A search for real estates

Following Lorette's suggestion, Jay and her left the bank a few minutes later. They would make a small tour to the most promising places she had recommended him. Luckily they didn't even need to ride for reaching the first site as it was located in the Trade District.

While Jay hadn't been too keen on living there, Lorette had insisted on showing it to him.

To the beauties request Jay had naturally given in, even though the other options the two of them had decided on sounded more fitting for his needs. On the list were aside from the close by apartment, another small one in the mages district, two houses in the old town and one accommodation close to the harbor.

After the two passed around the bank to the right, they took the smaller alley leading north and ended on a crossing of five streets close to the canals. From there Lorette led Jay along the wider road to the left for a bit until she turned right into another smaller gate. After passing through, Jay found himself on a not really big backyard.

Some of the houses were up to four stores high instead of the average three and quite nice looking. Lorette pointed to one of them and then revealed it's main selling point.

It was the slightly smaller building next to the one they would visit where she had her own apartment. Jay noticed her blush as her intentions had gotten shown slightly blunt.

To cover up she swiftly stepped forward and opened the door.

While the climb up was pretty steep and had hinted Jay to the foreseeable size of the rooms, he also expected it to have a nice view. He was right with both and the view from the small windows was beautiful, not only on the canals but onto the Trade District as well.

The size though was equally breathtaking as it was only single small room with a cooking place that felt cramped with only the two of them inside thanks to it being under the roof. The bedroom wasn't much better, though at least slightly bigger.

At least the restroom was not bad, but even Lorette had to admit this apartment was quite pricey for the fittings and furniture. Ignoring the fact that the money was a mere joke for Jay, even she couldn't recommend it as for him it had not the right fit.

On their way down, Jay asked why she wouldn't buy it herself, to what she really started pondering. She was quite happy with her own apartment and it was even a bit bigger, though the view really was nice. It was even in her price range thanks to the bonus she received. That seemingly reminded her of something.

While leading the way she explained that she had transferred his money from last time, making his the biggest account in the whole bank there. With what he had banked, he could buy hundreds or thousands of real estates, and that was even ignoring the wealth he had hidden.

That brought her to the next topic. While they crossed the canals over to the Mages District, Lorette answered his question if she had managed to invest like he had asked her. She did and had already gotten the first results, though she had hoped for delivering them in a more private situation.

"I had thought that maybe we could search together again and this time celebrate afterwards? A little bit more ...intimate, possibly?" L.

Chuckling to her suggestion, Jay accepted it and promised they would go searching together when she was free. It wasn't like time was pressing in this, so even if it didn't work out before he went to Geffen, there was nothing to loose.

On the pretty long way to the second property they flirted a bit and Jay learned how she had bought the hints from an auction house. If he was interested in it she would later introduce it to him, though aside from information and documents they specialized in rare and high level equipment, still quite a bit over his own range at the moment.

Where they finally arrived at directly made Jay think it was a waste of time. The narrow building in the back of the district stood close to the city-wall and nearly next to the Academy grounds. As he looked around Jay noticed quite a lot students walking along the street until they entered.

The stairs were similar to those of the last building, though at least they only needed to climb one set. As they stepped into the apartment, Jay only glanced around once and went back out. It had only one room and was even smaller than the last one. If anything, it's only selling point was being close to the Academy of Arcane Arts and quite cheap.

Back on the street, Jay asked Lorette which one they would visit next. She hinted to the harbor as they could then make a round through the city and get back to the bank.

After she took the first steps to lead him, Jay asked her to stop and summoned his horse.

Once again she got startled but gladly let herself get pulled up. Due to wearing a skirt she had to sit sideways so Jay asked her to cling to him tight before they moved. Lorette did as she got asked and they rode though the big park out of the district while Jay relished in the feeling of two giant marshmallows getting pressed at his back.

"You're enjoying the situation, ain't you?" L.

"Yep, who wouldn't?" J.

No longer taking offense in Jay's shameless answer, Lorette leaned her head onto his shoulder and fell silent for a while. After passing over the closest bridge, she stated that maybe it wouldn't be wrong for Jay to buy more than one of the properties.

Be it as investment for rent or if he needed it one day.

A bit irritated, Jay inquired and Lorette stated that someone like him would possibly have more than one girl or even mistresses later on, so it could come in handy. And as busy as he was even in his young age, there might come a time where he needed some kind of emergency hideout.

Jay only commented that in that case it wouldn't be of help if he bought the properties, ignoring the first part of what she mentioned. At least he knew she was expecting something he already did, though for sure not in the actual dimensions.

If he counted his slaves in, the number of women in his life was …scary.

A short while later, the two of them arrived at the harbor and Jay got his directions from Lorette anew. On their way along the well maintained street leading into the quarter, Jay got an explanation about the surroundings. Even though the red-light district was pretty close or possibly because of that, the security there was not bad.

In the first row at the docks were numerous shops and a marked held twice a week. As they proceeded, the two of them passed a certain shop and Jay noticed Lorette eyeing it a few milliseconds too long. Then they turned to the right and a moment later she asked Jay for them to dismount.

Where they stood before was a pretty old looking house that looked not much like the others around. It was made of stone and had only very few windows on the two lowers stores, as well as a heavy iron door.

As they entered, Jay found himself in a relatively wide but not entirely dry hallway. To his surprise there was light shining in from above and on the left wall some stairs led up. Looking to the right Jay saw a small barred counter and another two metal doors behind it.

That was all.

Lorette nudged him to follow her and began to climb the stairs. While he hurried after her and kept watching her nice behind as they made their way up, Jay got explained that for this property it was some kind of a special case. Though the whole complex would later be on sale as well, what she would show today was in better shape.

She hadn't promised too much as after they climbed three floors and then another smaller stairway up, Jay found himself in a very wide room. To his right were a few big and deep windows, none of them defect, through which he could look over the Harbor District and even at the docks.

To his left, Jay saw another few windows. They were smaller though and all he could see through them were close by walls. As he turned around to Lorette's voice asking what he thought, Jay noticed there were similar windows like to the front, one even being a door leading out onto a roof.

It was the one over the stairs how Jay guessed from the broken skylight.

Taking a look out there, he got a better glimpse on the buildings he had seen through the back windows. If he guessed right, those were the first warehouses of the equally called area. He couldn't be too sure as the road was still a distance away and the neighboring warehouses higher than the adjoining on, but it should have been close to a certain company he had yet to visit again.

After they were done looking there, Lorette guided him through the industrial looking hall with its metal stands and seams, over to the other side. She explained that it had once been any ammunition depot from the navy before the harbor got commercialized. The company owning it previously had to cease their business some years ago, explaining the rundown state it was in.

Tempted to directly buy the loft as it was very much to his liking, he refrained as it was simply too bad to reach. The price was also very hefty, and that was ignoring the rest of the building like he learned.

"I somehow really like this one, but I'd like to see the remaining ones first as well, if that is okay with you." J.

"Sure, yes. They both have a little catch though…" L.

"That wont matter for now. We'll have to go back to the bank either way, right?" J.

After they had left the old depot again, Jay summoned his horse and the two rode through the Workers District towards the old town. Way past noon did they finally arrive at the second last option.

It was located between the fort and the back alley, close to the plaza where Jay met a beggar back then. The house looked so shabby, Lorette even asked Jay to simply skip it as it wouldn't be worth their time.

Jay though wanted to give it a chance and jumped from his mount. She followed him a moment later, though she didn't seem too happy.

As the busty brunette opened the door, a not very good smell greeted them and from somewhere they heard loud snoring.

The apartment itself was not bad, even though quite some things needed repairs and the furnishing a complete overhaul. Regardless of how much work it required, the location was close to perfect for Jay until Lorette explained that it's state wasn't the real problem.

Apparently the previous owner's son lived in the apartment below and was a shady person to say the least. From the smell and the snoring they could hear, Jay didn't even want to imagine him.

Even if Lorette stated that the general security in the vicinity being exceptionally bad was the real problem and the apartments size was perfect, Jay refrained from buying it. At least until the person living downstairs would be gone.

They as hurriedly left the building as they had entered it and went on their way to the last site. This time they rode a bit back towards the canals and Jay got another question.

It was about possible properties in the Noble District and if there weren't any available, not that he wanted to really live there. What he learned still surprised him a bit though:

Not only did they have astronomical prices like he had anticipated, there even were restrictions on buying something there. It was only possible for those with peerage, a special title granted from the Kingdom or an invitation. Otherwise it was impossible to buy a real estate there, not to say access it once owned.

Instead of riding into that direction, Jay got led to the other side. They traveled along the canals until they reached the small island located there and Lorette hinted that this was were the last available property was located on. The security was pretty good and while the buildings were old, none of them looked shabby.

After they passed the small bridge leading over, Lorette continued that in this case the catch was that it was not a mere apartment but a whole house he could buy. The costs were still about the same as the apartment in the Trade District, but higher than all others. While she still explained, they turned left from the main street and then right again until they reached a small plaza. It was there she asked Jay to halt and then jumped from the horse first.

The house Lorette walked to was the one standing directly in the middle, straight opposite to the alley they came from. It was nothing big, only two stores high and with a pointy roof, but from what Jay saw it looked neat and sturdy.

They took the stairs at the side as on the ground floor there was a closed up shop. Once Jay entered and took a step inside the cozy and bigger than expected room, he saw through the window at the far side that the building was located directly at the canals. When he turned around and told Lorette he would take this one, she hinted that he should at least have a thorough look around before he decided.

Doing as she said, Jay looked at every room inside. Aside from the living area they stepped in first, taking up more than half of the apartment, there also was a small restroom around the corner, right next to the kitchen area. A staircase led up to the roof where a spacious bedroom area was located and under it another set of stairs connected the living area to the shop below.

The apartment even had a balcony from where Jay could look at the small yard behind the house where he spotted even a pier with a small rowing boat.

After the two of them took a peek at the dusty and seemingly closed up for a long time shop, Jay finally decided and asked Lorette to prepare the necessary papers and complete the transaction.

While she closed up the house, Jay took a look around and spotted two more shops there, one a tailor and the other a supply goods store. The other houses right next to his soon to be, looked even better tended to than the rest of the island as well, no to talk about the general district.

Once Lorette was done, the two mounted up and rode back towards the bank. As they reached the Trade district, riding became hard again so they walked the rest of the distance.

On the way Jay fetched some skewers from his favorite stall and learned it was hers as well. The strolled the last distance while eating and then entered the bank together. Jay had to at least sign the contract and payment first so she could finish the business.

With that done, Lorette explained that she should manage to get everything ready over night, but Jay explained that he would come back after two days so they could go on another excursion afterwards if she liked. With shining eyes she nodded and stated that not only would the deed be ready, she would free the day for him as well… and the night.

After a short goodbye kiss, Jay left the bank with light steps. It wasn't only due to Lorette's last statement or having bought his first own property, but mostly because of what else was to come this day.

He fetched himself some more snacks from stalls on the way out of the city. Once he passed the outer gate and got a bit away from prying eyes, he concentrated and used teleport towards Gold Creek. Even though he would have liked to reach there in one go, the distance was still to far for his skills Level.

As it was still quite some time to his appointment, Jay decided to first check the Inn and see if he could possibly get a room for the night, even if it felt somewhat insensible. The first one to greet him was Eloise as she was on duty serving the customers. After she did so very skillful, she accompanied Jay over to the bar where she took over pouring drinks from Mia so latter had time for him.

The beautiful elf welcomed him with a small kiss and then first of all thanked him for having Eloise stay there. She was more help than they would ever have guessed and very popular by the guests.

Jay perking up to that didn't escape the sometimes very perceptive Mia and she jokingly added that he didn't need to worry as she still seemed to only have him in her mind and by the way even she herself would defend her.

After a bit of joking, Mia asked why Jay had come back so soon and if he wanted a late lunch. Still hesitant how to ask her, Jay chose the direct approach and explained that Kathariel had asked him out when he was at the garrison. He was going to pick her up later and wanted to use the time until then to meet up with Mia and the rest.

"Took you two long enough…" M.