that talked about, Jay fetched his clothes and made his way over to the door.

Pristine at that time lay back down again and Jay saw her dozing off once more as he silently opened the door. He had not even buttoned his shirt when he closed it behind him, ready to sneak out of the orphanage this early at the day.

But his care was for naught as the moment he turned around, his eyes met with the ones of a small girl.

It was Misha, the twelve year old girl he helped cooking with. Her chocolate colored hair was completely messy and she stared at Jay with her golden eyes wide open at first.

The next moment she blushed fiercely and hurried away.

Jay wanted to follow her first, but then thought it would complicate the things even more. Because of that he simply made his way out of the building without encountering anyone else.

Taking in the fresh morning air while it was still dim at daybreak he summoned his horse and saddled up. Glad that the streets were mostly deserted at that time of the day, Jay rode towards the west and over the long bridge into the Seaside District. Then he took the closest bridge over to the mages District and rode directly towards the park with the tower in the center.

He got there so fast that he even had to wait a moment until the gates to the Academy of Arcane Arts got opened and he could enter the grounds.

By then his name had gotten noted on a list for free entrance, so he could make his way towards the main building without further waiting or control. This time he didn't have to bother with asking someone to guide him and as the hallways were still not that crowded, he reached the headmasters office in not much time.

Entering the reception room, Jay greeted Misses Pierce friendly and she directly asked him to follow inside Mac'Nadir's office.

The old man welcomed him what surprised even his secretary, but Mac'Nadir stated it was only natural with a godsend talent like him.

After dismissing her, he asked Jay to follow him and the two left the office through a hidden side entrance. He was surprised at first, but given the kind of man Mazen Mac'Nadir was, Jay dismissed those thoughts and quietly followed.

They climbed a set of stairs on the main hallway, earning Jay irritated looks from passing students.

Once they arrived a storey higher up, he once again tried to tell the old headmaster about his request from the army, just like he wanted to do the moment he entered his office. But like always the old man seemed to be in his thoughts and didn't even listen.

They swiftly marched to a door that had to be directly over the one to the headmasters reception, just that it was a bigger double door.

Mac'Nadir knocked once on the door and then entered once a female voice asked him to.

Jay did so as well when Mazen gave him the sign to, and once he was in the wide room he saw whom the voice belonged to.

It was a relatively beautiful woman in her late thirties how Jay guessed. While he couldn't see anything specific under her ivory white robe with golden embroidery, he could be sure she was quite tall.

At least she was bigger than Mac'Nadir who had walked over to greet her. While staying friendly to him, she mostly ignored the headmaster and mustered Jay with her piercing blue eyes. After raising a brow she walked from the window where she had stood over to Jay and reached out her hand.

"Good morning. I take it this old geezer hadn't told you who I am, right? You can call me Principal Jaina and I take it you are the Jay he had kept blabbering about, right?" PJ.

"Good morning to you as well, Principal. And yes, my name is Jay, but you already know after inspecting me, right?" J.

"Ohoh… interesting boy. No wonder even Mia had taken an interest in you…" PJ.

"You know Mia?" J.

"There is no one high leveled who doesn't. But that wasn't what you came here for today, right?" PJ.

"Yes, I ca…." J.

"The test, Miss Principal, the test!!!" MN.

Without trying to talk further as a certain headmaster would butt in either way, Jay gave her the letter he had received from Marshall Whitmore.

Principal Jaina walked over to her desk and took a seat there. After opening and unfolding the sheet of paper, she drove her hand through her whitish hair with blonde strands so it would stick behind her ear.

The room was completely silent while she read the letter, even Mac'Nadir didn't dare to utter a single word.

Once she was done a few seconds later, Jaina looked up at Jay and was stunned. She then turned to Mazen with an angry glare.

"Didn't you listen again, old fart? Or is it that your rusted head doesn't allow thinking and listening at the same time?" PJ.

"I… uhm… Principal Pride…" MN.

"Just shut it!" PJ.

Looking back at Jay, her expression softened instantly and even turned into a grin. It was one of those kinds that affected others and so even Jay had to smile a bit.

After she excused herself for this -how she called him- old fart, both of them chuckled as Mac'Nadir seemed to not even have gotten notice of it.

But then they got back to business and Jaina stated they surely had someone there with the portal set, though she currently had no idea as to whom it was. They would need a bit of time to find someone and then send them to the Fort at afternoon the latest.

As he had expected it to take longer, Jay was glad and thanked her once again. She then asked the headmaster if he had listened and knew what to do. He only nodded and stated that he would start searching immediately and personally, then he left the room in fast steps.

With him gone, Jaina turned back to Jay and explained that she wanted to test him personally once again. She didn't hide that she had inspected him and stated he had quite the skills for his age, while Jay thought that she didn't even know half from the sparse shown ones.

But the amount of mana was something she must have either felt of seen, and according to her it was extraordinary.

While the Principal excused for the headmasters behavior, she also asked Jay to Join the magic school. Not really against it, Jay gave in but at the same time stated that he was still working for the kingdom and would finish his duties and quests first.

As he asked about the requirements and the fee for the school, Jaina began to laugh out loud. If his results were really like the last tests showed, he long had passed the requirements and would even get a scholarship, was what he learned after she calmed down.

Feeling like an idiot, Jay got quiet and silently asked when she wanted to test him. Entering the school was something he already had thought about.

After Principal Jaina explained that she would require another device from a certain institute and that would take a bit of time, they agreed for Jay to come back five day's later.

The test would be held in her office and he should come there directly.

With everything set and in high spirits, they both said their goodbyes and left the office together. Jaina stated she would take care of his request herself, as Mac'Nadir was bound to get distracted at some point.

They parted in front of the door and Jay made his way down the staircase and towards the front door.

As he exited the main building, he came across a small group of mostly female elves at the foot of the stairs. In the middle of them he recognized Elsharin that had seemingly spotted him as well.

This time though, she only looked irritated over to him and didn't try to insult Jay.

Taking the slightly longer path through the park as he had some time to spare, he noticed it had gotten way more lively in the short time he had spent in the Principal's office. Sitting on the lawn a bit to the side of the path, Jay then spotted another person he had already met.

It was the young blonde he had first seen at Orced, sitting there together with two exotic looking girls of about the same age how Jay guessed.

This time though he dared to use analyze and learned she was an Arathi girl called Elena with a surprising level of 26. Not sure if she had noticed him analyzing her or just seen Jay look at her, he smiled and waved at her the moment their eyes met.

She again blushed and the two other girls looked over to see what she was looking at. Finding Jay as the reason of her bushing, he could hear the snickering even as he had walked on.

Some minutes later he found himself back in front of the Gates.

The only person he would have liked to meet, Dellis - the guy who had guided him the last time, was the one Jay didn't meet. But he would possibly have some more chances in the future.

With this in mind, Jay summoned his horse again and then rode towards the trade District.

The way down hill and along the canals was no problem, but once he got to the bridge over the canals it got too crowded to keep riding. He wasn't in a hurry, so Jay dismounted and strolled over to the big plaza and from there to the guild.

Since Jay hadn't eaten breakfast until then, he had gotten really hungry and knew he could get something there even at this time.

Updating his Adventurer ID was something he had planned either way, so he could get this done and get something to eat at the same time.

Like he had guessed, the hall wasn't that crowded as most of the Adventurer s probably had left for their quest.

Jay only managed to take no more than two steps inside when he heard his name getting called and a small lavender bullet shot towards him, grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side. It was Milly that had instantly spotted him and rushed over as fast as she could.

She greeted him swiftly and then pulled him over to the private spaces, obviously in very high spirits.

Still baffled by her demeanor and how fast this short girl was, Jay followed her without questioning what was up. If she wanted to tell it in private, she would have her reasons was what he thought.

The moment the door closed behind him, Milly began to blurt out what was on her mind.

Her small mouth didn't stop even for a second and Jay got the feeling his head would burst if he didn't stop her soon.

"...I'm-soglad-you-are-here.Reports-of your-feats-had-been-coming-in-daily-so-I-was-busy-noting-them-in-your-file-every-single-day.Do-you-have-any-idea-how-tiring-that-was?Even-Nicoletta-kept-bugging-me-to-get-every-info-once-she-found-out-how-active-you-have-been.The-thing-with-the-massive-attack-force-first-and-then-the-thing-with-the-Gnolls.I-can't-believe…." M.

"Would you please calm down first? I hadn't gotten a single word you blabbered. Breathe in and then repeat it slowly, would you?" J.

He really hadn't understood much of her single word like narration. But he couldn't help but chuckle to her high spirited and happy demeanor.

After they both took a seat on the comfy sofas, Milly narrated the reports once again. Though she did so a lot slower, Jay stopped her after the first few feats and explained he still knew what he had done, only wanted to know if that all got reported to the last one and then have his ID updated.

The small woman had to deny this though, as the last report was from a few day's back and they got word a few more of those reports would come from the army as well. Jay saw there was something on her mind she hadn't dared to ask, so he told her to not be shy and ask.

Milly then breathed in deep once again and explained what was on her mind. In between those notable feats was one quest that had been B-ranked, stating it got completed with a Lieutenant. It had been one of the last ones they got reported.

If this really was true, it was highly probable that he had already ranked up again.

Learning that he would have to wait a few days for his ID to get a complete update, Jay chose to wait as there was no use hurrying, just to do the same again before he left the city.

Like this he rose from his seat and stated it really was nice to meet her again.

He continued that he was looking forward to her reaction once the last report got in, what got her completely befuddled.

Milly couldn't utter a single word for some seconds and Jay used this time to walk over to the door and pull it open. Just at that moment he heard her calling him to halt, seemingly having something urgent to say, but it was too late.

Jay nearly bumped into Nicoletta who had been waiting in front of the room.

Surprised more of that she had waited and not entered the room directly than nearly running into her, Jay greeted her friendly. He had long decided to forget her prying into his status and what she knew had gotten out-dated anyways.

"Oh Hello! Your timing is perfect. I was just going to fetch you as someone important demands to meet you…" N.

"Someone important?" J.

"Him?" M.

"It's your Father…" N.

The last line was directed to Milly who had rushed after Jay once she got out of her stupor and then stood next to him.

She only stared wide eyed up to Nicoletta who had just dropped a bomb Jay didn't even understand.

Without further room for discussion, he was asked to follow the vice Guild Master while Milly was to remain on the lower floor and get back on duty. Jay then got lead to the back of the hallway and up a staircase.

Though they weren't narrow or shabby, those passages were clearly meant for employees rather than normal customers or Adventurers.

Once up two floors higher, the two of them walked down a wooden hallway until Nicoletta halted in front of a normal wooden door. Following a double-knock, they heard a male voice asking them to enter and the female vice Guild Master opened the door and stepped to the side for Jay to enter first.

It was at just this moment that Jay regretted not having eaten something since waking up. What ever they would have to talk about, he was sure it would take some time…