A very unexpected outcome

On the way back, Whitmore thanked Jay to at least have managed to postpone the duel. She also promised that she would try and get the princess to drop the subject, making Jay wonder what kind of problem there was behind it.

But even as he asked about it he got no answer.

Not long after, they arrived back at the fort and went to the main building. The Marshall had let a small lunch be prepared as she had guessed that the conference would take longer that day. After they were done, Jay followed Shalina and Whitmore to her office like they had agreed to beforehand.

It was finally time for him to hear what exactly had happened before and after he left the conference room.

Lord Falconclaw had apparently kept protesting for a while and not admitted anything, but he got taken to custody. Though the queen had stated she would declare his fate to a later date, it was only because she thought there might be even more to find about him. His whole clan would have to get checked as well to see who else had been in this.

As for Lady Brittany, she won't be stripped of her peerage in favor of Lady Arya that seemingly did an extraordinary job, though it would get decreased by one rank.

Moreover they would loose some more of their possessions and lands depending on how big the losses for the kingdom really had been.

But however good her daughter was faring, the previously duchess of Millshire was going to spend the rest of her days jailed, the only question that remained was how many those would be.

The only decision that had been final was about what would become of the Slaver Kendra. While the information she committed saved her life in the end, she would never be allowed to roam free again. As it was the AI:7 that brought her to help them, the final decision got shoved to the agency as well. For the time being, she was required to stay in the headquarters prison as possible testimony until all the connected cases got closed.

Once the two women were done explaining, it was time for Jay again to deliver some news. He told them about the cult, as well what he learned from the mages.

Though it was a long shot, they would send some men to check the underground rails, as well as keep their eyes on the harbor even though it was less promising.

As for the cult and their movements, there was not enough information to do something at all. If Jay could notify them, they both would gladly intervene or at least send some reinforcements.

The three talked about their next steps and how they would proceed when Jay was gone for Geffen next. While he would surely come back for visits, there barely was enough time to even think about following leads. Like things stood, some other agents had to take over in the meantime, though both of the women seemed not to have high hopes.

In the worst case Jay had to resume once he came back…

After they were done talking, Jay left them and went on his way. It had gotten quite late by then and he was supposed to go on a date with the small Milly this night. While the sun was still high when he left the main building, it had long started to descend as it soon would turn evening.

The moment Jay left the fort he summoned his horse and galloped through the district and then rode over adjoining the bridge. Once he reached the other side he had to proceed on foot as some parts of the Trade District were typically brimming full to this time of the day.

Glad he had already been wearing some better looking clothes after his visit to the castle, though still not something as fancy as the nobles wore, Jay at least didn't need to change. He reached the plaza in front of the Guild Hall not long after and then waited for the Guild-master's daughter to arrive.

It really only took some minutes for the light purple haired cutie to come looking for Jay. The moment Milly spotted him she darted over, hugging him like it was the most normal thing in the world.

Then she seemingly noticed what she had just done, let go of Jay and tried to hide her fierce blush with looking down.

Finding her reaction cute like always, Jay did the best thing coming to his mind fort easing her up and embraced the small girl himself. She looked completely baffled but calmed down as he told her that he'd never mind if she didn't hide her mood.

In no time she was back to the beaming girl she normally was and asked Jay where he wanted to go. She first listed some stalls she often visited and then some pub Jay hadn't heard of, somewhere in the back alleys of this district.

Once she noticed he didn't seem to decide for any of them, Jay told her that he had a better idea, took her hand and led her from the plaza. Again with a fierce blush, Milly followed him getting dragged behind.

A few minutes later they had squeezed through the pedestrians and reached the canal rout where there were less people. Jay directly summoned his horse and saddled up, holding his hand down for Milly to take it again. Once she did so he pulled her up so she sat behind him and the two rode over the next bridge.

They traveled along the canals until they reached the next bridge while Milly clung to Jay like she wasn't used to riding at all. Only as they crossed it did she ask where Jay was going to bring her.

"It's actually the first place I had been at in Arathor. A friend of mine introduced it to me and I'm sure you'll love the view…" J.

"Sounds intriguing!" M.

"Yeah, it is. I only hope we'll be able to get a table." J.

Thinking that it might have been best if he made a reservation beforehand in case there was something like this here, Jay tried to ride as fast as he could without looking suspicious. At least Milly had gotten accustomed to riding and started to cuddle her face on Jay's broad back.

Another couple of minutes later the harbor came into view, still a distance away though. At least the road was not too occupied and they proceeded relatively fast.

Like this the restaurant came into view only a short while later and as he got close, one of the service personnel at the door already got close to take his horse. He got a bit startled when Jay dismissed it after he had helped Milly down.

To the two's luck there were still a few free tables left. Jay shoved the waiter accompanying them a large copper coin and in return got one of the tables with the best view. Milly kept looking around from the sun terrace they were at, making Jay ask himself if he had gotten the wrong impression on her before.

She hadn't talked much after he took her by the hand and later rode her to there, contrary to how she had behaved in the Guild.

"You… had this as first impression on Arathor? I guess anything that came later couldn't compare right?" M.

"I wouldn't say that. The next day I went to the Guild and met you, remember?" J.

Again, she took the facial color of a tomato. At least she had gotten his compliment, but she only kept fumbling around and tried to dodge Jay's eyes for the next few moments. He couldn't help but chuckle to her innocent behavior.

"Look, you don't need to be nervous. Let's just talk like we normally do while we'll have a nice dinner and watch the scenery. All right?" J.

"Y-you make it sound so easy… I bet you have your experiences with something like d-dates, right?" M.

"By far less than you probably think. But I came here to show you this place and spend time with you, so… how was your day?" J.

Finally having managed to calm her down a bit, Milly began to talk about her day and not much later about anything that came to her mind. She was back to her usual self and even had the waiter wait until she finished what she was talking about.

The next over two hours felt to both like no time. As they had finished their meal the sun had set over the ocean and by the time they eventually had to leave, it had turned completely dark. Jay fetched a coat from his inventory and gave it to Milly before he helped her up on his horse. This time she sat in front of him as they rode back the same way they came there.

As they closed in on the trade district Jay noticed he had no idea where she lived, so he had her guide him to their house once they crossed the bridge. It was a building right next to the guild that he reached from the street behind. When he walked her to the door once they arrived, Milly started to fumble around until they had to halt.

"You know, my dad isn't here and I thought m-maybe…" M.

Instead of letting her finish her clumsy question, Jay leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

With wide eyes and once again a fierce blush she fell completely silent. Jay took a slow step back and looked at her emotionally, knowing his decision had been the right one.

"As much as I'd love to, it would be best if we say good night for today. How about we repeat this evening once I come back and have time?" J.

"But… You know I really want to… and my dad isn't home…" M.

"Don't get me wrong, if you don't change your mind after our next date, I won't resist anymore!" J.

"You promise?" M.

Instead of answering her verbally, Jay nodded and once again stole her lips. This time it was longer and more passionately, but he still kept it from going too far.

Seeing her slightly dazed look, Jay waited in front of the house until she got inside and locked the door again. Then he slowly turned and thanked the cold air to calm him down again and clear his mind as he walked back down the road.

On his way Jay thought about where he was about to sleep this night. It hadn't even come to his mind until then, but his place at the fort was occupied and going back to Aletta after a date with someone else, aside from not knowing if she was even there, was out of question.

Sure, he could go back to the brothel and pay Kayla a visit, but all he really wanted after his long day was to sleep. Like this he was sure his best option would be an inn once again, and fortunately the Gilded Rose Inn was just around the next corner. While there was still lights shining from the dining hall, it was relatively quiet to this time of the day.

As Jay entered the building, one of the employees welcomed him and asked what he wished for. While the kitchen had already closed to this time, he could have another drink until they closed up. Jay thought it was a good idea but before he went to the hall he asked if there was a room left. The not too old woman looked at him once again and then rang for words until she finally asked what was on her mind.

"Uhm… you're mister Jay, right?"

"Yes, how do you know?" J.

"I had seen you last time you visited and the Landlady had given instructions. She is absent at the moment but you are free to use her room…"

"I appreciate that, but as I'm spent from the conference today, a normal room would suffice." J.

As he regularly paid for the room he noticed the slightly disappointed look on Allison's employee. He hadn't even asked, but Jay had the feeling as eventhough the inn's owner was absent, he wouldn't have had spent the night alone otherwise.

He was sure he'd be made to make up the moment he'd spent another night there but that was not a problem, at least for then.

Leaving the slightly stocky brunette at the counter, Jay made for the dining hall and found himself a seat at the bar further back. The waiter from last time was busy pouring drinks but got Jay's order in between and so only a short while later, Jay downed one last beer for the day.

Once he was done he went to his room and within a minute after stripping down and going to bed, he fell into a deep and sound sleep.




The next morning Jay woke up to his usual time and felt more fresh than after the last nights he had. Following washing up and donning his normal clothes again, he went down the stairs to the dining hall. Like most of the times he was the first customer to arrive, but the plump woman from the evening before was already there. She welcomed Jay and asked him if wanted some breakfast.

Nodding to her question Jay chose a table at the window and waited for her to arrive again. As she brought the simple bread with eggs and ham, the employee asked if he had a good rest. Somehow he had the feeling there was some disapproval sounding out with it, but he ignored it and replied positively.

Contrary to last time when Allison had been present, the food tasted pretty bland. While it by far wasn't bad, Jay knew he himself would have done better and didn't really wonder that even as he finished there were no more than three other guests while the streets gradually began to fill. Once he was done, Jay paid up and left the Inn.

While taking in the fresh morning air still on the stairs, he stretched and then walked in swift steps towards the big plaza.

With nothing planned for the day until evening, Jay had decided to pay Lorette at the bank a visit. The situation with not having some kind of real estate at his disposal, even if it was only a simple apartment, was no longer bearable for him.

Not if he was sitting on so much wealth.

This time he not even needed to wait in the bank as he got spotted by the goblin he met a while back. The small man had hurried through a door in the back and until Jay even arrived in the middle of the wide hall, came back with his boss in tow. The moment she spotted him, Lorette made her way around the counter and over to him with a wide smile.

Her greeting remained professional, at least until she had led him into her new office where she flung her arms around his neck and demanded a long kiss.

"So, what can I help you with today?" L.

"When we saw us last I had asked you to search some real estate for me. Did you by chance had any luck?" J.

"Luck wasn't part of it… Let's have a seat and browse through the selection." L.

After doing as she said, Jay sat down on a comfy sofa and a moment later Lorette joined him with a folder holding her selection. As she started to lay out and sort the not really small collection, Jay couldn't help but sigh.

"I appreciate your eagerness, but can't you recommend me something? Please?" J.

With a sly smile she leaned in and stated that if he was going to compensate her for it later, she would gladly show him the sites personally...