I hope you guys enjoy this! Thanks for reading.

Linda's POV

Please don't squeak , please don't squeak. Phew! Didn't. Just a couple more to go. Almost there that's it. 'Squeak' " Just when I got to the last step "

" Nice seeing you too Lindy " Dad says smiling over a cup of coffee while reading a newspaper - possibly the business section.

" This isn't fair I loove wearing hoods to school dad "

" The only reason you loove wearing hoods to school is because you haate the attention." Dad says using air quotes. " So it's back up those stairs for you little lady "

" I don't get why I can't wear the stupid hood to school. " I say still fighting a lost battle .

" Simple answer you need a life " he says without taking his eyes off the newspaper.

" I do have a life " I say pretending to be close to tears.

" Sure you do. Go back up those stairs and come back down looking pretty as a flower "

" So not cool dad "

" Mmhmm " he murmurs taking a sip from the mug he'd earlier dropped. " oh by the way Lindy" .

" Yes dad ? " I say slightly miffed.

" I suggest you hurry you have less than forty minutes to get to school."

I huff and walk off with possible revenge scenarios playing in my mind.

You're probably confused as to what just happened. That beautiful exchange of words you just witnessed between me and my father, Lucas Gail is one of our daily morning rituals which would not be taking place in the first place if he'd just let me wear the hood to school as I've always liked to do. But no sweet o'l dad has this theory that I'm in desperate need of a social life.

Can someone please! tell me again how wearing hoods to school affects ones social life ? I mean I get that most people who hide behind hoods are a bunch of loners but I'm not like that . Come on I have friends - a friend. Fine I am a loner but my dad is not taking my hood away from me. If he does , you're a witness it was self-defense.

Great I'm mentally talking to myself.

I'm not talking to you anymore, not talking to you anymore...still doing it.

I sigh and rush to my dad's car dressed in a high waist trouser and body fitted top. We drive to school in silence .


I have just one class period left then I'm free to find Leah and I sure hope she brought the hooded jacket.

I walk down the hallway - which is always lurking with students - with my head down as I head toward English class. Just as I smile, mentally celebrating having no confrontations whatsoever, I get shoulder bumped, like seriously shoulder bumped and not just shoulder bumped, my things are all over the floor. Just how the hell do I get everything together and still make it to English on time. Wait till I lay my hands on the ass wipe who did...

Oh...oh...oh oh, I think looking up. I'm...so... dead. It's Luke Matthew!

Run and escape only to be beaten another day or plead for mercy making promises to forever be his slave and still get beaten up. Yeah I'm taking the first option.

I quickly jump on my feet hoping to make a beeline for the janitors closet, when I'm suddenly yanked backward by my hair - ouch! this mop of brown hasn't seen a saloon in months. Mind being gentle?

" Doesn't this just bring back old memories love? " Luke drawls in his annoying British accent.

Okay, so you bumped into him on Friday last week, you shouted at him after and might have called him a number of names one of which was an idiotic butthead with an oversized ego. Then you've been avoiding him all week. You can't exactly blame the guy for having a personal vendetta against you.

It wasn't my fault good o'l dad picked that day to make me go to school without a hood. I mean I was angry,we mistakenly shoulder bumped and then I said a bunch of rude words with a huge case of brewing mad spilling over to seal my indefinite death which most possibly might just be today, unless a miracle were to occur.

Or not.

Like seriously!

I feel a sharp pain to my ribs.

This is what happens when you're not paying attention.

Or more likely having a conversation with yourself.

I feel another hit to my face as I fall on my newly bruised rib.

Shut up! other me I do not plan on dying too soon.

" Hey Lukey ... I mean Luke " I quickly correct myself as soon as his blue eyes narrow in a glare.

" So where have you been hiding out bad girl wannabe the janitor's closet? "

Yeah that stopped being funny last week.

Sure when you were screaming while he pounded at the other side of the door. " No no I'm not coming out! I swear I'll kill myself. I'll...ah!!!"

Jeez you are so funny. It was just the janitor.

Not now ever annoying me.

Jeez just making light of the situation.

Eye roll. Yep that just earned me another kick. I wheeze air in and out of lungs. " please don't kill me yet. I still have a lot to live for. "

" You really think you're funny " he says scoffing.

seriously cracking jokes in front of the school bad boy . you really wanna die. Way to go Lindy.

Shut up already!

" You really have a death wish."

What is he besties with my mind now?

Woah that would be cool.

Or not!

Just a joke miss ever annoyingly serious.

Ha! Understatement of the year considering you're always annoying me. Can someone save me now? I mentally plead as I look around the hallway which looks to be deserted but for the three idiotic friends of dear o'l Lukey, Jackey, Russey and Davey .

Probably shouldn't say that out loud.

I know!

A slap sends me sprawled on my back. Yep he said something and I didn't pay any attention. Could this day get any worse?

I think of all his other victims and I'm sure it definitely could.

Just how I question myself does a new transfer student get so popular in a month that he not only gets the right to beat me up but also does it with no consequences to suffer. Highschool sucks. If only wishing it could send him to the darkest part of hell.

Yeah like you said you wish!

" Let's throw her in the trash can " I hear Davey suggest. " that would be fun. "

" Or probably not?" I say out of repulsion.

I move backward as Luke moves towards me.

" I'm gonna shut up! " I yell .

" You know what? Let's dunk her head in the boy's toilet and then throw her in the trash can. " Luke says with a smirk on his face.

" Oh please don't do... " just then the school principal walks in.

" Well if it isn't the four scumbags "

Thank God!

" Principal Daniel I'm so glad to see you. " I say getting up as quick as I can without hurting myself.

" I... don't care " he says stepping forward.

Yeah neither do I just get me out of here!

" Ditching class again are you Mr Matthew and also harassing a fellow student." Principal Daniel takes off his Gucci glasses, cleans it in slow motion style and puts it back on. He draws it down his nose, gives the four scumbags a narrowed look as well as detention. Then breaks into an awesome rendition of "I got the keys"

Just kidding he only gives them detention. But could most definitely pull the other part off with his superstar glasses.

" Now as for you... " he says looking at me. "...come with me. Let's have the school nurse take a look at you, I can't have you bleeding all over my floor. "

Jeez thought it belonged to the school.

As we both walk down the hallway towards the school clinic. I look back one more time to see Luke's blonde hair exiting with the other three idiots.

Saved to die other day. I am one lucky girl.

Author's note

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