A open place

Standing at the city gate for a while longer, even after the carriage was long out of sight, Jay pondered about what to do next.

After turning around and walking down the main street a bit he decided to first try and get some more of the lace lingerie for Alexis as it was already getting late.

If he hurried a bit, he was still sure he would easily make it.

This time he decided to take the route along the mages district via the canals and through seaview as the streets on that route were less crowded. On his way he passed the abandoned mansion once again and couldn't help but take a slight detour to see it from a bit closer up.

It really was in a regretful state and looked worse the closer he got to it. Jay was sure the building was bigger than the mansion in Millshire and possibly even than the whole AI:7.

But as he couldn't see the whole thing close up thanks to the high wall surrounding it, he wasn't certain.

One thing surprised him though, and that was the "For Sale" sign thrown onto the overgrown yard that he saw through the big metal gate. Shaking his head to get rid of thoughts about the towering house, Jay rode towards the Harbor as he still had to get something from there.

Once he passed over the small bridge along the cascades falling down from the canals, Jay rode over the then closed small market place. But as he passed the first shops, he got the feeling something was off.

Not one of all the stores and stalls Jay had passed had been open.

As he finally turned to the right and entered the alley he had already visited the day before, Jay found the Gnomes shop closed as well. All his hurrying there had been for naught, so Jay turned around and was pondering about what to do.

Since he hadn't eaten anything after his put together breakfast, his stomach had already rumbled a few times on his trip. Just as he was about to walk in the direction of the red-light district to at least find something to fill his belly, Jay got another idea.

The bar he had previously visited should be open since he remembered a small wooden sign stating "always open and serving" next to the entrance. And if he later had the urge, somehow Jay was sure that the barkeepers wife, Payton if he remembered correctly, would be open and serving for him as well. Though thinking back to their last encounter got him goosebumps for a second, he still decided to go there.

With very few people around him on the streets Jay summoned his horse and rode back towards the Harbor.

And as if Mia and Ellie leaving, all shops being closed off and him being very hungry was not enough, the next minute rain started to pour down heavily.

Completely soaked, Jay reached the 'Incognito' a few minutes later and directly went inside. The loud sounds and light he had already noticed coming from there got him a bit delighted that he at least had found a dry place to warm up.

And the small pub was already stuffed with guests, though most of them were already drunk sailors in different states. The sign stating "happy hour starting at sundown" explained the reason for that, other than just the heavy rain outside.

Looking around, Jay noticed it was mostly human men sitting at the small round tables with not a hand full of dwarfs mixed within. A few women sat between them as well how he noticed while looking around and just then Jay got spotted by one of them.

Payton came walking over to him with a big smile on her face.

"Oh hey sweetie. Hadn't thought ya would come back…

So, ya here fer the meat or beer?" P.

"Why not both?" J.

Not knowing why she looked so surprised to his answer, Payton led Jay to a seat at an already occupied table. The two men there, a draft with messy hair and a burly black haired man, were playing some sort of game with dices.

After asking if it was all right with Jay sitting with them, the dark blue haired woman took their orders.

To him inquiring she explained they got some good shark steaks, what Jay chose to get. As it was happy hour, he ordered ale for the whole table as well to what Payton leaned to his ear and whispered:

"The real happy hour starts later though…" P.

When the busty woman left the table, the two men thanked Jay for his treat and asked him to join them in their game.

It wasn't something complicated, and after watching them for two more rounds Jay got the gist of it.Though it was only coppers, the two kept playing for money, so Jay took out some as well.

But that hadn't even been necessary as out of three rounds they played until the ale and food came, he won all. And that was mostly with nearly the highest count, proving his LUK really was out of the norm.

Jay didn't take the few coins he would have won though and instead asked the two men to give him some information and general knowledge about the kingdom. Of things like the size, different regions and the relations to nearby or neighboring regions, Jay had absolutely no knowledge.

That had mostly been true for the two men as well since they were a simple dock workers. All they could tell Jay was that both, the eastern and western border of the kingdom were the shores to the sea. In the east it was the Akavian Sea with the Kingdom of Calef in the south and Lordarion in the north.

At the western shore it was similar, though the Kingdom reached via the Alterian Mountains higher up to the north. In the south, the coast led along the small Geffen region south until the Imperial Capital.

But as they only heard this all from sailors stories, the two of them couldn't be sure of it.

As for the counties aside from Eldrin or Westfield, they knew even less than Jay. All they got wind of was that to the south, the kingdom reached until a desert region where the royal army had to defend against them taking the land.

During their talks, the three downed two more mugs of beer each. Only Jay had to leave one out during his surprisingly good steak. Whenever he had time as the two men boasted about ships they had helped to construct and which sailors had told them of their trips, Jay used [Analyze LVL3] on the surrounding guests.

His first targets of course had been the few females in the pub, at least those within sight, but other than this he checked on a good portion of the men as well. He had dared to do so without restraint but only after he checked the first ones and not a single person seemed to have noticed.

And just like this, a certain notification appeared in front of his eyes, telling him his [Analyze] just then had finally reached Level 4. Thinking about how many hundreds or thousands of items, tools and people he had checked with it since it got to Level 3, Jay had long wondered why it had taken so long.

The real surprise though was the new function this level up granted him.

While the window displaying the information hadn't changed at all, two new types of information got added which Jay had found out by analyzing Payton once again as she passed the table.


Payton (Wench LVL 5)

Base LVL 21

* Arathi * Age: 43 * Gender: female *

HP 853/853 * Mana 36/36

[Sailing LVL 2]

[Alcohol tolerance LVL 2]

[Night Skills LVL 3]

[Haggling LVL 2]

[Gossip LVL 2]


It was not only the targets age but their gender as well. Not sure why he would ever need this information, Jay checked on some of the women he had already analyzed again. The only thing he was sure of afterwards, was that he was by far he youngest person there.

At a table next to them sat two women that, just like he had guessed before were middle aged.

Their buccaneer like appearance fit their skills with the one wearing an eye-patch had [Trickery] pretty high and the other one smoking a slender long pipe had [Sailing LVL5], the highest Jay had seen up to that point.

At the bar, Jay had seen an enormously busty but still slender MILF that kept chatting and treated to drinks from different men there. The somehow latin looking blonde woman was the only one wearing a skirt, what surprised Jay only until he saw she had [Tailoring] on Level 2.

From all of her flirting around there, the [Night Skills LVL2] didn't surprise him at all.

Jay went on and would have guessed wrong on her age as he analyzed a redhead playing cards with group of sailors. None of the men noticed how the older than she looked woman tricked them.

One glance at her skills was enough for Jay to know this was the way the mid forties woman made her living.

The last two remaining women he checked were already looking pretty drunk. Though the short haired human named Jada looked worse, even the Dwarf with [Engineering LVL2] was visibly tipsy.

Jay's eyes still fell more on the equally brown haired Jada with a Job called Mapper than on the curly haired one with her stout figure.

Though none of those women was what Jay would call a stunning beauty, the human in her mid twenties was probably the best looking woman in the whole pub. She was followed short by the eye patched one or the other way around.

But other than that, the rest was either too old or simply ugly for Jay to even check on them. And as one was at that moment leaving with some drunk man, Jay simply ignored the other two.

As for the men, nearly all of them were simple and mostly poor sailors, dock workers or fishermen.

Just as he was thinking that he was probably the only decent person there over another just received booth, Jay saw the two ugly women walking over to the restrooms. As chubby and old as they were, they still got followed by some of the male guests.

It took until his drink was gone that the first two of the men came back from the restrooms, followed a bit later by the next pair.

Just as the first of the two woman walked out of there as well while pulling on her clothes, Payton came swiftly walking over to Jay's table.

With a wide smile she asked him if he was up for a bit of play time that day. With his belly full and the conversation at the table having gotten a bit strenuous thanks to the men being drunk, Jay answered with a "Why not".

Brimming with joy, the busty woman leaned down and whispered into his ear that she would put him into the next patch. She would accompany him there and hoped that he hadn't drunken too much...

At exactly the moment Payton left him, Jay heard the female Dwarf on the table diagonally opposite to his encouraging her friend: "C'mon, it's really fun, may be even a big one... And nobody will find out, I promise!".

To that, the woman called Jada simply waved her off and told her to go first, what the Dwarf did. Turning her head laid drunk on the table to the side, she got eye contact with Jay and blushed.

Turning his head away from her as well, Jay saw the second of the ugly women leave the restrooms, followed by one more of the drunken Sailors. It was then when he spotted Payton waving him to come over, so he rose from his chair and excused himself that he had to use the restrooms.

The two men at his table only wished him fun and then Jay left.

Shortly before he reached the dark blue haired Wench, Jay noticed another person had followed him. It was the short haired Jada from a table close by that seemed to have decided on leaving.

Thinking that at another chance they might have hooked up, Jay got his hand grabbed by Payton and was led towards the restrooms.

At the door, Jay couldn't help but ask what exactly he had to do there. She told him it was really simple as he only had to put his thingy through the hole once he was ready, independent on what state it was in. The ones on the other side would take care of anything else so he could simply enjoy the fun.

To his question how she'd know it was him, she stated that she wouldn't, but that was the logic and fun behind the holes. She then hinted him to think about the pub's name again and Jay had to smile.

The moment he finally walked inside, he barely saw some other people pass the door in both directions until it shut itself.

Looking into the small and dimly lit room, Jay found the spot further behind already occupied, so he had to either wait or take the first one. As it was the feisty Payton he had in mind as he agreed to take part in this, Jay chose to not wait as it would lessen his chance to get her.

Unbuttoning his pants, he lowered them only so far his member got free and his balls unhindered. Then he stuffed it through the small hole just at the moment he heard a door close by getting shut.

Though in a muffled voice as it was from the room next door, Jay could hear a female voice he recognized as Payton's: "Woohaa, sorry sweetie I gotta take dis'one…"

Following those words he felt his tip getting engulfed by warmth, followed by something hard grinding along it. Then the underside got massaged by something equally warm, telling Jay that a certain part of him just got taken into someones mouth.

From the previous comment and the overly practiced technique, his best guess was that the busty wench had taken his tool for herself and thought it was someone else.

He still decided to play along and get the whole situation cleared soon. For that Jay activated all his skills that weren't always active, except (Lubed) and (Geyser) as those seemed unnecessary.

As he felt the same warm tongue sliding along his shaft, even though it kept growing thanks to the before unnecessarily activated (forced erection), he suddenly heard another voice from behind the thin wall.

While he knew he had heard the voice before, he had no idea where: "Damn, I just started but I seem to have chosen the wrong spot. This one's not even getting really hard!"

Just as she finished her statement, the door on the other side could be heard again and something like a short conversation seemed to begin. Jay had been getting harder and harder from the very good oral service he was receiving and at full mast to that time.

All he could understand from the muffled voices though, was something like "...size is absurd… ".

Then he heard good audibly the saying "sharing is caring", followed by some giggling and "...c'mon, we're friends…". At that point even the one working on Jay's member had stopped what she was doing and joined their discussion.

As his by then slightly soaked member stood in the open at the other side of the wall, Jay heard movement and then Payton's voice stating that she would fetch someone else. Her tone sounded slightly regretful and unnerved, then the door was to hear once again.

And just at that moment, Jay felt his shaft getting grabbed again, only to get his tip engulfed by the soft, hot and slightly wet sensation of a woman's slit.

Accompanied by moaning, he felt himself getting deeper and deeper inside that damp tunnel until most of his shaft had been buried. When it didn't go in any further, Jay felt his tool getting partially slid out and then pressed deep inside again, accompanied by huffing while a "wow" got uttered at the same time.

Just at about that moment, the man that had more leaned than stood in the corner where the other hole was, pulled back and closed his pants.

While muttering in a grumpy tone that "those bitches simply stopped…", he stumbled out of the men's restroom.