A informative talk

After Jay had watched the blank backside for a few seconds but she still didn't wake up, he decided to take action first.

It wasn't like he liked doing things like this – at least in this one-sided and in-consented manner – but he needed something from Khazun. With this in mind he unbuttoned his pants while keeping his eyes on her crotch.

Instead of the soft looking slit, it was another hole he had his just hardened tool enter some mere seconds later. Thanks to himself lubing it and finding the right angle, as well as having (Lust Inducement) aimed at her from his first touch, he managed to get it a good bit in before the green woman woke up from the pain.

It hadn't been his aim to torture her by ramming his tool into her backdoor, but simply to get her racial traits and possibly a language skill. From how she looked and her size, he would have never anticipated her to be as tight as she was.

The Orc woman ached her back and whimpered a bit as Jay pushed in deeper and only calmed down again when he pulled back.

Like this he repeated a few strokes and felt her ease up considerably. But to his surprise, however pained she looked or wound herself, Khazun not once tried to stop him.

This went so far that after continuing for a couple of minutes she reached a small climax just about the same time Jay finished himself.

He hadn't kept himself from finishing and even deliberately deactivated any skills prolonging it as to make it more bearable.

Once he had unloaded inside of her dark hole, Jay pulled out, closed his pants and went around her. He even helped her up into a kneeling position as the ropes didn't allow for more.

"" J.

"" K.

Jay had spoken to her in orcish what surprised her and was the reason for her slightly delayed answer. The language was rough and hacked, so he felt a little uncomfortable using it but at least then learned what he said got understood.

To make sure he got true answers, Jay cast slave magic on Khazun as he could set her free afterwards anyway.

She looked at him furious when he activated a spell, but when she noticed he wasn't going to hurt or kill her she calmed down fast.

Not really getting her reaction, Jay resumed his questioning in common this time.

"Sorry, but I had to make sure you're going to answer my questions accordingly…" J.

"What meaning?" K.

"You'll see. Now tell me please, why did your group come to this keep?" J.

"We ordered!" K.

"You got ordered by whom?" J.

"Chief Gath'Ilzog order." K.

Shaking his head in understanding this would take one hell of a lot time if he continued like this, Jay switched back to orcish. Like this he got more information from Khazun to each question he asked.

Apparently the Orcs there had been a group of mercenaries tasked to travel over the sea and wait for orders at Stonewatch keep. Like this they had spent the last months defending it from seldom visitors and went hunting in the woods.

Back then even some of their clan heads warned the participants that it was risky to wage conflict within human territories, but their leader didn't listen. All else she knew was that their mercenary group got hired by a human customer, for more information Jay should have asked Gath'Ilzog himself.

Jay's following comment that he wouldn't have believed the Warrior to answer his questions was something Khazun had to agree with.

That again brought Jay to the question why she hadn't protested when he forced himself on her or even later enslaved her. Instead she seemed somehow passive to all of that but did answer his questions directly and as good as possible.

Once again, Jay got reminded that different races, species or cultures had equally different principles or mindsets. Her explanation that Orcs valued strength over all was something that didn't surprise him, the extend it reached did though.

She even stated that enslaving her wouldn't have been necessary as she would have probably followed him either way. Jay had proven his strength that was greater than their leaders and the groups combined, so with this also had the right to dominate her if he wanted to.

Ignoring the countless questions that came to Jay's mind following her logic, he stored back the ropes on her and gave back her plated leather pant. After she had dressed up again, the two left the wide room and went out of the keep where Sira had been waiting.

Seeing Khazun's slightly irregular steps she grinned wide as she asked Jay if he had thoroughly interrogated her. But then she swiftly switched to reporting about her findings.

As it seemed, there had been no more patrols withing the keeps walls and the basement was nothing but cells and more quarters.

Sira had not encountered more opponents but found some plundered goods she had stored inside the pouch Jay had given to her, even though it wasn't much.

When she recounted the kill-count, Khazun threw in that his had to be about all of them. Only a small group of three hunters should have been out, but they'd most certainly flee back to their homeland once they learned about what had transpired in their base.

With this they finally had completed their tasks at Stonewatch and so left the fort towards the north and then back to the tower they came from.

It took them once again about an hour to travel back, a little more than before due to the increased weight for Jay's horse. He felt slightly comical, sandwiched by a busty seven feet tall green-skin behind and a slim, cute one half on his lap.

Once they reached the tower and dismounted, Aranthir and Wiley couldn't believe what they saw at first. But the wild looking orc female following Jay didn't stay their only shock. When the youth proclaimed that Stonewatch was free again and they should request personnel to claim it back, none of the both had any words left.

To top that off, Jay pulled out Gath'Ilzog's head once he had finished his curt narration. At his request to deliver it back to Solomon for him, the two agents only nodded while Jay finally completed the according quest he had already suspected defect.

A whopping 7410 Experience Points was a nice compensation for his worries though.

With the promise that the next time he visited Redridge, the army and AI:7 would have established a new stronghold at Stonewatch, as well as repaired the old bridge, the two agents saw the strange looking trio off. They only looked at each other and instantly knew none of both wanted to question about Jay's methods.

The three though rode off on horseback again, this time taking a route close to the mountains marking the northern border.

Wiley had told them there had been Gnoll sightings reported from lumberjacks and hunters. That in itself was nothing extraordinary, but under mocking laughs the agent had continued to explain that some of the monsters had been said to use magic.

Not finding it that amusing himself as he had seen what those totems had made with some monsters, Jay had agreed to check if it was true. Sira had remained silent then but later expressed that this might really be due to the work she had helped with. She also wanted to see for herself if she might have had something to do with that.

It was not even much of a detour as they were required to travel around the cliff Stonewatch was built on. Only a few hundred yards from the keeps location, the cliff went in a wide arch towards the north while it gradually lost height and steepness.

As on the opposite side were two lower mountains, they formed a natural valley that led to the coast.

Sira knew the region pretty well as their final goal, the tower where her previous master resided in, was located just within those low mountains. Khazun added that they had gotten reports from their hunters about those Gnolls as well, but they hadn't come close to the keep.

Once they passed the place where the valley started, the terrain turned into hilly grasslands. From how lush and wide the land looked, Jay didn't understand how the Kingdom could have ignored it. As he had no deeper knowledge in farming and at least had until then been a bit far off, he could only hope for it to get properly used in the future.

But as the high grass there slowed them down a good bit, Jay decided to take a short break before they would encounter the first Gnolls. Some trails and paw-prints had long told him they were on the right track.

With once again close to two hours on horseback, more so in a not really comfortable constellation, a short break seemed necessary first.

They had the leftover hunted game from the day before as lunch and rested for about half an hour. Khazun didn't understand where the already prepared and still warm food had appeared from even until they resumed their travel.

Sira seemed to find that funny and mocked the Orc with having muscle and tits for brain.

Somehow she seemed to focus on latter, hinting Jay of a small complex.

It took only about a dozen of minutes after they resumed their travel to finally spot some of the Gnolls they were searching for.

Jay dismissed the mount before they got seen and gave Khazun her weapon back, then asked the two women to take care of the two monsters they had found.

Sira went close to them first while keeping hidden, then the Orc charged over. Just when the first Gnoll got struck hard by her axe, the second got stabbed from behind. The damage from the small hobgoblin's attack wasn't sufficient to kill it, so she had to jump back and instead Khazun beheaded the monster.

For their XP gain this didn't really matter, as theirs seemed to share evenly thanks to both being Jay's slaves.

Thanks to this Jay had them kill off the next patrol and a group of three in what looked like a small camp. There even Sira managed to take care of a level 23 Gnoll on her own, though Jay and Khazun were about to jump in two times.

After healing her up and congratulating her for managing alone, they traveled on towards the south-east. But instead of lesser encounters Jay had expected, the number of Gnolls they encountered kept increasing.

Sira and Khazun got better with their coordination from fight to fight, leaving the poor humanoid hyenas no room for even a counter attack.

Only at a camp with seven of them, all being of level 24 and up, Jay had both green women take a break. When they resumed their trip no two minutes later, none of the two said a word. Jay hadn't used magic and only his fists for weapons...

Continuing their travel away from the bloody scene, they this time rode towards the east. The sun had by then started to set in the far west and from what Jay had seen with (Far Sight), in that direction where less to none monsters.

It seemed just right for staying the night there.

After arriving on a hill with a single tree on it, Jay send the two women out to take care of possible patrols while he would prepare something to eat.

The moment he had the tent appear from his inventory, Khazun once again nearly got a heart attack and kept on blabbering "It -whoosh appeared" to Sira who looked back Jay for help while they left.

Jay couldn't blame the slightly simple Orc thought as about two months ago he would still have reacted the same way. Then he went to the kitchen section and fetched some meat, vegetables and spices from his inventory. Within ten minutes he had prepared a healthy stew that he left boiling on the hearth and went after his two slaves.

Another twenty minutes later, the three returned to the tent after Sira and Khazun had taken out five more patrols all together, though none of them had been really close to their camping spot. But it was funny once again to see the dumbfounded expression on the female Orc's face.

At first she only had to ask where the food Jay had talked about was, but it was even more fun when Sira slipped into the tent and Jay asked Khazun to follow her.

It still looked like a good but simple two person tent from outside.

Jay and Sira left her standing at the entrance for some minutes and set the table. Only as Jay brought the pot with stew did he call out and ask how long the big woman would keep standing at the door.

During the following meal Sira couldn't help but comment on Khazun if her meat-bags were stomachs as well from how much she ate. Even Jay was impressed, but she only stated it was simply too good.

After they finished eating, Jay asked the Hobgoblin to take the first watch as he had some more questions for Khazun. With a knowing grin she commented that she would take the first three hours, but then she might have to be asked some questions as well. Their "coded" talk once again irritated Khazun when she heard it, until she finally inquired what questions he still had as Sira just left.

"Oh, that's just kind of our code for something… more physical if you know what I mean?" J.

"More fizi… Ohh, want me?" K.

Seemingly having gotten what Jay had implied in the end, Khazun fist looked at him stupefied with wide eyes at him. Once her expression returned to her slightly stoic normal one, she rose one brow and waited for Jay's reply.

To him nodding she continued in her broken common that Orc women weren't really sought after. As he already had Sira by his side, she felt herself as no good.

But Jay simply rose from his seat and walked over to the second Bedroom on the side. Khazun had stood up with him and followed Jay's invitation when he held open the curtain.

The moment she got close to the big bed in there, the green woman started to take off her armor. Jay got a bit surprised by her actions as neither did she say anything while she did so, nor had he asked her to do it.

Once she was done with the last part, Khazun turned towards the bed and bent forward, giving Jay a good look at her flabby and meaty slit.

He would have liked if he had gotten another peek at those surprisingly huge and plumb breasts of hers that somehow Sira had already guessed. But those dull reactions of hers fit her type surprising well.

When the naked Orc looked back a bit impatient, Jay followed her example and stripped down as well. He didn't miss her licking her lips though, showing Khazun wasn't this uninterested at the very least. The moment his tool got rock hard and ready she even grinned.

Positioning himself behind her, Jay didn't wait any longer and pushed his throbbing boner into her already slippery and surprisingly soft flesh. There was not much friction and so he easily impaled her really deep while grabbing her muscular thighs and pulled himself forward.

In mere two rounds for her, Jay had plowed the dull and stoic behavior out of her. Khazun lay half on the bed with one leg up and one dangling powerless down as she climaxed hard even after Jay had long pulled out. It took another few moments for her quivering to stop after Jay sat down next to her on the bed and once more spanked her extremely toned butt.

"You really stronk, lot more than all Ork me know." K.

"You're talking about me or my little buddy here?" J.

"That even more stronk and big… Ork-men different, not hard like rock…" K.

Following that unwanted information, Jay learned that Orcs seemingly were big down there but therefore not really getting that hard. At least according to his Orc-slaves experiences. Laying back down diagonally on the bed just like Khazun, Jay pondered about this totally unnecessary knowledge that somehow ruined the impression he had of those brutes.

When he heard silent snoring coming from the side he deciding to keep it low with her for the day. There would be enough times to "play around" later on, so Jay closed his eyes as well.

The night would be short either way...