
There were tears trailing down her cheeks as she hugged her knee to her chest in an attempt to get some warmth despite the cold winter breeze that seemed to be out to make her a frozen icicle.

But this was not the cause of her tears.

It had been two hours now yet she hadn't come back, she promised she'd be back to get her.

She raised her head and looked around - with her brown hair flying all over - for the millionth time, she still couldn't see her.

By now she'd started making pitiful whimpering sounds.

She would have loved to throw a tantrum then maybe she'd come running back as soon as she heard her. But the stupid cold wouldn't let her. Oops she just said a bad word. She always tells her not to say bad words. This was why she loved her mother.

When would she get back? She didn't want to fall asleep on the bench. She wanted to go home where it's warm. With that more tears rolled down her cheeks and heart wrenching sobs shook her frail little body.

Just as her head went light and everything became blurry she heard voices but she couldn't be sure. She saw bright lights and heard beeping sounds but she never heard her mother. A tear trailed down her cheek as darkness overcame her mind.

Author's note

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