Linda's POV

It feels like it has been hours since I called miss drama queen.

Probably due to the fact that you are wearing out the rug with your feet and thinking too hard. It's just been about ten minutes, breath already. It's not like she is actually flash or something.

I roll my eyes and practically start pacing faster if that is even possible that is.

I hear the key turning in the lock and I am doing a happy dance of sorts.

Finally Leah's here!

I run down the flight of stairs hoping to engulf her in a huge hug.

Everything is like in slow motion. I'm like a Knight in shining armor running to save the princess. My feet hit the floor at the same moment the door opens slowly with the creaky sound and I am still running. One foot in the air, one arm stretched out, smiling like I just won an award.

And that is exactly how my dad sees me as soon as he opens the door.

Please someone take a picture

" uhmm... What are you doing? " Dad asks looking confused.

I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

" yoga! I'm doing yoga!" and of course I'm yelling. " You know leg up!" kick my left leg up. " backward stretch! " I stretch my right leg backward.

God I think I'm gonna pull a muscle. Yeah I did

" no song or instructions or something to you know... Guide you "

" of course not. You see ehm I'm ehm just rehearsing what we were taught in physical health today. Yes just rehearsing what we were taught in physical health today. "

"But in front of the door don't you think that's a little extreme. "

" nah it's not the place that matters it's the thought. " I say trying to actually sound and look like a mini sensei .

" yeah I'm going to let you get back to what you were doing. " he says like everything is alright when what he's probably thinking is that I'm all sorts of weird.

" uhm you're back early, I thought you had a lot to do at the office. " I ask hoping to make him forget that I had been embarrassing myself.

" yeah you weren't listening to me earlier. I told I was going to drop some files at the office and come right back. I would have been back earlier but I also had to see to a few other things. "

" you did ? I guess I didn't hear you. " I say smiling sheepishly.

" love are you okay? You just seem out of sorts today. "

" yeah I'm fine guess I had a couple of things on my mind."

" for example that really handsome hunk I hired today"

My eyes widen and I could swear I almost choked on air.

Hunk? Hunk? Luke Matthew is no hunk.

Yeah keep lying to yourself maybe that will kinda make the truth go away.

Fine he is a hunk but he is also a bully and I am so not into those.

" Dad!!!" I say in a whiny voice .

" alright just kidding. " he says laughing.

" like you would actually let me date anyone right now. " I say rolling my eyes.

" of course I won't let you date not until... "

" yeah yeah I get the gist not until I get into a university and the guy meets your approval. "

Dad heads into the kitchen and Leah is still yet to arrive here.

My shoulders slump down and I start heading back up the stairs.

" Linda ?"

" yes dad?"

" no more yoga?"

" yeah I decided to take your advice. The front of the door is definitely not a good place to do yoga. I'm gonna head to my room. "

I hear my dad chuckling to himself.

He knew all along! Of course he did so annoying.

I hear the front door open and close. I quickly turn around.

Finally the person I've been waiting for.

" what took you so long? " I practically yell at Leah .

" sorry I got distracted " she says giggling like it's no big deal.

It's then that I notice the shopping bag she's holding.

" yeah you got distracted. " I say narrowing my eyes at her.

She smiles sheepishly and immediately starts babbling about all the cute outfits she saw at the mall.

" Is she also here to do yoga?" my dad asks from the kitchen.

yep you totally forgot that he was here.

" group work yields better result dad. "

My dad laughs like there is no tomorrow and I have to admit it's a wonderful sound to hear. " have a nice time girls ."

" thank you Daddy " I say in a really girly voice and of course Besty over here is still babbling about her shopping trip quite oblivious the fact that my dad's around.

~ ~ ~

When we get to my room, I notice that Leah is not running off steam anytime soon so I do the next best thing I can so as not to push her out the window.

I scream "shut up!" right next to her ear.

" what was that for? " she asks looking very angry.

" like I said to shut you up."

" You didn't have to shout" she says rubbing her right ear. She sits on my bed still looking pissed .

I feel like laughing but decide against it. If I remember clearly Leah can be a real bitch when it comes to taking revenge.

" are you going to tell me why you called me here or are you going to continue acting like an airhead ?" she says narrowing her eyes at me.

" jeez get over it already. " I say pulling her cheeks.

She starts pouting.

" fine I'm sorry ." I apologize with a sigh.

" how sorry? " she says continuing to pout.

" I'll get you those Gucci glasses you've been admiring. " I say knowing the score.

She smiles brightly. " all is forgiven. Now what is it about Luke? "

" Dad hired Luke as the new gardener and now I think I am in danger of Luke kicking my ass each and every day or worse my dad finding out about everything which has been happening in school. " I say very quickly.

Leah looks speechless and nothing ever makes her speechless. Her jaw drops open." you say what?"

By now I am pacing once again. " oh you didn't hear me. well I said that... "

" no no I heard you. It's just... How the hell did your dad hire the one person that wants to practically kill you ?"

" I don't know!" the tears I refused to shed earlier are rolling down my cheeks like a waterfall.

" we should tell your dad about Luke that way..." she says heading towards the door.

" no no no!" I say dragging her back and running to lean against the door. " that's the thing I don't want him to find out. "

" why! ?" she yells at me with that screechy voice I hate.

" because he would be disappointed in me and I don't want to go through all that again. That feeling of not being good enough. I don't want to feel that way ever again. "

She throws her hands around me and we're both sobbing now. She suddenly sniffs and looks at me, her lips breaking into one of those devious grins that says I have a plan .

" Leah what are you thinking? " I say sounding suspicious.

" instead of waiting for Luke to bring the trouble to you while not serve it cold to him?"

And all I can think of is what the hell is the crazy girl cooking up now?