Linda's POV

" Be brave, be smart, just do what Leah says and everything will be fine. I got this. " With that said, I walk out of the girls restroom with swag in my steps. The beat for "Not today" by BTS automatically playing in my head.

I flip my hair left and right.

You got this girl!

I have most definitely got this!

The beat was coming stronger. I turned to the right and saw Luke and his goons coming towards my direction.

I got this. Luke Matthew? You sure are in for a surprise. I got this.

My heart beat suddenly picked up pace.

I...I got this. I got...

I run back into the restroom taking deep breathes.

I so do not got this. Leah and her stupid plan is so going to get me killed. I'm sorry if I'm acting like a coward but like I once told Luke, I still have a lot to live for! So sorry Lee . This plan's a no no.

I quickly put on my hooded jacket I'd earlier stashed in my bag and wait until the coast is clear.

~ ~ ~

Immediately I appear at the door of my first period class which happens to be English, I start to regret not taking my first option, ditching class.

I'm about to take my leave without being seen when Leah's eyes narrow in my direction.

Great! She's seen me!

I head towards my seat and as soon as I'm seated, Leah turns so quick I almost scream out of shock. Then she doesn't even give me time to recover from that, she's already asking lots of questions not even waiting for me to answer the first. This is certainly what I'd been hoping to avoid.

"Where the hell have you been? Why is your phone switched off ? Why did you miss homeroom? You never miss homeroom. And why can you please tell me is Luke Matthew not looking nervous? Because the last time I saw him. He most definitely didn't look like he was nervous. So can you tell me why? why? why? why? " she concludes hitting me repeatedly on my left arm.

"ouch...ouch...ouch...ouch!" I yelp moving out of her reach.

" come here." she says with a menacing growl.

" no!" I yell.

I notice that she's about standing up from her sit, so I quickly take some steps back and put my hands up in surrender. " fine...fine , I'll answer please don't hurt me."

She sits back down as do I .

It's then I notice the eyes of our classmates on us. I blush out of embarrassment.

While Leah being Leah only rolls her eyes.

" first of all, I have been hiding out in the restroom. "

She sighs loudly.

Yep I'm that pitiful. "And I switched off my phone so you couldn't call."

As soon as I say that, she's back to narrowing her eyes at me. " now why?..."

" I'm not done answering the other questions don't interrupt me." I whisper and move my chair backwards a little bit to give myself room to bolt just in case hurting me happens to cross her mind.

She turns her chair to face mine and leans against her desk. Then crosses her arms over her breasts. " fine continue " she says with a stern look on her face.

" I missed homeroom because I was avoiding Luke and I haven't done what you asked me to." I finish wincing slightly.

" Lindy!!!" Leah purrs in a whiny voice.

" I'm sorry but then you have to accept it your plan's bogus."

" it's not. " she says turning red with anger.

" do you know that when you get mad, your skin actually pronounces the fact that you're Asian?"

she narrows her eyes into slits glaring at me.

" fine let's get back on the subject shall we?" I say also crossing my arm over my breasts. " your plan is bogus. How do you expect to make the king of Silverado nervous talk less of being scared by just smirking at him and acting all high and mighty. The only thing that's gonna get me is my ass getting kicked as soon as he comes over today. " I finish huffing.

" if you'd been listening to me on Friday. You'd have heard me say keep him wondering not scared and that's just the first phase. "

" it's the same thing!" I reply almost yelling.

" no it's not " Leah says lifting her chin.

" but it's the same as making him nervous you have to agree." I say raising an eyebrow.

" you just want me to agree on something with you. "

Now it's my turn to glare at her.

" fine but now can we get back to what we were talking about? " she huffs angrily.

" actually no , we just agreed that your plan is bogus. " I say smiling.

" no we didn't. We agreed that keeping him wondering is the same as making him nervous. " she says like she wants to tear me apart.

" fine!" I say actually yelling and not caring what my classmates think. I breathe in a couple of times

While she smirks like she's won a lottery.

" I don't know how to go about your stupid plan." I say with a bored look on my face.

" like I said before, lose the jacket. " she says tugging it up.

" don't you dare. " I say tugging it back down.

Both of our hands are now on the jacket.

Leah gets this glint in her eyes which sends a shiver down my spine.

"Either you take off this jacket by yourself or I rip it off you as well as part of your skin." she says in between her teeth.

I know my best friend and she will do that.

I take it off faster than Mick Jagger can sing " Brown sugar ".

As soon as it's off. I hear a couple of gasps.

Yeah I know I'm ugly.

But what's shocking is the fact that Leah's mouth is slightly open.

I must really look bad.

She squeals and I'm like what's going on.

" You look amaze . That's the latest design on Chanel. I love it . it's cute. It's knee length and body fitted. It looks great on you totally accentuates your curves. But... " she grabs my left hand with both hands and starts kissing it. " Please...please...please! I'll be your slave for the rest of my life. Just give the gown to me." she says in a rush and blinks at me with the cutest smile but a slight crazed look in her eyes.

I'm still shocked and speechless when Queen bee who I apparently forgot was in my class starts to chuckle.

This is why I hate dressing up . People start laughing at me or want to associate with me and I don't care for either because those who laugh at you are hurting you and they don't care. While those who want to associate with you, tend to leave you hanging. If Esperanza and Leah hadn't stuck by me all these years, they wouldn't be my friends.

" so Linda what're you trying to do. If you think playing dress up's gonna give you some kind of attention. You got only one thing coming and that's disappointment. " She says and immediately starts laughing with Kathy .

I don't plan to answer her so instead just roll my eyes and continue looking forward but my best friend who still believes in the fight against high school bullies, faces the next row and replies instead.

" well sorry miss I just love attention but she's got more class than that so she can't be as shallow as you. After all we got to admit she looks great!" Leah finally says with a grin on her face.

" right on" Bobby Fitzgerald shouts from the front of the class while his buddy Damon hoots repeatedly.

I just smile to myself seeing as Alexia looks like a pot of tea steaming hot.

Kathy tries calming her down "calm down Al we know she's begging for attention from boys."

Alexia smirks looking at me comically.

" actually I think that's your girlfriend over there after all I heard her boyfriend broke up with her." Leah replies also smirking.

Kathy and Alexia sit up straight.

" you don't know what you're talking about. They're only going through a phase in their relationship. " Kathy says trying to defend her friend.

" Not what the gossip mill says. I believe Luke put it this way get yourself another boyfriend. "

" why you... " Kathy says standing up at the same time the bell rings.

" saved by the bell " Leah says with a heated look in her eyes.

And she's so right, nobody messes with Leah . she's got a black belt!!!

Everyone makes their way out of the classroom.

~ ~ ~

" so let me guess, you were there when Luke broke up with Alexia."

" correct. I was having lunch at Starbucks last week Thursday when I happened to come across that little scene. Who knew it would be of use. "

" yeah , I guess."

And Leah being Leah jumps into another topic. " so don't you find it weird that Mr Martin didn't come to class earlier?"

Immediately she says that, all the teachers come out of the gym with a scowling Luke lurking behind them.

He takes sight of me and glares in my direction.

I glare right back .

He looks surprised.

Leah's right her plan might just work.

I take that opportunity to smirk and walk right past him.

" nice job girlfriend. Now it's on to phase two. " Leah says smiling gleefully.

" how is it that Luke was in a teachers meeting? " I ask curiously.

" ah right I almost forgot, he was called to the principal's office immediately after homeroom. Explains why we missed our English lesson. "

I felt a cold feeling run down my spine. " who knows what they could have talked about ."

" In this school we can always find out. One of the teachers will soon start talking about it. Let's go get our books so we can head to chemistry. "

~ ~ ~

We are all seated and Mrs Richards being the punctual teacher that she is arrives on time. Books out , waiting for the usual routine we all sit back on our chairs.

" Now I know you students must be curious as to what the teachers meeting was all about. Well it's really simple actually. Some of your school mates have been performing below the school's expectations. An example being Mr Matthew. " she leans against the desk.

Luke rolls his eyes like it's no big deal.

" and so therefore the school has decided that it might be best if you work in pairs. " she stands straight and moves behind her desk . " There is going to be a process for the selection of your reading partner. " she takes a marker pen and moves toward the board. She scribbles "TEST " on the board which earns some groans from the class. " although this has only added to my working hours, don't you just love tests?" she asks with a wicked grin.

" No! " majority of the class yells.

" Nevertheless you should know that with every test your partner takes and fails you also lose some marks. And by the way all your other teachers will be giving you tests as soon as you enter their classes. I can only tell you that it'll be in your best interest to do them well. " She writes a total of ten questions on the board and asks us to begin.

As soon as Luke sees the questions, he mutters some inaudible words that sound like swearing.

As for me I just smile. This work is baby work.

Author's note

I know we were all expecting to see what the two besties have been planning for Luke in this chapter. But I plan on putting that in the next chapter instead because of an idea that I suddenly had . Hope you love this one though.

Please do remember to vote, comment, share and spread the word Oh and by the way this chapter is dedicated to those readers who've been voting, commenting and sharing . Thank you so much. You guys are awesome!😘