A day full of meetings

In the spacious room Jay had stepped into, he saw a pair of sofas opposite to each other, just like in the meeting rooms below. They had been placed at the middle of the room and further back was a big and messy office desk. In the wall behind it, Jay saw a row of windows through which he could see the massive bank building opposite to the Guild.

The person this office belonged to was no one else than the Guild Master that had left his chair and calmly walked around his desk. The man was very small but gave off an aura of superiority that Jay had only felt from Marshall Whitmore until then.

While he didn't dare to, it was not necessary to analyze the violet haired man to know he was a Gnome. The relatively big eyes and ears, as well as the funny hairstyle were enough to tell his race. But while he could only see the bare arms of the Guild Master, Jay hadn't seen a Gnome this muscular until then.

To his astonishment, Jay could see similarities between the Guild Master and Milly, aside from the only slightly different hair color.

But while Milly was small, she wasn't this small at all.

"This is Guildmaster Dreyar, Guidmaster, this is Jay, the boy you wanted to meet." N.

"Welcome young man. I have already heard a lot about you, so how about we take a seat together?" GD.

"Hello, sir. May I know the reason you called for me?" J.

"Like I said, I heard a lot from you. Some of it was from my little Milly who doesn't stop even at home. But to my surprise, Nicoletta here talked about you as well. That's something completely new and had never happened before, right?" GD.

"S-Sir, I…" N.

"To my surprise I even got word about you from my few friends in the army, as well as from an acquaintance in the Academy of Arcane Arts.

Anyways… I just wanted to meet you in person as I will be on further travels again soon. From how the reports keep piling up, you should be close to rank C by now and yet again rank up…" GD.

"How you said that it sounds like it is something bad though?" J.

"Well… from what I had heard, too much attention is not what you need or want at the moment. We can try to keep it as low as possible, but once you reach rank C, you will be the fasted to achieve it in history. That is not only in this branch but the whole Adventurers Guild world wide!" GD.

"It really would help if you could stay silent about it… Thank you." J.

"Don't thank me too soon. It will be found out in the not so distant future and you should prepare for then.

And one more thing you should know: For rank C and above, each Adventurer needs to get approved of a Guild Master. That was the main reason I had asked Nicoletta there to bring you here." GD.

"I see. So, what do you want to know?" J.

"Oh, this is no interrogation, just a bit of small talk. But if you are so direct, I'd like to learn a bit about you and your past…" GD.

Following this, Jay told the Guild Master about his memory loss and how he ended up at Mia's Inn, as well as his finds in Eldrin and Westfield. It was then the Guild Master understood why he tried to keep a low profile and thanked Jay for being honest.

Explaining that his feats couldn't be kept hidden for long, at least not when this conspiracy got uncovered, he still promised to mention Jay only if necessary. Even Nicoletta excused herself once again for prying into his status back then, but at the same time revealed her curiosity how it was by then.

Clapping his hand once, Guild Master Dreyar concluded the meeting.

He only stated that his approval was given with this and a test of strength was not needed. From the reports that had already arrived, he was sure Jay outmatched probably seasoned C rankers.

Just as Jay reached the door after he said his goodbyes, the Gnome told him he would be at the Empire for some weeks, but once he was back, he would like to meet Jay again. He of course agreed to the easy to get along man without problem and then left the room together with Nicoletta.

On their way to the exit she only commented that Jay seemed to get along surprisingly well with her boss, but Jay didn't reply to that.

He still wanted to play a bit cold to her, but he had already seen her smirking and knew that she understood what he tried. Like this he at least said her goodbye as well at the entrance and hurried onto the main street.

By then, a couple of stalls had already opened and the first thing Jay did was to fetch some meat skewers and something akin to a wrap as he had already been starving.

With his hands full of food not to reveal his inventory, he leisurely walked over the big plaza and then turned towards the old town.

Barely done with his last skewer, Jay entered the Fort where the soldiers on guard duty already opened the gate for him. He directly went to the main building and there up to Field Marshall Whitmore's office.

She had already been waiting for him and the first thing she did was reprimand him: Even though she said he didn't have to hurry, he could have at least taken care of the task the day before.

But when he told he was sorry and that the Mages would come here this afternoon at last, she got a bit surprised first and then soon calmed down.

For her next task she gave Jay, Whitmore didn't repeat the same mistake again though. Telling him to hurry over towards the AI:7 and inform the agents to get ready, then meet at the training fields, she left him only half an hour to get it done.

Jay understood her intentions and tried to leave without wait. Just to tease him, the Field Marshal stopped him as he reached the door and asked if he didn't want to get the duel done sooner as he seemed to be quite free…

Not even answering her, Jay just smirked and left the office.

The way over to the AI:7 and up in the Mansion did take less than five minutes. After knocking on the door to the big hall once, Jay entered without wait. The guards already knew him and had greeted him with a nod.

Shalina was again on her small balcony and looking over to the training fields as Jay got closer. Without turning around she asked when the mages will arrive as everything was already set at the army, as well as for her agents.

He gave her a quick narration and then the two of them went down to the foyer of the mansion.

There they met up with the two agents that were set to accompany Jay to Millshire and back. Together they left the Headquarters and walked towards the training fields while Shalina gave last instructions to her men.

The meeting of the two parties irritated Jay quite a bit as the two women got along pretty well and talked about the group constellations and timings after greeting each other, while the soldiers and agents kept their distance. Only towards Jay they all at least played friendly.

Some minutes and a short comment -that they were already on the training field and could get the duel done- from Whitmore later, the mages arrived at the fort. Like she had promised, the principal had send a mage with the portal set on Millshire over.

Just as he reached the training fields did Jay get an invite to a party.

Looking over to Shalina, he learned that he had to accept as it was common for escort tasks to form a group in order to know each others state and whereabouts, even if it was only roughly.

This time Jay remembered switching his passive skills [Hero] and [Champion] off so it wouldn't be found out. Done with that, he accepted the invitation and got a general idea of the two mages and three soldiers, as well as the two agents.

The two mages were for a portal back and one backup for safety reasons, though Jay doubted it was necessary as he had by far the lowest level of the group.

With their introductions done and the target set, they asked the slightly befuddled mage to open the portal. Complaining that he wasn't told there were too many people and he couldn't get it done with one portal, the soldiers surrounding the meeting brought mana potions over.

Without wait the mage began to chant and a couple of seconds later, Jay felt a huge eruption of mana and in front of all their eyes, a portal formed. As the currents settled, Jay could see the main plaza in Millshire through it.

The first to pass though the gate was one of the soldiers, followed by one of the agents. Jay was third and when he stepped forward and stood before the portal, he concentrated and even circulated his mana.

The moment he had everything set he stepped forward and in the blink of an eye landed on

the plaza in Millshire.


Portal: Millshire

New location added to Portal list.



He nearly jumped in joy as he saw the notification pop up and read through it.

All his preparations had paid off as he really integrated the spell upon using it. Not sure it him circulating mana helped or if it was either his LUK or one of the racial skills, Jay had no time to dwindle around in happiness as he had to make room for the next arrivals.

The next that followed was the two mages, followed by another soldier. They all kept the same alertness as the two men that arrived first when the portal closed behind them. Every one of them scanned their surroundings the whole time, even when the next portal opened about a minute later.

Jay though was completely relaxed as he had already spotted a certain granny in front of the Mansion at the far end of the plaza.

Next to her had appeared Gyran Stoutmantle a few seconds later, shouting his men to attention.

Once all of the escort party had arrived through the portal, they began to move towards the Mansion where Daphne Stillwell and Captain Stoutmantle had come down the stairs to greet them.

Like Jay had anticipated, the group had no trouble at all. As they arrived close to the stairs, the Captain and the soldier welcomed them as a surprising reinforcement from Arathor.

That was when Jay stepped forward to friendly greet the man and Daphne, baffling them without having the faintest idea as to why.

"How in the world can you be back already?" GS.

"Uhm, ...Hello? Nice to see you again?" J.

"Haha… Yes Hello! So? Why did you manage…" GS.

"We should go inside first, all right?" J.

"You are right. Welcome you all, follow me please." GS.

After the group followed Stoutmantle and was asked to wait for a bit in the dining hall, Jay went with him and Daphne into the Dutchess' old office. There he gave them the letter with the orders to transfer the prisoners and explained that he met an acquaintance in Sentinel that opened him a portal.

Not really buying his excuse, the two of them still didn't pry further.

Done with their talk and about to leave the office, Jay mentioned to the Captain that the prisoner in Sentinel had been transferred as well, so he shouldn't wonder about her missing. His only comment was that it was one trouble less and he had guessed it wouldn't be long until she got fetched.

Back in the dining hall with all the other men of the transfer group, Gyran asked them to come to the lobby and receive the captives as he had notified the guards to bring them there. All of the escorts switched back to alertness and together they left the room.

As the group stood in the lobby and waited, another face Jay knew very well appeared.

It was Arya that came down the big stairs. And he could see he wasn't the only one that noticed the gracious beauty striding down towards them.

But the moment she spotted Jay withing the group, all her grace was gone as she rushed down the last steps and sprinted over to him, just to land in his arms and embrace him.

Every other man in the room was completely stunned and they nearly couldn't hide their envy.

Jay turned to them and explained that they were old acquaintances and really good friends, so he wanted to have a few words with her. Only shaking their heads, the soldiers and agents stated it would take some more minutes until the captives arrived either way, so he was free for a few minutes but should hurry.

He walked a few steps over to the big hall and took Arya to the side, planting a deep kiss onto her mouth. Arya seemed to have been waiting for this and it soon turned into a deep one while her hands slid all over Jay.

He didn't hold back as well and dug his fingers hard into her butt cheeks.

Jay only let go of her when her hand grabbed his slowly swelling manhood through his pants and he knew they couldn't stop once they crossed the line.

With not enough time for that he pulled back and kissed her forehead. Then Jay promised her to come back soon after he finished his tasks and got the troubles out of her way. They kissed once more and then turned back towards the lobby.

On their way back, Jay asked if Arya had visited her mother, but she shook her head and stated that she hadn't dared until then. Jay offered her to try and get her the option to visit her once she was in Arathor, but she wasn't sure if she wanted that.

This family was completely broken.

Not even a minute after he was back and Arya had barely left for a few seconds, The door to the basement and the dungeon opened and four guards appeared with two women in magic shackles. One of the soldiers and an agent took them over and thanked the guards for their duty, then turned back and had the women surrounded.

While Lady Brittany got held by one of the soldiers, Jay got to grab on Kendra.

After thanking Stoutmantle and Daphne Stillwell once more, the mages opened two portals to Arathor and the first two men jumped in.

Jay could see them arrive at Arathor, though with the view on the main street instead of the garrison like Jay had anticipated. Upon inquiring he learned from one of the mages that the space in the capital was locked for safety reasons and no transfer spell would work.

The next moment both captives got put a bag over their heads from the last soldier and Jay got asked to step towards the portal. He grabbed onto Kendra tight and went through the same -liquid and at the same time not wet- feeling like always with a portal.

Where he reappeared was the gated of Arathor and the two men that had jumped through first received him while the other pair that had jumped in passed through the other gate at the same time.

Jay got a bit surprised as he noticed a big carriage to their right where he got called over to. Directly after he left the space in front of the portal, the last agent and soldier passed through, followed by the mages behind which the portals closed off after.

They all mounted the wooden carriage that got pulled by four horses and only when it got completely closed did the men ease up a bit. While they couldn't see much through the small barred windows, Jay could orientate from the ceilings he saw through it and felt how fast they rolled over the paved roads.

A couple of minutes later they had crossed the canals and halted again in front of the Fort.