A leaders fight

For about a second that seemed way longer to them, the room went completely silent while Jay and the three Orcs looked at each other. It still wasn't enough time for Jay to check on the other two aside from Gath'Ilzog, but at least he got their names.

The armored one was called Khazun and the robed caster Martek, though that was all Jay got to know when their boss made a whistle sound and his Worg-pet called Fang jumped forward. Glad that, aside from checking on his opponents, Jay had made preparation for the coming battle, he received the beast accordingly.

With his sword held in his off-hand, Jay waited until the Worg lunged at him and was only inches away. Thanks to magically enhancing his limbs, he stepped to the side with a half turn the moment it was about to bite him and at the same time hammered a (Lightning Fist) upwards from his previous light ducked stance.

Not only the impact sound but the sight that followed was something that not only shocked the Orcs but even surprised Jay himself:

In the split second before the over-sized wolf passed him while spinning backwards, he saw the hole in its head that he had just punched the attack through. It hadn't stopped there though but blast a hole in the wooden roof more than four yards above.

The dead Fang hadn't even crashed into the wall behind Jay when the warrior to his right howled out and charged at him. A moment later Martek muttered a short incantation what Jay completely ignored and instead activated a skill himself.

As he appeared from out of the shadows behind Gath'Ilzog, he directly slashed at the burly Orc's neck. Be it his experience, intuition or absurdly high defense, the Warrior managed to duck down a bit and nearly completely dodge Jay's surprise attack.

All that he landed on his opponent was a shallow cut between his shoulders.

The skill still hadn't been completely wasted when Jay noticed Martek's spell had accidentally hit Khazun whom he had dodged with it as well. But that was all Jay could see as he had to dodge the huge figures retaliation that followed suite.

A wide and heavy swing with the flat wide sword he held was not too hard to dodge for Jay, but when Gath'Ilzog did nearly the same move with his shield, Jay had to put more effort into it. Then followed a repetition of those moves that should have made it easier, but Khazun had joined in on the onslaught.

Lucky for Jay, Martek had still not understood that magic attacks to Jay were no problem and even beneficial for him. When a bright flash nearly hit Jay and got reflected, it got between the smaller Warrior's attack and stopped it.

That didn't mean Jay got the tiniest break from this.

Leaping sideways not to get hit by a smash with the shield and sword from above, Jay rolled further over the floor to dogdge a barrage of Gath'Ilzog's hammering down attacks. Only when the big Orc had finished his onslaught did Jay get back on his feet.

Just at this point did the other combatant take over again, though that ones axe was better to handle for Jay. Following a parried attack he got a nice kick in just when another lightning attack came in on him. He didn't even react to it and had the green ape Martek suicide bomb, though the single attack was far from enough to finish himself.

At the same time Gath'Ilzog had finished huffing and joined the fray again.

One thing was clear to Jay at this point:

he had no problem fighting three opponents three or more levels above his own, even if an elite mixed in and they coordinated well. But to defeat them without much fuss, he'd still have to rely on magic, even if it was only to boost himself.

Said and done, Jay enhanced his limbs once again and dodging became way less troublesome. That didn't mean it got that much easier to get a real hit in on Gath'Ilzog as his defense was the hardest Jay had experienced.

...At least in a real fight if a certain duel of the recent past got ignored.

Suddenly a sly grin appeared on the youth's face. Then he vanished from the three Orcs sight, only to appear behind the boss of the three who suddenly hissed and tilted sideways. It took him a moment to catch himself and look at the source of the sudden pain from his legs.

What Gath'Ilzog saw there behind him, was Jay jumping away backwards and holding his bloodied Wingblade in his right hand.

This was no duel and aside from his ego and wish to test his own strength, there was nothing binding him from using magic.

With this sudden realization Jay had burned quite a bit of mana and used (Teleport) to cut his opponents tendons.

It hadn't been enough to completely immobilize the Warrior, but at least it slowed him enough so Jay could dive in for the next attacks.

To the other two Orcs it looked like Jay vanished again when he gave his all do dash forward and past Gath'Ilzog to get another slicing attack in. To his misfortune, their boss was so sturdy and experienced that even if he couldn't keep up with Jay's speed, he still guarded himself well.

Even magically loaded weapons didn't make that much difference in Jay's slash'n'dash tactic.

Back at his starting position, Jay was about to stop his close combat and simply blast up the Orcs, possibly together with the whole room.

Just as he was tilting to that idea, Khazun once again came dashing in. This time the Axe came in not from above like last time, but the Warrior fulfilled a swift spin and brought in from the side with more force than in any attack before.

The result was devastating…

Jay had once again switched his weapon hand, dove in and grabbed the arm holding that incoming great-axe. Just at this exact moment, Martek who had taken some time casting fired off another spell. The (Pyroblast) got reflected back but blinded the close by Warrior, making Jay's move even more effective.

A pull and shoulder throw at full power, combined with the inertia of Khazun's previous dash was enough to get the heavy body flying right at Gath'Ilzog.

The at least two times as heavy Orc with his high defense had, thanks to being partially immobilized, no other option than to swat the incoming body with his shield to the side.

That impact had been so hard, even the heavy armor got partially destroyed and parts of it broke off. They flew all over as the limp body got hurled through half of the room and crashed into a table at the side, knocking Khazun out cold.

But that hadn't been all…

The moment Gath'Ilzog had sent the other Warrior flying and noticed Martek once again getting the brunt of his own attack, he noticed his blunder. Jay had not only thrown Khazun as a means of attack, but as diversion. Keeping himself out of sight behind the armored Orc, he only got in sight the moment Gath'Ilzog's shield had moved out of the way.

But attacking the experienced Orc wasn't just that easy. Having his thick sword arm already in position, he slashed out at Jay with it in hopes to fend him off.

The youth though had already switched back to wielding a weapon in each hand and received the Orc's sword with his own.

First parrying the broad weapon slightly to the side, then dodging along it, Jay had his (Riposte) activating and used the inertia from his charging attack. With a critical (Slash) from his fiery loaded blade he cleanly cut off the massive green Arm.

The moment he touched the ground again, once more a lightning attack reached him and got obviously reflected. This time though it was a chain lightning that flew back just when Gath'Ilzog turned around and saw his own arm lying on the floor.

Finally the reflected (Chain Lightning) had been easy enough to kill off the not so intelligent mage as he already ate all but one of his own attacks. The weak leftover spell jumped to the close by Gath'Ilzog and, though it didn't deal much damage, caught his already split attention.

This was the moment Jay had waited for.

With another (Shadow Step) he appeared behind his opponent, both swords enhanced with fire magic. Holding them crossed he slashed outwards and Gath'Ilzog's head off in a single move.

The cut wasn't really a fine one but it still took some time for the Orc's head so slide from his severed neck and hit the ground, followed a few moments later by the massive body. Jay rolled it over with his foot to fetch the head lying under it, though he really had to extort some force due to the weight.

Just when he had lifted up the still blood dripping head, the massive wooden door opened and a small cute head peeked in. Sira glanced over at Jay and then though the room and shook her head. Then she slipped through the open door and walked over to Jay.

"You really are a monster ...and not just a certain part of you!" S.

"Hadn't I told you to wait till I fetch you?" J.

"Got so silent in here I knew you were finished… *mumble* whatever the result was…" S.

"I heard that one! Better prepare for retaliation… but first go over and check on the fried guy over there!" J.

"Aye aye, Master!" S.

Knowing she -probably- hadn't really meant it that way, Jay had Sira check on Martek while he went over to Khazun. The Orc was still alive how he saw when his systems target changed, so he went over warily.

The warrior still lay face down in a pile of broken furniture, so first of all Jay used his foot to turn the Orc around. As there was still no movement other than a low breathing, Jay grabbed the helmet by both sides and pulled it off. Irritated at first, Jay was about to analyze Khazun as he heard a cute voice from next to him.

"So, what are you gonna do with her?" S.

"Hadn't I asked you to search through the corpse over there?" J.

What had been hidden under the horned helmet that only showed the eyes, was a somehow female looking face. Though by far not as ugly as the one Jay saw before, it was still the flat nosed, ape-like face with the fleeting forehead and green skin. It wasn't really that different to the males ones, aside from the wild facial hair and a less rough appearance, at least with her eyes closed to that time.

"Yeah, the briquette over there had nothing left of worth… all had turned to charcoal. It's unfriendly to counter a question with another, by the way!" S.

"Getting cocky? I'm gonna tie her up and question her later…" J.

"So you're gonna interrogate her?" S.

"Interrogate?" J.

"Like...me then?" S.

"Possibly…" J.

"Oh..O-okay…" S.

Jay had only gotten what Sira's question had implied a moment after he had finished tying Khazun up. At that point his cute slave had already vanished from the site after she stated there were more victims to search trough or areas to check and pulled the door close.

Chuckling to her "consideration", Jay walked over to Gath'Ilzog's corpse as he still had hopes to find some clues or things of worth on him. After taking his sword and the heavy wooden shield, there was nothing of worth to be found though. Not even a few coins were in his pockets.

Out of frustration and a little bit curiosity, Jay stored the pant whole to see if there also wasn't something in. But then his eyes fell on the scar riddled body and a certain something that had come to light. With nothing to loose, Jay stored the last piece of worth from the equally bloated body in his special jewelry and the leftover corpse in his inventory.

Just then he thought about his inventory slowly turning into something like a grave- or waste-yard. He dearly needed to get rid of some corpses in there, but first he had to take care of the situation at hand.

Walking over towards the end or the room and up the small stairs onto the podium there, Jay found at least some sheets of paper. He couldn't even read one single of the letter on them though, so he didn't know anything more than before.

Storing those papers for the moment, Jay walked back to the still unconscious Khazun.

He needed to know if those Orcs somehow had to do with what else was going on in the Kingdom, and Jay knew what to do to get these informations.

Finally having the chance and time to analyze the female Orc, Jay got another surprise due to her skills.


Khazun (Warrior LVL 15)

Base LVL 28

* Orc* Age: 31 * Gender: female *

HP 6372/6372 * Mana 0/0

[Axe LVL 4]

[Shield LVL 2]

[Sword LVL 2]

[Charge LVL 2]

[Berserk LVL 1]

[Commanding LVL 1]



The woman had not only a lot skills, but was also able to at least understand the common language. Other than that her combat abilities seemed a bit one sided, though that was true for most people other than Jay.

Something new to him was the [Berserk] skill that he wasn't sure if it really sounded beneficial. From his sparse memories and knowledge, a berserker was something like an enraged and mindless killing machine…

Either way, his next actions had already been set and so Jay closed the small screen in front of his eyes and looked down at the tall green woman. With her having been a head taller than even himself, as well as wearing the now slightly dented metal armor, it was no wonder he hadn't recognized her as a woman. Glad he hadn't killed her directly, Jay once again rolled Khazun over.

In the position she ended in, Jay could for the first time see she really was a woman. With her head and chest on the ground, as well as her wrists and ankles bound and both connected to each other, the Orc ended with her round butt up.

Exactly that shapely backside was what clearly showed her as a woman.

With this all preparations were set. Jay only needed to take position and commence his interrogation for why and how the Orcs had come to Redridge.

As he stood next to Khazun, his eyes still locked on her big round butt, he stretched out his hand to it. The next second her plated short leather-pant vanished into his inventory and changed the view.

With a sly grin, Jay first held his eyes on the smooth green skin off those toned buttocks on full display. Then he let them wander a bit and took a peak at her slightly hairy crotch with meaty and flabby lips peeking out.

Yes, it was time to get "Orced" himself…