A day of blessings

Instead of sleeping, Jay decided to check on possible gains from this completely unexpected turn of events.

After what had transpired there was no chance he could sleep soon anyways, so he looked at his log and began to read.

While [Engineering LVL 2] was something he had gotten interested in since he saw it on some Goblins and Van Claven back then, to this point Jay was nearly jumping in joy for getting [Enchanting LVL 2].

Like the name implied, the former granted knowledge and finesse in constructing tools and machines. The latter enabled Jay to either permanently or temporarily enchant skills or stats onto items.

Deciding to postpone testing those skills as it was not the right time and place, Jay checked on the next skills he had integrated. [Haggling LVL 2] for example didn't rise his own skill, but to his surprise brought (Discount) to level three.

As for [Mana Manipulation LVL 2], it brought his own one level up as well. But since it was a skill which affected mana control, it only gave him once again more precision.

Due to their skills levels being way to far apart, [Mana Control LVL 1] didn't grant Jay anything though.

Still glad he got the skill points, he went on to check the last skill he got from Collie. But there as well, [Arcane Magic LVL 2] didn't bring anything but the integrated skill points as his own level of skill was too high.

More than happy with what he got up to this point, Jay went on to read through his log. And while he didn't get any compensatory status-points, his eyes nearly popped out when he looked at the racial traits he just had gotten.


Racial Traits integrated:


Quick-thinker: Int +10%


Expansive Mind: +25% Mana


Done reading through it, Jay closed the screen and directly checked on his status. More than a whopping thousand mana got added through this, granting him even more leeway in his future battles.

It took him a bit to calm down as he laid flat on the sofa, but he wasn't the only one still awake. While listening to the slight cursing from Walton for the mess he had made out of their bed and his woman, Jay drifted off into a peaceful sleep...




As he woke up, Jay somehow had the urge to check his nethers if everything was still at its place. That proved completely unfounded as not only was everything alright, he even was the only one awake in the house.

Both of the gnomes were still asleep how Jay knew from their snoring. He decided to write them a letter as thanks and then snuck out of the apartment.

Down in the shop he grabbed the bag still placed on the counter and went to the front door.Though it had been locked, the key was still in the lock. To not make the pair trouble, Jay tried his lock picking skills the other way around and locked the door once he was out.

With this done, Jay left the shop in the direction of the Harbor to fetch some breakfast.

Sadly, Jay found nearly all of the shops in the district closed, but saw a small market was already opening at the first pier. He decided to give it a try and went over there, close to the stairs he first came to the piers over.

With all different kinds of fish, vegetables and fruits available there, Jay bought himself a tasty and healthy breakfast.

Only a place to eat at was missing there, so Jay went to the side and sat down on a low wall to watche the currents of the sea below while munching some of the fresh shrimps he had bought.

As he let his eyes wander over the scenery around him, they once again landed on the big mansion he had previously seen at Seaview. It had been the giant but completely run down one next to the gigantic rock separating the district from the Harbor.

Jay had no idea why it was kept left in such a state and started to wonder about how much such an estate would cost while he finished his meal.

With nothing urgent to do until he had to go to the Cathedral, Jay took out some of the documents he had found in the offices of Lady Kendra's shop. Back then he had piled them up and thrown the stacks inside his inventory, resulting in them getting listed and taken out as stack as well.

The first couple of sheets were nothing but business registers and reports, but then he found something interesting.

A certain reservation lay together with two others in the stack, namely his own for Eloise. Without a second thought, Jay incinerated the piece of paper and with this destroyed any hint to him having something to do with slave trades.

One of the other reservations was for the Lizard-man they freed. He was to be sold to someone Jay had heard of, Lord Perenold, so he decided to store the document separately and when he gets the chance, silently pass it to the AI:7.

The last reservation surprised Jay a bit as they hadn't found the slave mentioned there. Someone called Jalane Ayrole had made a reservation for an orc that, on closer reading through the description was named Malm. Not sure what to do with this one, Jay stored the paper separately as well and postponed the decision.

His main reason for that was one of the next documents he had spotted.

It was a finely written request for prolonging their rental contract and even getting new goods. The letter came from orced and if he had deciphered correctly, got subscribed by Ms. Dime herself.

Putting the letter into his pocket, Jay stored the pile of papers back and left his place on the wall. He had gotten an idea and wanted to gather some more information until he had to leave for Ellie's blessing ceremony.

Like this he strolled towards the east, passing numerous closed stores on his way through the side streets.

As he reached the right place in the red-light district, Jay looked around once and entered the building. Instead of the typical "Hello dear Customer" or "How can we be of service?", Jay got a meaningful glance from the beautiful woman that was on reception duty.

"She is awaiting you upstairs!" was all he heard, so he turned to the left and hurried up the stairs.

To his surprise, Kayla was only mildly displeased by him as he entered. She still kept her distance as she remained sitting in her armchair at the desk and waved him to come closer.

"You have to stop coming here whenever it pleases you or you will blow my cover, all right?" K.

"Oh, sorry for that. But I thought you're open all day?" J.

"It still catches too much attention! So, what is it you want my help with?" K.

"Couldn't it be I simply wanted to see you?" J.

"Don't make me laugh. And we're still not even, remember?" K.

Smirking a bit, Jay finally took a seat opposite to the redhead and explained what had happened. For the most part Kayla already knew about the operation at the slavers shop, but still got pleased from some additional information.

It was then that Jay could ask about the background of orced and what kind of connections there were, stating it got mentioned multiple times in the documents. She pondered a bit about it but then agreed to look into the company and find out more for him.

Even though she would start immediately, it would take her some time. And her condition was that this time, he promised to really make it up to her, and not only her but Elishka as well on his next visit.

About to leave Kayla to do her work, Jay had to ask one more question.

It was about if she knew someone who could open a safe. Her reaction told Jay she knew about the missing one in the slavers shop, so he explained he found a small one in the mines and wanted to get a peek inside.

While she not really bought his excuse, Kayla said she knew someone at waterfront. Not having heard about that location, Jay inquired and learned that it was the second shady area in Arathor, similar to the back alley.

While it was the not hidden coastline bordering southern Seaview, the area was too poor so no one cared about it.

In a pub called the Keeled Maiden should he ask the barkeeper and greet him from her. That was all she hinted Jay to.

Thanking the Courtesan once again, Jay finally took his leave, but not without getting reminded to keep his part of the deal.

On his way out, Jay passed the young prostitute that had welcomed him and told her Kayla should be in a better mood now. While she didn't understand how, she thanked Jay with a slight smile and then he left.

This time he summoned his horse the moment he got out of the red-light district as his detour had taken more time than he initially thought.

Him looking at the closed shops was the reason for the most part, but he still had to hurry.

The moment he reached the bridge from the workers district, Jay noticed he still needed to change his clothes. Over on the opposite shore he spotted a place to go down to the canals, so he rushed over there.

Without wait, Jay jumped down onto the small pier and undid his shirt, then gave himself a swift wash.

While he buttoned the new white shirt he wore, Jay ascended the stairs and then rode over towards the Cathedral Plaza.

He had to dismount again when he passed the district gate though, as the area was brimming with life. That didn't hinder his trip to the Cathedral much though, and he arrived at the feet of the stairs just in time.

Together with the rest of the spectators, Jay ascended the long stairs and had to queue a bit in front of the Cathedrals gate. Once he got inside Mia and Yrel, the tall woman whom he had met quite a long time ago, welcomed him. They had already been waiting since a while and guided Jay to a seat in the audience Mia had reserved for him.

On their way, the blue skinned woman asked Jay if he had gotten his own blessing already. Jay decided to answer honestly as even Mia seemed to trust Yrel wholeheartedly. So all he could say was that he didn't really know but guessed that he didn't.

To his surprise she neither seemed displeased or not to believe him and only asked if he wouldn't like to receive one as well. Jay was a bit perplexed but didn't dare to ask what good it would bring him, so he answered that he hadn't thought about it and promised to do so.

Whether the two women wanted to say something to this or not, they didn't get the chance to as the Cathedrals bells began to sound, signaling the start of the ceremony.

Due to this they had to hurry to their seats next to the altar and managed to do so at about the same time when the audience had sat down as well.

When the bells stopped, the door to one side of the hall opened and the youths who would receive blessings walked out in a row, guided by a priest and followed by some older man in luxurious priests garments. Jay didn't dare to analyze him, but his system still told him that man's name as he got into range. He was called Bishop Whitmore, what rang not only one bell to Jay.

Once the group reached before the altar, they split up and made a path for Whitmore who proceeded up the few stairs there. Following one of those typical lame speeches, the first two of the young people got accompanied by two of the people seated next to the altar.

Yrel took the right ones together with some other female priest, and the left ones got guided by two males. They went through a door to the side of the stairs there and got back a short few minutes later each.

Ellie was the third in row on the right and once it was time for her, Mia rose from her seat as well and accompanied her.

The time waiting was surprisingly thrilling for Jay as one of the girls who entered previously to Ellie exited through the door really downhearted and then got consoled by her family that had been waiting. But when the door swung open, Jay saw a brimming with joy Ellie searching for him in the audience. Once she spotted him she walked over so fast, Mia had trouble catching up to her while not jumping into a sprint.

Glad that the surrounding had gotten louder by each one of the youths exiting the separate rooms, Jay tried to listen Ellie's boasting of having gotten a really high affinity and that she couldn't wait to see her Job possibilities.

The procedure took only a while longer and after some more speeches, the one Yrel held was the only one Jay really listened, the whole ceremony came to an end.

Due to her being caught in thanks and discussions, Mia and Jay only waved Yrel goodbye once the guests started to leave the Cathedral and did so as well.

Their next goal was the guild like they had decided the day before. Once they crossed the big plaza, Jay summoned his horse and gave the two ladies a ride.

Thanks to this, they arrived in front of the guild only a short while later.

Like Jay had guessed, the moment he entered the building, Milly came rushing over and welcomed him. To the inquiring looks from Mia and Ellie, she explained herself as his contracted guild staff what brought Mia to show Jay a thumbs up.

Following Jay's request, Milly gladly took care of Ellie and guided the two women to the job-changing room. He wished them good luck and once Milly was back, had her take care of his ID as well.

Due to the Guild being very crowded and the duo coming back very soon, they had no chance for small talk.

After Ellie got her own registration and guild rank ready, as well as her ID, the three left the Adventurers Guild together again. Jay would have to wait for his new ID to be ready, to what Ellie looked questioningly and Mia congratulated him. Then she explained that he must have had reached a really high rank already.

"So, what rank is it already? D? C?" M.

"C." J.

"Woow, I said it a bit as a joke! Really, Congratulations! We have to celebrate this once you come back…" M.

To him inquiring what she meant, Jay then learned that Ellie and Mia would leave just then as they accomplished what they wanted and were needed at home. He of course had heard her underlying meaning of what she said, but was still a bit down from getting to know they would leave so soon.

On the way towards the city gate he learned that Ellie got a Job called Cleric, granting her not only spells but even slight physical boost.

In a moment when the small girl looked distracted, Jay took Mia to the side and explained in a low voice about Eloise and her circumstances.

At first the beautiful Half-elf threw him a meaningful gaze, but she soon understood him and stated that Marcus would need help in the long run anyways.

They then proceeded on and reached an already half full carriage they would take to Gold Creek. It wasn't that Jay had to worry for Mia as she was hellish strong on her own, but it still gave him a better feeling seeing them not traveling alone.

Once she was about to climb after Ellie onto it, Mia turned around and embraced Jay one last time.

After they shared a swift kiss, she stated that Yrel wanted him to meet her once again. It was something about him getting a full blessing but she then leaned onto his shoulder and stated she didn't know more herself.

Deciding it was just the right time, Jay fetched a small paper bag from his inventory and presented it to her.

As Mia was about to pull out the contents he held her hand and stated she should do that somewhere more private.

After a short glance inside and discerning the lace lingerie, she smiled so wide, Jay wasn't sure he had ever seen it on her. She thanked him one more time and clung to his neck, but then she whispered that Alexis loved them as well.

He should get her some as well for when she returned and it would definitely pay off for him.

Leaving Jay to his fantasies about what she just stated, Mia climbed back onto the carriage and even before Jay woke from his thoughts, it started to roll out of the city…